20 Sample Questions and Answers on Marriage and Family

20 Sample Questions and Answers on Marriage and Family

20 Sample Questions and Answers on Marriage and Family

Marriage and family are foundational aspects of society, often studied in sociology, anthropology, and social work. Below are 20 questions, complete with answers, to deepen your understanding of these topics.

1. What is the sociological definition of marriage?

Answer: Marriage is a legally or socially recognized union between individuals that establishes rights and obligations between them, their children, and their in-laws.

2. What are the primary types of marriage?

Answer: The primary types of marriage are:

  • Monogamy: Marriage between two individuals.
  • Polygamy: One individual has multiple spouses.
    • Polygyny: One man, multiple wives.
    • Polyandry: One woman, multiple husbands.

3. What is the nuclear family?

Answer: A nuclear family consists of two parents and their biological or adopted children living together as a single unit.

4. How does a joint family differ from a nuclear family?

Answer: A joint family, also known as an extended family, includes multiple generations living together, such as grandparents, parents, children, and sometimes aunts, uncles, and cousins.

5. What is the importance of family in society?

Answer: Families serve as the primary socialization unit, teaching values, norms, and cultural practices. They provide emotional support, economic stability, and social identity.

6. Define exogamy and endogamy.


  • Exogamy: A rule requiring individuals to marry outside their social group or community.
  • Endogamy: A rule requiring individuals to marry within their social group, caste, or religion.

7. What is the concept of kinship?

Answer: Kinship refers to the social bonds and relationships derived from blood (consanguineal), marriage (affinal), or adoption that define family structures.

8. How does industrialization impact family structure?

Answer: Industrialization has shifted family structures from extended to nuclear due to the need for mobility, employment in urban areas, and individual economic independence.

9. What are the roles of marriage in society?

Answer: Marriage helps regulate sexual behavior, provides a stable environment for child-rearing, establishes economic partnerships, and strengthens social and emotional bonds.

10. What is the legal age of marriage in India?

Answer: The legal age of marriage in India is 18 for women and 21 for men.

11. Explain the concept of arranged marriage.

Answer: Arranged marriage is a system where family or community elders select marital partners based on compatibility factors like caste, religion, and socioeconomic status.

12. What is a live-in relationship?

Answer: A live-in relationship involves a couple living together without being legally married, often to assess compatibility or for personal choice.

13. What is the role of dowry in marriage?

Answer: Dowry involves the transfer of money, goods, or property from the bride's family to the groom’s family, traditionally seen as a marriage custom but often criticized for perpetuating inequality and exploitation.

14. Define single-parent families.

Answer: Single-parent families are headed by one parent, either due to divorce, separation, death of a spouse, or choice.

15. What is the difference between patrilocal and matrilocal residence?


  • Patrilocal: The couple resides with or near the husband’s family after marriage.
  • Matrilocal: The couple resides with or near the wife’s family after marriage.

16. What is cohabitation?

Answer: Cohabitation refers to a couple living together without formalizing their relationship through marriage, often to share financial responsibilities and domestic duties.

17. What are the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ families?

Answer: LGBTQ+ families often face discrimination, lack of legal recognition, societal stigma, and barriers to adoption and surrogacy.

18. How does globalization affect marriage and family?

Answer: Globalization has introduced diverse cultural practices, influenced individual choices, encouraged intercultural marriages, and reshaped traditional family roles.

19. What is the significance of rituals in marriage?

Answer: Marriage rituals symbolize unity, commitment, and the blending of two families. They reinforce cultural identity and traditions.

20. How does divorce impact children?

Answer: Divorce can affect children emotionally, academically, and socially, leading to anxiety, adjustment challenges, and a potential loss of financial stability. However, a healthy co-parenting approach can mitigate negative effects.

These questions and answers provide a foundational understanding of marriage and family, suitable for students, social work professionals, or anyone interested in these vital aspects of human society.


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