2024 SCO Summit Explained in 10 Easy MCQs

2024 SCO Summit Explained in 10 Easy MCQs

Test your knowledge! Conquer these 10 MCQs and master the 2024 SCO Summit in Astana. Understand key topics like member countries, focus areas, and summit significance. Answers included! (SCO Summit, 2024, Security Cooperation)

  1. What city in Kazakhstan is hosting the 2024 SCO Summit?

    • (a) Almaty
    • (b) Astana ✅
    • (c) Shymkent
    • (d) Nur-Sultan
  2. How many member states currently belong to the SCO?

    • (a) 6
    • (b) 8 ✅
    • (c) 10
    • (d) 12
  3. The SCO primarily focuses on cooperation in which area?

    • (a) Trade and Investment
    • (b) Security and Defense Cooperation ✅
    • (c) Environmental Sustainability
    • (d) Cultural Exchange
  4. Which of these is NOT a founding member of the SCO?

    • (a) Kazakhstan
    • (b) Kyrgyzstan
    • (c) Tajikistan
    • (d) India ✅ (India joined later)
  5. What is a likely major theme discussed at the 2024 SCO Summit?

    • (a) Global Economic Recovery
    • (b) Countering Terrorism and Extremism ✅
    • (c) Space Exploration Initiatives
    • (d) Climate Change Action
  6. The SCO Secretary-General position is held by:

    • (a) A permanent appointee
    • (b) The leader of the host nation
    • (c) A rotating representative from member states ✅
    • (d) Public vote
  7. Why is the 2024 SCO Summit significant?

    • (a) It marks the admission of new member states.
    • (b) It's the first summit after a long hiatus.
    • (c) It provides a platform for addressing regional challenges. ✅
    • (d) It focuses solely on bilateral relations.
  8. The SCO does NOT promote:

    • (a) Regional peace and stability
    • (b) Cultural and people-to-people exchanges
    • (c) Economic development within the region
    • (d) A formal military alliance ✅
  9. Which statement about India's participation in the SCO is MOST likely true?

    • (a) India is a founding member.
    • (b) India seeks to strengthen regional security cooperation. ✅
    • (c) India can negotiate a free trade agreement at the summit.
    • (d) India aims to promote its cultural influence solely in Central Asia.
  10. What does SCO stand for?

    • (a) South Asian Cooperation Organization
    • (b) Shanghai Cooperation Organization ✅
    • (c) Southeast Asian Community
    • (d) Southern Cone Common Market


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