India's Gender Inequality in 2024: Economic and Social Challenges Explained

India's Gender Inequality in 2024: Economic and Social Challenges Explained

In 2024, India ranks 138th out of 146 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index. Persistent gender disparities across economic participation, education, health, and political empowerment continue to hinder India's progress. This blog explores the key findings, regional comparisons, and implications of gender inequality, providing essential insights for students preparing for competitive examinations.

Understanding India's Gender Inequality

Q1: What is the Global Gender Gap Index?

A: The Global Gender Gap Index, introduced in 2006, measures gender parity in economic participation, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment.

Q2: What is India's rank in the 2024 Global Gender Gap Index?

A: India ranks 138th out of 146 countries, indicating substantial gender disparities.

Q3: What are the components of the Global Gender Gap Index?

A: The Index consists of four sub-indices: economic participation and opportunity, educational attainment, health and survival, and political empowerment.

Economic Participation and Opportunity

Q4: How does India perform in economic participation and opportunity? 

A: India scores 39.89, ranking 142nd among 146 countries in this sub-index.

Q5: What factors contribute to India's low ranking in economic participation? 

A: Contributing factors include low female labor force participation, fewer women in managerial positions, wage gaps, and lack of pay parity.

Educational Attainment

Q6: How is India ranked in educational attainment? 

A: India ranks 112th in educational attainment.

Q7: What progress has India made in closing the educational gender gap? 

A: India has closed 96.4% of the educational gender gap.

Health and Survival

Q8: Where does India stand in health and survival rankings? 

A: India ranks 142nd in the health and survival sub-index.

Q9: What is India's Health and Survival Score?

A: India's score is 0.951, meaning it has closed 95.1% of the gender gap in health and survival.

Political Empowerment

Q10: How is India's performance in political empowerment?

A: Although specific rankings for political empowerment aren't detailed, significant gender gaps exist in this area.

Regional Comparisons and Implications

Q11: How does India compare with its South Asian neighbors?

A: India ranks 7th out of 8 South Asian regions, performing worse than countries like Bangladesh, which ranks 99th globally.

Q12: What are the economic implications of gender inequality in India? 

A: Gender inequality hampers economic growth and societal development, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions.

Addressing Gender Inequality

Q13: What measures can India take to reduce gender inequality?

A: Comprehensive measures are needed across education, health, economic participation, and political representation to effectively reduce gender gaps.

Q14: Has India made any progress in closing the gender gap? 

A: Despite some improvements, particularly in economic participation, significant gender gaps remain, and progress is slow.

This FAQ blog provides students preparing for competitive examinations with a succinct overview of the current state of gender inequality in India and its broader economic and social implications. Understanding these issues is crucial for comprehensive exam preparation and informed discussions. 


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