25 MCQ on Gender and Development

25 MCQ on Gender and Development

25 MCQ on Gender and Development 

1. Gender and Development (GAD) aims to: A. Address the needs of a specific gender B. Promote gender equality and social justice C. Segregate roles based on gender D. None of the above Answer: B

2. The term "gender" refers to: A. Biological differences between men and women B. Socially constructed roles, behaviors, and expectations associated with being male or female C. Occupational differences between men and women D. None of the above Answer: B

3. Gender mainstreaming involves: A. Focusing exclusively on women's issues B. Integrating a gender perspective in all policies and programs C. Excluding men from the development process D. None of the above Answer: B

4. Gender-based violence includes: A. Discrimination based on gender B. Economic disparities between men and women C. Any act that results in physical, sexual, or psychological harm or suffering based on gender D. None of the above Answer: C

5. Empowerment of women involves: A. Providing women with dominant roles in society B. Enhancing women's ability to make strategic life choices C. Excluding women from decision-making processes D. None of the above Answer: B

6. The "Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action" was adopted during: A. The Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995) B. The United Nations General Assembly (New York, 2000) C. The International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo, 1994) D. None of the above Answer: A

7. The gender gap in education refers to: A. The difference in literacy rates between men and women B. The difference in enrollment and access to education between men and women C. The difference in educational attainment between different genders D. None of the above Answer: B

8. The term "gender roles" refers to: A. Specific tasks and responsibilities assigned to individuals based on their biological sex B. Equal sharing of household chores between men and women C. Flexibility in societal expectations related to gender D. None of the above Answer: A

9. "Triple burden" in the context of gender and development refers to: A. The burden of household chores, paid work, and societal expectations faced by women B. The burden of financial responsibilities, family expectations, and career aspirations faced by men C. The burden of educational attainment, gender roles, and social stigma faced by children D. None of the above Answer: A

10. The gender pay gap is a result of: A. Discrimination based on gender in the workplace B. Equal opportunities for men and women C. Equal educational attainment D. None of the above Answer: A

11. Gender-responsive budgeting focuses on: A. Allocating a specific budget for women only B. Analyzing and reflecting gender considerations in budgeting processes and policies C. Reducing the overall budget for gender-related programs D. None of the above Answer: B

12. Gender-sensitive indicators in development projects are used to: A. Measure the impact of projects on different genders B. Allocate resources based on gender C. Segregate genders in project implementation D. None of the above Answer: A

13. The "Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)" had a specific goal related to gender equality, which was to: A. Eliminate gender discrimination B. Achieve gender parity in primary education C. Allocate equal budget for men and women D. None of the above Answer: B

14. The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) related to gender equality is: A. SDG 2 B. SDG 5 C. SDG 7 D. None of the above Answer: B

15. The "glass ceiling" is a term used to describe: A. Invisible barriers that prevent women from rising to top positions in organizations B. Equal opportunities for career advancement for both genders C. The physical barrier to entry for women in certain professions D. None of the above Answer: A

16. The "Feminization of Poverty" refers to: A. The increasing participation of women in the workforce B. The disproportionate number of women living in poverty compared to men C. The equal distribution of poverty among genders D. None of the above Answer: B

17. Gender-responsive governance aims to: A. Ensure that women hold a majority of government positions B. Integrate gender perspectives into governance processes and institutions C. Provide separate governance structures for men and women D. None of the above Answer: B

18. The concept of "gendered division of labor" refers to: A. Equal distribution of work between men and women B. The assignment of different roles and tasks to men and women in society C. The eradication of traditional gender roles in the workforce D. None of the above Answer: B

19. The "Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)" is an international treaty that: A. Promotes equal pay for equal work B. Addresses discrimination against women in various spheres of life C. Advocates for the eradication of discrimination against men D. None of the above Answer: B

20. "Intersectionality" in gender studies refers to: A. The study of multiple intersecting identities such as gender, race, and class B. The study of a single aspect of identity in isolation C. The exclusion of diverse identities in academic discourse D. None of the above Answer: A

21. The term "patriarchy" refers to: A. A system where women hold dominant positions in society B. A system of social organization where men hold primary power and predominate in roles of leadership C. A system where both genders hold equal power and influence D. None of the above Answer: B

22. "Gender-responsive disaster risk reduction" aims to: A. Exclude women from disaster risk reduction initiatives B. Incorporate gender perspectives in disaster risk reduction policies and actions C. Provide separate disaster risk reduction plans for men and women D. None of the above Answer: B

23. The term "toxic masculinity" refers to: A. Masculine behaviors that are harmful to individuals and society B. Positive and healthy expressions of masculinity C. An academic theory with no practical implications D. None of the above Answer: A

24. The term "cisgender" refers to individuals who: A. Identify with a gender that matches their sex assigned at birth B. Identify with a different gender than their sex assigned at birth C. Identify with multiple genders D. None of the above Answer: A

25. The "HeForShe" campaign encourages: A. Women to support each other in their careers B. Men and boys to advocate for gender equality C. Only men to advocate for gender equality D. None of the above Answer: B


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