Social Casework MCQ with answers

Social Casework MCQ with answers

Comprehensive collection of Social Casework multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers covering key aspects of this primary method in social work. Test your knowledge and prepare for exams with practice questions on casework theory, techniques, and applications.

Social Casework MCQ with answers

This resource offers a range of multiple-choice questions focusing on Social Casework, covering various subtopics including:

  1. History and development of social casework
  2. Theoretical foundations of casework
  3. Casework process and stages
  4. Assessment and diagnosis in casework
  5. Intervention strategies and techniques
  6. Client-worker relationship in casework
  7. Documentation and record-keeping
  8. Ethical considerations in casework practice
  9. Cultural competence in casework
  10. Specialized casework approaches (e.g., crisis intervention, task-centered)

Each MCQ is accompanied by the correct answer helping students and professionals deepen their understanding of social casework principles and practices. These questions are designed to aid in exam preparation, self-assessment, and ongoing professional development for social workers specializing in casework.


  1. MCQ on Social Casework Practice in Indian Context
  2. MCQ on Social Casework Practice in Indian Context
  3. MCQ on Behavioural Concepts for Understanding the Clients
  4. MCQ on Scope of Social Casework: Nature of the Problems to be Addressed
  5. MCQ on Components of Casework
  6. MCQ on Social Case Work
  7. MCQ on Caseworker Client Relationship and Principles of Casework
  8. MCQ on Supportive Techniques of Helping
  9. MCQ on Social Casework Process
  10. MCQ on Tools of Casework
  11. MCQ on Some Theoretical Approaches in Casework
  12. MCQ on Introduction to Counselling
  13. MCQ on Counselling Process
  14. MCQ on Supportive & Behavioural Techniques in Counselling
  15. MCQ on Cognitive and Psychoanalytical Techniques in Counselling
  16. MCQ on Practical Issues involved in Counselling
  17. MCQ on Interviewing in Social Case Work
  18. MCQ on Interviewing and Communication
  19. MCQ on Interviewing Skills and Techniques
  20. MCQ on Recording and Documentation in Social Case Work


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