15 Must-Know MCQs to Test Your Knowledge on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

15 Must-Know MCQs to Test Your Knowledge on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

Assess your understanding of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women with these 15 engaging multiple-choice questions. Challenge yourself and gain valuable insights into the global movement against gender-based violence.
  1. 1-What is the significance of November 25? a. World Health Day
    b. International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
    c. International Women's Day
    d. Global Human Rights Day
    Answer: b

  2. 2-When was the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women first observed? a. 1990
    b. 2000
    c. 1981
    d. 1999
    Answer: a

  3. 3-Which organization is actively involved in promoting the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women? a. United Nations
    b. World Health Organization
    c. Greenpeace
    d. Amnesty International
    Answer: a

  4. 4-The date of November 25 was chosen to commemorate which historical event? a. Women's Suffrage Movement
    b. Declaration of Human Rights
    c. Mirabal Sisters' Tragedy
    d. Seneca Falls Convention
    Answer: c

  5. 5-What color is commonly associated with the campaign against gender-based violence on this day? a. Blue
    b. Purple
    c. Red
    d. Green
    Answer: b

  6. 6-Which of the following is a primary focus of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women? a. Climate Change
    b. Economic Development
    c. Gender-Based Violence
    d. Space Exploration
    Answer: c

  7. 7-Who were the "Mirabal Sisters" in relation to this day? a. Founders of a women's shelter
    b. Victims of gender-based violence
    c. Pioneers of women's education
    d. Women's rights activists
    Answer: b

  8. 8-What is the theme for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in 2023? a. Breaking the Silence
    b. Orange the World
    c. Stop the Violence
    d. Empower Women
    Answer: a

  9. 9-Which region has the highest prevalence of violence against women, according to global statistics? a. North America
    b. Europe
    c. Sub-Saharan Africa
    d. Asia-Pacific
    Answer: c

  10. 10-In addition to physical violence, the International Day also addresses which other forms of violence? a. Cyberbullying
    b. Verbal Abuse
    c. Economic Violence
    d. All of the above
    Answer: d

  11. 11-What campaign encourages people to "Orange the World" on November 25? a. HeForShe
    b. Say NO to Violence
    c. 16 Days of Activism
    d. Break the Chain
    Answer: c

  12. 12-Which Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is directly related to the aim of eliminating violence against women? a. SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
    b. SDG 5: Gender Equality
    c. SDG 10: Reduced Inequality
    d. SDG 13: Climate Action
    Answer: b

  13. 13-What role does the "Orange the World" campaign play in the fight against violence on this day? a. Raises awareness
    b. Provides financial aid
    c. Advocates for policy change
    d. All of the above
    Answer: d

  14. 14-Which document, adopted in 1993, is often referred to in discussions about women's rights and violence prevention? a. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
    b. Convention on the Rights of the Child
    c. Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action
    d. Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women
    Answer: d

  15. 15-How long does the "16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence" campaign last, which begins on November 25? a. 16 days
    b. 1 month
    c. 2 weeks
    d. 3 months
    Answer: a


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