25M MCQ on History of Social Work Practicum: Development of Field Education

25M MCQ on History of Social Work Practicum: Development of Field Education

 25 MCQ on History of Social Work Practicum: Development of Field Education

1. The beginnings of structured field education in social work can be traced back to which decade? a) 1890s b) 1920s c) 1950s d) 1980s Answer: a) 1890s

2. The "Nashville Conference" in 1912 marked a significant milestone in the history of social work education. What did it emphasize? a) The need for standardized curriculum in social work education b) The importance of theoretical knowledge over practical experience c) The role of technology in social work practice d) The exclusion of field education from social work programs Answer: a) The need for standardized curriculum in social work education

3. The "Ellen Gates Starr Fellowship" was established in 1920 to support what aspect of social work education? a) Field training and research b) Theoretical studies c) Administrative skills d) Advocacy efforts Answer: a) Field training and research

4. The emergence of the "Survey Movement" in social work education during the early 20th century aimed to: a) Conduct comprehensive studies of social conditions to inform social work practice b) Standardize social work curriculum across all universities c) Eliminate the need for practical training d) Focus solely on academic research Answer: a) Conduct comprehensive studies of social conditions to inform social work practice

5. The "Moss Report" in 1929 highlighted the importance of what element in social work education? a) Field instruction b) Theoretical courses c) Administrative procedures d) Ethical guidelines Answer: a) Field instruction

6. The first "Conference on Field Work in Social Work Education" was held in which year? a) 1923 b) 1935 c) 1948 d) 1962 Answer: a) 1923

7. The "Milwaukee Project" in the 1930s focused on what aspect of social work education? a) Incorporating community organization and advocacy into field education b) Eliminating field education from the curriculum c) Exclusively emphasizing individual casework in field training d) Standardizing theoretical knowledge across universities Answer: a) Incorporating community organization and advocacy into field education

8. The "Hartford-Gallaudet Model" in the 1940s emphasized field instruction in social work education for what population? a) Deaf individuals b) Children c) Elderly d) Homeless individuals Answer: a) Deaf individuals

9. The 1952 "Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)" policy statement emphasized: a) The integration of field practice with academic coursework b) The exclusion of field practice from social work education c) The dominance of theoretical courses in social work programs d) The prohibition of field training Answer: a) The integration of field practice with academic coursework

10. The "Competency-Based Approach" in field education emerged during which era? a) 1970s b) 1980s c) 1990s d) 2000s Answer: a) 1970s

11. The 1994 "Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards" by CSWE reinforced the importance of: a) Outcome-oriented field education with a focus on competencies b) Theoretical knowledge above practical experience c) Exclusion of field instruction from social work programs d) Narrow specialization in field training Answer: a) Outcome-oriented field education with a focus on competencies

12. The "Signature Pedagogy" in social work education refers to: a) The characteristic ways social work is taught, learned, and practiced in field education b) The predominant focus on theoretical knowledge in social work programs c) The elimination of field practice in social work curriculum d) The emphasis on historical events in social work education Answer: a) The characteristic ways social work is taught, learned, and practiced in field education

13. The "Global Field Education" movement gained momentum during which decade? a) 2000s b) 1990s c) 1980s d) 2010s Answer: a) 2000s

14. The advent of technology has influenced field education by: a) Enhancing field supervision through virtual platforms b) Replacing field practice with online courses c) Decreasing the importance of field instruction d) Eliminating the need for field agencies Answer: a) Enhancing field supervision through virtual platforms

15. The "Fourth Wave of Field Education" emphasizes: a) Diverse perspectives and intersectionality in field instruction b) Exclusion of certain populations from field education c) Overemphasis on administrative aspects of social work d) Standardization of field education across universities Answer: a) Diverse perspectives and intersectionality in field instruction

16. Who is considered a pioneer in the early development of the field practicum in social work education? a) Jane Addams b) Mary Richmond c) Florence Hollis d) Harry Hopkins Answer: a) Jane Addams

17. The "Charity Organization Societies" (COS) in the late 19th and early 20th centuries emphasized: a) Scientific philanthropy and individual casework in field practice b) Community organizing and group work in field practice c) Exclusion of field practice from social work education d) Advocacy for theoretical knowledge in social work education Answer: a) Scientific philanthropy and individual casework in field practice

18. The "Settlement House Movement" in the late 19th century, exemplified by Hull House, emphasized: a) Engaging in direct social work practice and community involvement in field education b) Strict theoretical training in social work education c) Exclusion of field practice from the curriculum d) Narrow specialization in field training Answer: a) Engaging in direct social work practice and community involvement in field education

19. The establishment of the "Smith College School for Social Work" in 1918 played a significant role in: a) Shaping the structure and content of social work education, including field practicum b) Excluding field instruction from social work programs c) Promoting theoretical knowledge over practical experience d) Eliminating the need for field agencies Answer: a) Shaping the structure and content of social work education, including field practicum

20. The development of "Generalist Social Work Education" aimed to prepare students for: a) Diverse roles and populations in the field of social work b) Specialized roles in social work c) Administrative positions in social work agencies d) Theoretical research in social work Answer: a) Diverse roles and populations in the field of social work

21. The "Titicut Conference" in 1958 highlighted the need for: a) Improved coordination between social work schools and field agencies b) Elimination of field education from social work programs c) Strict adherence to theoretical knowledge in social work d) Privatization of social work education Answer: a) Improved coordination between social work schools and field agencies

22. The development of the "Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)" in 1952 aimed to: a) Establish standards for social work education, including field instruction b) Eliminate field education from social work programs c) Promote only theoretical courses in social work education d) Narrow the scope of social work practice Answer: a) Establish standards for social work education, including field instruction

23. The "Radical Casework Approach" during the 1970s emphasized: a) Social change and structural interventions in field practice b) Exclusion of field practice from the curriculum c) Narrow specialization in field training d) Theoretical knowledge over practical experience Answer: a) Social change and structural interventions in field practice

24. The "Community Organizing Model" in the 1980s focused on: a) Empowering communities and advocating for social justice in field practice b) Strict theoretical training in social work c) Limiting interactions with clients in field practice d) Eliminating the need for field agencies Answer: a) Empowering communities and advocating for social justice in field practice

25. The emergence of "Distance Education" in the late 20th century influenced field education by: a) Offering flexibility in field practicum through online platforms b) Excluding field practice from the curriculum c) Limiting access to field agencies d) Decreasing the importance of field instruction Answer: a) Offering flexibility in field practicum through online platforms

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