India's Gender Inequality in 2024

India's Gender Inequality in 2024

India's ranking of 138th out of 146 countries in the 2024 Global Gender Gap Index highlights significant gender disparities. These gaps across economic participation, education, health, and political empowerment continue to hinder the nation's progress. This summary explores key findings, regional comparisons, and implications of gender inequality, providing essential insights for students preparing for competitive examinations.

Key Points

Main Issue

  1. Persistent Gender Inequality:
    • India ranks 138th out of 146 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index 2024.
    • Significant disparities exist in economic participation, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment.

Why It Is in the News

  1. Recent Findings and Reports:
    • The 2024 edition of the Global Gender Gap Index highlights ongoing gender disparities.
    • India's performance has shown minimal improvement in some areas, while stagnating or worsening in others.

Significance of the Issue

  1. Economic and Social Impacts:
    • Gender inequality hinders economic growth and societal development.
    • Addressing these disparities is crucial for overall national progress.

Important Points to Remember with Facts and Figures

  • Economic Participation and Opportunity:

    • India scores 39.89, ranking 142nd among 146 countries.
    • Factors: Low female labor force participation, fewer women in managerial positions, wage gaps, lack of pay parity.
  • Educational Attainment:

    • India ranks 112th in educational attainment.
    • Progress: 96.4% of the educational gender gap has been closed.
  • Health and Survival:

    • India ranks 142nd in the health and survival sub-index.
    • Health and Survival Score: 0.951, indicating 95.1% of the gender gap has been closed.
  • Political Empowerment:

    • Significant gaps exist, although specific rankings are not detailed.
  • Regional Comparisons:

    • India ranks 7th out of 8 South Asian regions.
    • Comparatively worse than neighbors like Bangladesh, which ranks 99th globally.
  • Economic Implications:

    • Gender inequality impacts economic growth negatively.
    • Comprehensive measures are needed across various dimensions to reduce gender gaps.


Understanding India's gender inequality is crucial for addressing the underlying issues that hinder economic and social development. This summary provides essential insights and key facts to help students prepare for competitive examinations and informed discussions on this important topic.


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