Test your knowledge with these 25 MCQ: Fundamental Human Rights and Duties

Test your knowledge with these 25 MCQ: Fundamental Human Rights and Duties

Test your knowledge with these 25 MCQ: Fundamental Human Rights and Duties 

1. What are fundamental human rights? A. Basic rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of nationality, gender, or ethnicity B. Rights granted by the government C. Rights reserved for specific social or economic groups D. Rights only applicable during emergencies Answer: A

2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the United Nations in which year? A. 1948 B. 1956 C. 1965 D. 1972 Answer: A

3. Which right ensures the protection of individuals from torture or inhuman treatment? A. Right to life B. Right to freedom of speech C. Right to be free from torture D. Right to education Answer: C

4. Freedom of speech and expression is a fundamental right under which category? A. Civil and political rights B. Social and economic rights C. Cultural rights D. Environmental rights Answer: A

5. Which right ensures the right to work in just and favorable conditions? A. Right to education B. Right to work C. Right to social security D. Right to leisure Answer: B

6. Right to education is recognized as a fundamental right in which major international document? A. Universal Declaration of Human Rights B. Convention on the Rights of the Child C. International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights D. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women Answer: C

7. What does the right to privacy protect? A. Personal and private information of individuals B. Freedom of speech C. Right to work D. Right to housing Answer: A

8. What is the right to participate in government often referred to as? A. Right to vote B. Right to privacy C. Right to education D. Right to leisure Answer: A

9. Which fundamental right ensures the right to an adequate standard of living? A. Right to life B. Right to social security C. Right to freedom of speech D. Right to education Answer: B

10. The right to health is categorized under which type of rights? A. Economic, social, and cultural rights B. Civil and political rights C. Cultural rights D. Environmental rights Answer: A

11. Which fundamental right ensures the right to an adequate standard of living, including food, clothing, and housing? A. Right to work B. Right to social security C. Right to freedom of speech D. Right to adequate standard of living Answer: D

12. The right to equality before the law and equal protection of the law is a fundamental right under which category? A. Civil and political rights B. Economic, social, and cultural rights C. Cultural rights D. Environmental rights Answer: A

13. What does the right to freedom of assembly and association ensure? A. The right to form associations and gather peacefully B. The right to free speech C. The right to privacy D. The right to housing Answer: A

14. The right to nationality is a fundamental right under which category? A. Civil and political rights B. Economic, social, and cultural rights C. Cultural rights D. Environmental rights Answer: A

15. Which fundamental right ensures the right to protection of one's cultural identity? A. Right to cultural identity B. Right to religious freedom C. Right to social security D. Right to work Answer: A

16. The right to fair and public hearing is a fundamental right under which category? A. Civil and political rights B. Economic, social, and cultural rights C. Cultural rights D. Environmental rights Answer: A

17. The right to vote and be elected is a fundamental right under which category? A. Civil and political rights B. Economic, social, and cultural rights C. Cultural rights D. Environmental rights Answer: A

18. Which fundamental right ensures the right to not be subjected to torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment? A. Right to life B. Right to work C. Right to protection from torture D. Right to education Answer: C

19. The right to an effective remedy is a fundamental right under which category? A. Civil and political rights B. Economic, social, and cultural rights C. Cultural rights D. Environmental rights Answer: A

20. Which fundamental right ensures the right to take part in the cultural life of the community? A. Right to cultural participation B. Right to religious freedom C. Right to social security D. Right to work Answer: A


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