20 Multiple Choice Questions on Denial: Test Your Psychology Knowledge

20 Multiple Choice Questions on Denial: Test Your Psychology Knowledge

Explore the complex concept of denial in psychology with our comprehensive quiz. This set of 20 expertly crafted multiple choice questions covers various aspects of denial, including its role as a defense mechanism, its impact on mental health, and its manifestations in different contexts. Challenge your understanding of psychological theories, from Freudian psychoanalysis to modern cognitive approaches. Perfect for psychology students, mental health professionals, and anyone interested in human behavior. Test your knowledge, learn new insights, and deepen your understanding of this crucial psychological concept

1. What is denial in psychological terms?

A) A coping mechanism that rejects reality to avoid dealing with painful thoughts or feelings

B) A conscious decision to ignore facts

C) A form of aggressive behavior

D) A type of memory loss

Answer: A

2. Which defense mechanism is most closely related to denial?

A) Projection

B) Regression

C) Repression

D) Rationalization

Answer: C

3. In the Kübler-Ross model of grief, at which stage does denial typically occur?

A) First stage

B) Third stage

C) Last stage

D) It's not part of the model

Answer: A

4. What is the term for denial that affects a large group or society?

A) Mass hysteria

B) Collective denial

C) Group think

D) Social anxiety

Answer: B

5. Which psychological theory first introduced the concept of denial?

A) Behaviorism

B) Cognitive psychology

C) Psychoanalysis

D) Humanistic psychology

Answer: C

6. What is "denial of death" as proposed by Ernest Becker?

A) A refusal to accept one's own mortality

B) A fear of ghosts

C) A type of near-death experience

D) A form of suicide ideation

Answer: A

7. In addiction recovery, what does "breaking through denial" typically involve?

A) Physical detox

B) Accepting the reality of one's addiction

C) Changing one's social circle

D) Starting medication

Answer: B

8. What is "denialism" in relation to science?

A) A systematic rejection of scientific evidence

B) A healthy skepticism of new theories

C) A method of scientific inquiry

D) A type of scientific hypothesis

Answer: A

9. Which of these is NOT a common form of climate change denial?

A) Trend denial

B) Attribution denial

C) Impact denial

D) Solution denial

Answer: D

10. What is "anosognosia" in neurological terms?

A) A type of brain tumor

B) A lack of awareness of one's own disability

C) A form of memory loss

D) A sleep disorder

Answer: B

11. In psychoanalytic theory, what is the primary function of denial?

A) To enhance reality testing

B) To protect the ego from anxiety or pain

C) To improve social relationships

D) To increase cognitive abilities

Answer: B

12. What is "denial of service" in the context of computer security?

A) Refusing to provide tech support

B) An attack that makes a system unavailable to users

C) A software bug that causes system crashes

D) A method of data encryption

Answer: B

13. Which philosopher is known for the concept of "bad faith," similar to self-denial?

A) Friedrich Nietzsche

B) Jean-Paul Sartre

C) Immanuel Kant

D) John Locke

Answer: B

14. What is "river denial" a metaphor for?

A) Refusing to accept climate change

B) Ignoring pollution in waterways

C) A psychological state of constant denial

D) Denying the existence of natural disasters

Answer: C

15. In cognitive dissonance theory, how does denial relate to conflicting beliefs?

A) It resolves the conflict by accepting both beliefs

B) It eliminates one belief to reduce discomfort

C) It creates new beliefs to explain the conflict

D) It has no relation to cognitive dissonance

Answer: B

16. What is "pseudologia fantastica"?

A) A type of hallucination

B) A form of pathological lying often involving denial

C) A rare sleep disorder

D) A method of dream interpretation

Answer: B

17. In the context of abuse, what is "DARVO"?

A) A type of restraining order

B) A psychological assessment tool

C) Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender

D) A form of couple's therapy

Answer: C

18. What is "denial of service of the self" in psychology?

A) Self-sabotage

B) Extreme altruism

C) A form of meditation

D) A type of eating disorder

Answer: A

19. In the stages of change model, at which stage is denial most prominent?

A) Precontemplation

B) Contemplation

C) Preparation

D) Action

Answer: A

20. What is "denialism" in historical contexts often associated with?

A) Rewriting of historical narratives

B) Preservation of ancient artifacts

C) Archaeological excavations

D) Genealogical research

Answer: A


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