Provided 20 MCQ on Recovery Planning

Provided 20 MCQ on Recovery Planning

Provided 20 MCQ on Recovery Planning

1. What is the primary objective of recovery planning in the aftermath of a disaster? A. Identifying potential future disaster risks B. Assessing the immediate needs of disaster survivors C. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state or better D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: C

2. Which phase of disaster management includes recovery planning activities? A. Preparedness B. Mitigation C. Response D. Recovery Answer: D

3. What does the term "build back better" mean in the context of recovery planning? A. Reconstructing infrastructure to a pre-disaster state B. Reconstructing infrastructure to be more resilient and sustainable than before C. Prioritizing economic recovery over social recovery D. Rebuilding infrastructure quickly with minimal investment Answer: B

4. What is the role of a recovery planner in disaster recovery efforts? A. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors B. Developing and coordinating recovery strategies and plans C. Conducting damage assessments immediately after a disaster D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: B

5. In recovery planning, what does "community engagement" refer to? A. Involving the community in the decision-making process for recovery efforts B. Building new communities in safer locations after a disaster C. Providing temporary shelters to disaster survivors D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: A

6. What is the primary focus of economic recovery in a disaster recovery plan? A. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors B. Rebuilding the economy and restoring businesses C. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: B

7. In recovery planning, what is the primary goal of the housing recovery phase? A. Identifying potential future disaster risks B. Rebuilding and providing safe and sustainable housing for disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state Answer: B

8. What is the primary role of a recovery coordinator in disaster recovery efforts? A. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors B. Coordinating and overseeing the recovery process C. Conducting damage assessments immediately after a disaster D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: B

9. In recovery planning, what does "resilience" refer to? A. The ability to recover quickly after a disaster B. Identifying potential future disaster risks C. Building infrastructure to withstand future disasters D. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors Answer: C

10. What is the primary objective of environmental recovery in a disaster recovery plan? A. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state B. Rebuilding the economy and restoring businesses C. Rehabilitating the natural environment and ecosystems D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: C

11. In recovery planning, what is the primary goal of the public health recovery phase? A. Identifying potential future disaster risks B. Restoring and ensuring the health and well-being of disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding infrastructure to a pre-disaster state Answer: B

12. What does "resettlement" refer to in the context of disaster recovery planning? A. Relocating disaster survivors to safer areas B. Identifying potential future disaster risks C. Rebuilding the economy and restoring businesses D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: A

13. What is the primary focus of social recovery in a disaster recovery plan? A. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state B. Rebuilding the economy and restoring businesses C. Rehabilitating social services and community support systems D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: C

14. In recovery planning, what does "capacity building" refer to? A. Enhancing the disaster response capacity of communities and organizations B. Identifying potential future disaster risks C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors Answer: A

15. What is the primary objective of cultural recovery in a disaster recovery plan? A. Identifying potential future disaster risks B. Preserving and restoring cultural heritage and traditions C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding infrastructure to a pre-disaster state Answer: B

16. What does "restoration of services" mean in the context of recovery planning? A. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state B. Rebuilding the economy and restoring businesses C. Rehabilitating essential services such as water, electricity, and healthcare D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: C

17. In recovery planning, what is the primary goal of infrastructure recovery? A. Identifying potential future disaster risks B. Rebuilding and restoring critical infrastructure such as roads and bridges C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state Answer: B

18. What is the primary focus of educational recovery in a disaster recovery plan? A. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state B. Rebuilding the economy and restoring businesses C. Rehabilitating educational institutions and providing access to education D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: C

19. In recovery planning, what does "sustainable recovery" mean? A. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state B. Rebuilding the economy and restoring businesses in a sustainable manner C. Rehabilitating environmental and social systems D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: B

20. What is the primary objective of technological recovery in a disaster recovery plan? A. Identifying potential future disaster risks B. Rebuilding and restoring technological infrastructure and systems C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state Answer: B

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