20 must know MCQ on Physical Recovery and Reconstruction

20 must know MCQ on Physical Recovery and Reconstruction

20 must know MCQ on Physical Recovery and Reconstruction

1. What is the primary goal of physical recovery and reconstruction after a disaster? A. Restoring the affected community's infrastructure and physical assets B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Identifying potential future disaster risks Answer: A

2. In the context of disaster recovery, what does "built environment" refer to? A. The man-made physical surroundings, including buildings, roads, and infrastructure B. The natural environment, including forests, rivers, and ecosystems C. The social and cultural aspects of a community D. The economic systems and structures within a community Answer: A

3. What is the primary role of a physical recovery coordinator in disaster recovery efforts? A. Coordinating and overseeing the physical recovery and reconstruction process B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Conducting damage assessments immediately after a disaster D. Coordinating international relief efforts Answer: A

4. What does "resilient construction" mean in the context of physical recovery and reconstruction? A. Building structures that can withstand future disasters and shocks B. Quickly reconstructing buildings with minimal investment C. Providing temporary shelters to disaster survivors D. Rebuilding infrastructure to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

5. In physical recovery and reconstruction, what is the primary goal of transportation recovery? A. Restoring and improving transportation systems to support recovery efforts B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding transportation systems to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

6. What is the primary objective of housing recovery in physical recovery and reconstruction? A. Rebuilding and providing safe and sustainable housing for disaster survivors B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

7. In physical recovery and reconstruction, what does "recovery zoning" refer to? A. Designating specific zones for disaster recovery and reconstruction efforts B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Identifying potential future disaster risks Answer: A

8. What is the primary focus of infrastructure recovery in physical recovery and reconstruction? A. Rebuilding and restoring critical infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and utilities B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Restoring affected communities to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

9. In physical recovery and reconstruction, what does "reconstruction" refer to? A. Rebuilding and restoring the physical structures and systems that were damaged or destroyed B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Identifying potential future disaster risks Answer: A

10. What does "hazard-resistant construction" mean in the context of physical recovery and reconstruction? A. Building structures that are resistant to specific hazards such as earthquakes or floods B. Quickly reconstructing buildings with minimal investment C. Providing temporary shelters to disaster survivors D. Rebuilding infrastructure to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

11. In physical recovery and reconstruction, what is the primary goal of energy recovery? A. Restoring and improving energy systems to support recovery efforts B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding energy systems to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

12. What is the primary objective of water and sanitation recovery in physical recovery and reconstruction? A. Restoring and improving water and sanitation systems to support recovery efforts B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding water and sanitation systems to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

13. In physical recovery and reconstruction, what does "adaptive reuse" refer to? A. Repurposing existing buildings or structures for a new use B. Quickly reconstructing buildings with minimal investment C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Identifying potential future disaster risks Answer: A

14. What does "urban regeneration" mean in the context of physical recovery and reconstruction? A. The process of revitalizing and improving urban areas affected by a disaster B. Quickly reconstructing buildings with minimal investment C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding infrastructure to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

15. In physical recovery and reconstruction, what is the primary goal of telecommunications recovery? A. Restoring and improving telecommunications systems to support recovery efforts B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding telecommunications systems to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

16. What is the primary focus of environmental recovery in physical recovery and reconstruction? A. Restoring and rehabilitating the natural environment and ecosystems B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding environmental systems to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

17. In physical recovery and reconstruction, what does "coastal defense" refer to? A. Implementing measures to protect coastal areas from natural hazards like storm surges B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding infrastructure to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

18. What does "brownfield redevelopment" mean in the context of physical recovery and reconstruction? A. Reusing previously developed sites, often contaminated, for new purposes B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding infrastructure to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

19. In physical recovery and reconstruction, what is the primary goal of agricultural recovery? A. Restoring and improving agricultural systems to support recovery efforts B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding agricultural systems to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

20. What does "cultural heritage preservation" mean in the context of physical recovery and reconstruction? A. Preserving and restoring cultural heritage sites and artifacts after a disaster B. Providing immediate medical care to disaster survivors C. Coordinating international relief efforts D. Rebuilding infrastructure to a pre-disaster state Answer: A

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