Top 20 MCQs on the Emergence and Development of Sociology with Answers and Explanations
Explore the emergence and development of sociology with these 20 insightful MCQs. Perfect for students and enthusiasts, each question comes with detailed answers and explanations.
1. Who is considered the "Father of Sociology"?
a) Karl Marx
b) Max Weber
c) Auguste Comte
d) Emile Durkheim
Answer: c) Auguste Comte
Explanation: Auguste Comte is regarded as the "Father of Sociology" for coining the term and introducing sociology as a systematic study of society.
2. Which term was first used by Auguste Comte to refer to sociology?
a) Social Physics
b) Sociological Science
c) Cultural Studies
d) Societal Analysis
Answer: a) Social Physics
Explanation: Comte initially used the term "Social Physics" before renaming it sociology to describe the scientific study of society.
3. What was the main focus of early sociology?
a) Culture and rituals
b) Industrialization and modernization
c) Rural society
d) Family systems
Answer: b) Industrialization and modernization
Explanation: Early sociology emerged to understand the social changes caused by industrialization and modernization in Europe.
4. In which century did sociology emerge as an academic discipline?
a) 16th century
b) 17th century
c) 18th century
d) 19th century
Answer: d) 19th century
Explanation: Sociology emerged as a distinct academic discipline during the 19th century, particularly in response to social upheavals in Europe.
5. Which sociologist introduced the concept of "social facts"?
a) Max Weber
b) Emile Durkheim
c) Herbert Spencer
d) Auguste Comte
Answer: b) Emile Durkheim
Explanation: Emile Durkheim defined "social facts" as external forces, such as norms and values, that influence individual behavior.
6. What historical event significantly influenced the development of sociology?
a) World War I
b) The Enlightenment
c) The Renaissance
d) The Cold War
Answer: b) The Enlightenment
Explanation: The Enlightenment, with its emphasis on reason and scientific inquiry, laid the groundwork for sociology as a scientific discipline.
7. Who developed the theory of the "Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism"?
a) Karl Marx
b) Emile Durkheim
c) Max Weber
d) Herbert Spencer
Answer: c) Max Weber
Explanation: Max Weber’s theory explains the relationship between Protestant ethics and the rise of modern capitalism.
8. Which sociologist is associated with the concept of "survival of the fittest"?
a) Emile Durkheim
b) Herbert Spencer
c) Karl Marx
d) Max Weber
Answer: b) Herbert Spencer
Explanation: Herbert Spencer applied Darwinian principles to society, coining the term "survival of the fittest" in his sociological work.
9. What is the central concern of sociology as a discipline?
a) Human biology
b) Social behavior and relationships
c) Economic growth
d) Psychological analysis
Answer: b) Social behavior and relationships
Explanation: Sociology focuses on studying social interactions, relationships, structures, and changes within society.
10. Which book by Karl Marx is considered foundational in sociology?
a) The Division of Labor in Society
b) The Protestant Ethic
c) Das Kapital
d) Suicide
Answer: c) Das Kapital
Explanation: Karl Marx’s Das Kapital critiques capitalism and explores the dynamics of class struggle, influencing sociological thought.
11. What does the term "sociological imagination" mean?
a) Analyzing literature sociologically
b) Understanding personal experiences in the context of society
c) Imagining an ideal society
d) Studying myths and legends
Answer: b) Understanding personal experiences in the context of society
Explanation: Coined by C. Wright Mills, sociological imagination connects individual experiences to larger societal structures.
12. Which of the following is NOT a focus of sociology?
a) Social institutions
b) Biological evolution
c) Social norms
d) Social change
Answer: b) Biological evolution
Explanation: Sociology studies social phenomena, while biological evolution is the focus of biology and anthropology.
13. Who introduced the term "Verstehen" in sociology?
a) Karl Marx
b) Emile Durkheim
c) Max Weber
d) Herbert Spencer
Answer: c) Max Weber
Explanation: Max Weber introduced Verstehen, a method of understanding human behavior by putting oneself in another’s position.
14. What is "positivism" in sociology?
a) Studying society through intuition
b) Using scientific methods to study society
c) An optimistic approach to life
d) Rejection of scientific principles
Answer: b) Using scientific methods to study society
Explanation: Positivism, introduced by Auguste Comte, advocates for studying society through observation, experimentation, and logic.
15. Which of the following best describes Emile Durkheim's work?
a) Focus on individual psychology
b) Analysis of class struggles
c) Study of social integration and cohesion
d) Advocacy for capitalism
Answer: c) Study of social integration and cohesion
Explanation: Durkheim’s work emphasized the importance of social integration, evident in his studies on religion and suicide.
16. What is the main focus of Karl Marx’s sociological theory?
a) Social harmony
b) Class conflict
c) Individual agency
d) Technological advancements
Answer: b) Class conflict
Explanation: Marx’s theory highlights the struggle between the bourgeoisie (capitalists) and the proletariat (working class) as central to societal change.
17. Which sociologist compared society to a living organism?
a) Karl Marx
b) Herbert Spencer
c) Max Weber
d) Emile Durkheim
Answer: b) Herbert Spencer
Explanation: Herbert Spencer used the organic analogy to compare society to a living organism, where different parts work together for stability.
18. What is the significance of the French Revolution in the development of sociology?
a) It inspired the study of political science
b) It triggered the study of rapid social change
c) It promoted religious orthodoxy
d) It discouraged academic inquiry
Answer: b) It triggered the study of rapid social change
Explanation: The French Revolution highlighted the need to understand the causes and consequences of social upheavals, fueling the rise of sociology.
19. Which concept is central to Durkheim’s study of suicide?
a) Individual psychology
b) Economic factors
c) Social integration
d) Genetic predisposition
Answer: c) Social integration
Explanation: Durkheim argued that the level of social integration significantly affects suicide rates within a society.
20. What is the significance of "The Division of Labor in Society"?
a) It analyzes capitalism
b) It examines the role of labor in social cohesion
c) It critiques industrialization
d) It promotes social conflict
Answer: b) It examines the role of labor in social cohesion
Explanation: Emile Durkheim’s The Division of Labor in Society explores how specialization and cooperation contribute to societal harmony.