Daily Current Affairs Blog: June 25, 2024

Daily Current Affairs Blog: June 25, 2024

 Daily Current Affairs Blog: June 25, 2024

  1. Tamil Nadu Illicit Liquor Tragedy
  2. UNESCO Report on Educational Deficiencies
  3. India's First Underground Coal Gasification Pilot Project
  4. UN Global Principles for Information Integrity
  5. Pakistani Delegation Inspects Hydroelectric Projects Under the Indus Water Treaty
  6. Fourth Tranche of the Auction of Critical and Strategic Minerals
  7. Renaming Kerala State
  8. Philippines and BrahMos Missiles
  9. Javelin Anti-Tank Weapon System
  10. Central Civil Services (Leave) (Amendment) Rules, 2024
  11. Oath of Members of Parliament
  12. Front-running in financial markets
  13. Scheme for Partial Reimbursement of Exploration Expenses
  14. Srinagar is recognized as a World Craft City.

Comprehensive summaries of key national and international developments across politics, economy, science, and culture.

Tamil Nadu Illicit Liquor Tragedy

Brief Overview: A tragedy in Tamil Nadu has claimed more than 50 lives due to methanol poisoning from illicitly produced hooch or spurious liquor.

Why is it in the news? The incident has highlighted the dangers of illegal alcohol production and consumption.

Key Points:

  • Hooch is a term for poor-quality alcohol, often containing methanol (wood alcohol).
  • Methanol ingestion can cause blindness or death, even in small quantities.
  • Regulatory frameworks exist, including the Food Safety and Standards Regulations 2018.
  • Some states have prohibited the sale of alcoholic drinks, including methyl alcohol.

Historical Background: Methanol poisoning incidents have occurred periodically in India, leading to stricter regulations and prohibitions in some states.

Tags: social issues, health, law, and order

UNESCO Report on Educational Deficiencies

Brief Overview: UNESCO, in collaboration with the OECD and the Commonwealth Secretariat, released a report analyzing the economic and societal costs of educational deficiencies.

Key Findings:

  • Out-of-school children and educational gaps cost the global economy $10 trillion annually.
  • 250 million children and young people globally remain out of school.
  • 57% of the world's children have not gained basic skill levels.
  • Reducing early school leavers by 10% could boost annual GDP growth by 1-2 percentage points.


  • Improve school infrastructure.
  • Promote the health and mental well-being of students.
  • Enhance vocational education and training.

Historical Context: Education was declared a "universal human right" in 1948, and SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive and quality education for all.

Tags: Education, Global Development, Social Policy

India's First Underground Coal Gasification Pilot Project

Brief Overview: The Ministry of Coal has initiated India's first-ever pilot project for underground coal gasification in Jharkhand.

Why is it in the news? This initiative aims to revolutionize the coal industry by using in-situ coal gasification.

Key Points:

  • Coal gasification converts underground coal into valuable gases like methane and hydrogen.
  • Advantages include access to economically unviable coal resources and reduced fuel import dependency.
  • Concerns include a lack of technology for India's low-grade coal and environmental issues.

Historical context: India aims for 100 million tons of coal gasification by 2030 under the National Coal Gasification Mission.

Tags: Energy, Technology, Environment

UN Global Principles for Information Integrity

Brief Overview: The United Nations has unveiled a set of five global principles to combat online misinformation and disinformation.

Why is it in the news? Misinformation and disinformation have been identified among the top five global risks in 2024.

Key Points:

  • The principles offer a framework to guide multi-stakeholder action.
  • Recommendations for various stakeholders, including technology companies, AI actors, the news media, and political actors
  • Aims to address harm caused by false information on digital platforms.

Historical context: The rise of digital platforms and AI has led to an unprecedented volume and spread of misinformation.

Tags: Technology, Media, Global Governance

Pakistani Delegation Inspects Hydroelectric Projects Under the Indus Water Treaty

Brief Overview: A Pakistani delegation arrived to inspect the Kishenganga and Ratle Hydroelectric Projects under the Indus Water Treaty (IWT).

Why is it in the news? The inspection is part of ongoing discussions and dispute resolution mechanisms under the IWT.

Key Points:

  • The IWT was signed in 1960 between India and Pakistan.
  • Allocates Western Rivers to Pakistan and Eastern Rivers to India
  • Provides a three-step dispute resolution mechanism.
  • Disagreements relate to the design features of the hydroelectric projects.

Historical Context: The IWT has been a source of both cooperation and conflict between India and Pakistan since its inception.

Tags: International Relations, Water Resources, Energy

Fourth Tranche of the Auction of Critical and Strategic Minerals

Brief Overview: The Ministry of Mines has launched the fourth tranche of auctions for critical and strategic minerals.

Why is it in the news? 21 critical mineral blocks containing various minerals will be auctioned.

