30 MCQ on Women in Unorganized Sector

30 MCQ on Women in Unorganized Sector

30 MCQ on Women in Unorganized Sector 

1. The term "unorganized sector" refers to: A. Small and medium-sized enterprises B. Large-scale industries and corporations C. Informal and unregulated economic activities D. Government-run enterprises Answer: C

2. In the unorganized sector, women often work in which type of jobs? A. High-paying managerial positions B. Formal and well-structured jobs C. Temporary, low-paid, and insecure jobs D. Skilled professions Answer: C

3. The majority of women in the unorganized sector are engaged in: A. Professional services B. Manufacturing and construction C. Public administration D. Financial sector Answer: B

4. Women in the unorganized sector often lack access to: A. Basic education B. Health insurance C. Work-life balance D. Flexible working hours Answer: B

5. In the unorganized sector, women are particularly vulnerable to: A. High wages and salary disparity B. Occupational health hazards C. Access to formal banking services D. Access to pension and retirement benefits Answer: B

6. The majority of women in the unorganized sector work as: A. Entrepreneurs and business owners B. Daily wage laborers C. Corporate executives D. Government employees Answer: B

7. Women in the unorganized sector often face challenges related to: A. Equal pay and job opportunities B. Work-life balance and flexible hours C. Occupational safety and health D. Access to subsidized housing Answer: C

8. The unorganized sector is characterized by: A. Strong government regulations and oversight B. Informality, lack of legal protection, and irregular income C. Equal opportunities for all workers D. High levels of job security Answer: B

9. What is a common form of informal employment for women in the unorganized sector? A. Seasonal agricultural work B. High-skilled professional work C. Regular and well-structured jobs D. Government employment Answer: A

10. Women's participation in the unorganized sector is often driven by: A. Choice and preference for informal work B. Lack of education and skills C. Government regulations promoting informal employment D. Availability of well-paying formal jobs Answer: B

11. The informal and unorganized sector often lacks: A. Access to credit and financial services B. Gender parity in wages C. Occupational health and safety regulations D. Employee benefits and incentives Answer: A

12. Women's roles in the unorganized sector can include: A. Leadership and managerial positions B. Skilled and highly specialized professions C. Home-based work and family-based businesses D. Government-appointed roles Answer: C

13. In the unorganized sector, women often work without: A. Any job satisfaction B. Job security and contracts C. Discrimination based on gender D. Any supervision or direction Answer: B

14. Women in the unorganized sector often experience challenges related to: A. Access to paid maternity leave B. Gender parity in wages C. Access to formal education and training D. Equal representation in trade unions Answer: A

15. Women in the unorganized sector often lack: A. Entrepreneurial skills and abilities B. Access to government welfare schemes C. Flexibility in work hours and conditions D. Opportunities for skill development Answer: B

16. The informal economy, where many women in the unorganized sector work, is often referred to as: A. Blue-collar sector B. Grey economy C. Green economy D. White-collar sector Answer: B

17. Women in the unorganized sector often face challenges in accessing: A. Equal job opportunities B. Affordable healthcare services C. Executive and managerial roles D. Advanced technological training Answer: B

18. The unorganized sector is a significant contributor to a country's: A. Formal economy B. Inflation rate C. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) D. Public infrastructure Answer: C

19. Women's involvement in home-based work and cottage industries is a characteristic of the: A. Organized sector B. Unorganized sector C. Public sector D. Non-profit sector Answer: B

20. In the unorganized sector, women's work is often characterized by: A. Stable and predictable income B. Seasonal and irregular income C. Fixed working hours D. Long-term contracts Answer: B

21. The lack of formal contracts in the unorganized sector leads to challenges related to: A. Occupational health and safety B. Job satisfaction C. Equal opportunities D. Skill development Answer: A

22. Self-help groups (SHGs) are often established to empower women in the unorganized sector by: A. Providing access to credit and training B. Offering high-paying job opportunities C. Encouraging women to work in the organized sector D. Promoting informal employment Answer: A

23. Women in the unorganized sector often face social stigma due to: A. Their high levels of education B. Working outside the home C. Equal job opportunities D. Access to formal financial services Answer: B

24. The absence of legal protections and social security in the unorganized sector leads to: A. Greater job satisfaction B. Increased entrepreneurial spirit C. Higher levels of vulnerability D. Equal opportunities Answer: C

25. Women in the unorganized sector are often engaged in activities such as: A. Telecommuting and remote work B. Agricultural and allied activities C. Corporate management and decision-making D. Government administration Answer: B

26. In the unorganized sector, women often lack access to: A. Maternity benefits and paid leave B. Flexible work hours C. Occupational safety and health regulations D. Entrepreneurial opportunities Answer: A

27. Women working in the unorganized sector often face difficulties in: A. Balancing work and family responsibilities B. Accessing high-quality healthcare C. Obtaining formal education D. Advancing their careers through promotions Answer: A

28. The unorganized sector is characterized by a lack of: A. Employment opportunities for women B. Government oversight and regulation C. Skills and talent among the workforce D. Variability in income and wages Answer: B

29. In the unorganized sector, women often lack representation in: A. Trade unions and labor organizations B. Educational institutions C. Political decision-making bodies D. Entrepreneurial ventures Answer: A

30. Women's participation in the unorganized sector often leads to: A. Economic growth and poverty reduction B. Decreased gender disparities in formal employment C. Increased government regulation and oversight D. Equal representation in the organized sector Answer: A


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