Which social stratification system was favored in feudal Europe and the American south before the civil war?

Which social stratification system was favored in feudal Europe and the American south before the civil war?

 Answer: Estate system


The estate system was a social stratification system favored in feudal Europe and the American South before the Civil War. It was a hierarchical system based on land ownership and social status. The three main estates were the clergy, the nobility, and the commoners.

In feudal Europe, the clergy was at the top of the social hierarchy. They were responsible for providing religious services and education. The nobility was next in the hierarchy. They were landowners and warriors. The commoners were at the bottom of the hierarchy. They were farmers, artisans, and merchants.

In the American South before the Civil War, the estate system was similar, but with a key difference: the existence of slavery. The white planter class was at the top of the social hierarchy. They owned large plantations and enslaved people to work them. The enslaved people were at the bottom of the social hierarchy. They had no rights and were treated as property.

The estate system was a closed system, meaning that it was difficult to move up or down the social hierarchy. Social status was determined by birth, and there was little opportunity for social mobility.


  • A. Caste system: A caste system is a social stratification system in which people are born into a specific social group and cannot move to another group. The caste system is found in some societies in India and other parts of the world.
  • B. Class system: A class system is a social stratification system in which people are ranked according to their wealth, income, and occupation. Class systems are found in many societies around the world, including the United States.
  • C. Meritocracy: A meritocracy is a social stratification system in which people are ranked according to their skills and abilities. Meritocratic systems are often idealized, but they are rarely found in reality.
  • D. Estate system: An estate system is a social stratification system based on land ownership and social status. It was favored in feudal Europe and the American South before the Civil War.


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