Blocking a wish or desire from expression is termed as
Blocking a wish or desire from expression is termed as
(A) Denial
(B) Repression
(C) Projection
(D) Regression
Correct Answer: (B) Repression
- Repression is a psychological defense mechanism where unacceptable or unpleasant wishes, desires, memories, or thoughts are unconsciously blocked from entering conscious awareness. In simpler terms, it's like the mind pushing unwanted feelings and impulses deep down to prevent them from being expressed or causing distress.
Let's look at why the other options are not the most accurate:
(A) Denial: Denial is refusing to accept reality or facts. While it's also a defense mechanism, it's more about blocking the acceptance of external reality rather than blocking the expression of internal wishes or desires. For example, a person in denial might refuse to believe they have a serious illness, even after diagnosis.
(C) Projection: Projection involves attributing your own unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or desires to someone else. Instead of blocking your own expression, you're misattributing your feelings to another person. For instance, someone who is secretly jealous might accuse their partner of being jealous.
(D) Regression: Regression is reverting to childlike patterns of behavior when faced with stress or anxiety. This is about reverting to an earlier stage of development, not specifically about blocking the expression of a wish or desire. An example is an adult throwing a temper tantrum when they don't get their way.
In summary: Repression is the most fitting answer because it directly describes the unconscious blocking of a wish or desire from being expressed or becoming conscious.