Key Points:

  • Critical minerals are essential for modern technologies and at risk of supply chain disruptions.
  • India identified 30 strategically important critical minerals in 2023.
  • Significance includes economic growth, clean energy, and national security.
  • Concerns about the concentration of extraction in a few geographical locations

Historical context: India has been working to secure its critical mineral supply chains through various initiatives and partnerships.

Tags: mining, economy, strategic resources

Renaming Kerala State

Brief Overview: The Kerala Assembly has passed a resolution to rename the state 'Keralam'.

Why is it in the news? This move highlights the process of renaming states in India.

Key Points:

  • Renaming of states is governed by Article 3 of the Constitution
  • Requires a bill in Parliament, recommendation from the President, and views from the state legislature
  • Changes are recorded in the First and Fourth Schedule of the Constitution

Historical Context: Several Indian states have been renamed since independence, reflecting linguistic and cultural aspirations.

Tags: Polity, State Affairs, Culture

Philippines and BrahMos Missiles

Brief Overview: The Philippines Ambassador stated that BrahMos missiles offer a "credible defense" for the Southeast Asian country.

Why is it in News: This statement highlights the growing strategic partnership between India and the Philippines in defense technology.

Key Points about Philippines:

  • Island country in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean
  • Bordered by the Philippine Sea, Celebes Sea, Sulu Sea, and South China Sea
  • Highest point: Mount Apo
  • Major rivers: Cagayan River, Mindanao, Agusan
  • Climate: Tropical and monsoonal

Historical Context: The Philippines has been seeking to modernize its military capabilities in recent years, particularly in response to regional security challenges.

Tags: International Relations, Defense, Geography

Javelin Anti-Tank Weapon System

Brief Overview: India and the US held discussions on the co-production of American Javelin missiles in India.

Why is it in News: This potential collaboration signifies deepening defense ties between India and the United States.

Key Points:

  • World's premier single man-portable medium-range anti-tank weapon system
  • Uses fire-and-forget principle, allowing gunner to take cover after launch
  • Can be safely fired from inside buildings or bunkers

Historical Context: The Javelin system has been used effectively in various conflicts and is considered a game-changer in anti-tank warfare.

Tags: Defense Technology, International Cooperation

Central Civil Services (Leave) (Amendment) Rules, 2024

Brief Overview: The Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions has notified new leave rules for central government employees.

Key Amendments:

  • Maternity leave of 180 days for surrogate and commissioning mothers with less than two surviving children
  • 15 days of paternity leave for commissioning fathers within six months of child's birth
  • First time rules have been introduced for surrogacy-related leave

Historical Context: These amendments reflect evolving social norms and recognition of diverse family structures in government policies.

Tags: Governance, Social Policy, Labor Rights

Oath of Members of Parliament

Brief Overview: Newly elected Members of Parliament (MPs) of the 18th Lok Sabha have started taking their oath of office.

Key Points:

  • Oath is required to debate and vote in Parliament
  • Governed by Article 99 of the Constitution
  • Oath forms provided in the Third Schedule
  • Can be taken in English or any of the 22 Scheduled languages

Historical Context: The oath-taking process is a crucial constitutional requirement that has been followed since the inception of the Indian Parliament.

Tags: Polity, Parliamentary Affairs

Front Running in Financial Markets

Brief Overview: A Mutual Fund was alleged to have engaged in front-running practices.

Key Points:

  • Front running involves using non-public information to trade securities ahead of substantial orders
  • Illegal in India and undermines confidence in financial markets
  • SEBI amended regulations in 2022 to counter front running in mutual funds

Historical Context: Front running has been a persistent issue in financial markets globally, leading to increased regulatory scrutiny and penalties.

Tags: Finance, Market Regulation, Economic Crime

Scheme for Partial Reimbursement of Exploration Expenses

Brief Overview: The Ministry of Mines unveiled a scheme to partially reimburse exploration expenses for holders of Exploration Licenses (EL).

Key Points:

  • Aims to provide reimbursement from the National Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET)
  • Eligible for EL holders granted under section 10BA of MMDR Act
  • NMET established in 2015 to expedite mineral exploration in India

Historical Context: This scheme is part of ongoing efforts to boost mineral exploration in India and reduce dependency on mineral imports.

Tags: Mining, Economic Policy, Resource Management

Srinagar Recognized as World Craft City

Brief Overview: Srinagar has been recognized as a 'World Craft City' by the World Crafts Council.

Why is it in News: This recognition is expected to boost the handloom and handicraft sector in the region.

Key Points:

  • World Craft City (WCC) program launched in 2014
  • Establishes a network of craft cities globally
  • Recognizes the role of local authorities, craftspeople, and communities in cultural and economic development

Historical Context: Srinagar has a rich history of traditional crafts, including Pashmina shawls, papier-mâché, and intricate woodwork.

Tags: Culture, Tourism, Economic Development


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