10 MCQs on Social Facts, the Division of Labor, and Anomie

10 MCQs on Social Facts, the Division of Labor, and Anomie

  1. Which of the following is NOT one of Émile Durkheim's major contributions to sociology?

    • A. Social facts
    • B. The division of labor
    • C. Anomie
    • D. The functionalist perspective
    • Answer: D. The functionalist perspective
  2. What is the definition of a social fact, according to Émile Durkheim?

    • A. A phenomenon that exists independently of individuals
    • B. A phenomenon that is caused by individuals
    • C. A phenomenon that is shared by all members of a society
    • D. A phenomenon that is unique to a particular society
    • Answer: A. A phenomenon that exists independently of individuals
  3. What is the division of labor?

    • A. The process by which tasks are specialized and assigned to different individuals or groups
    • B. The process by which individuals become more interdependent
    • C. The process by which societies become more complex
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: D. All of the above
  4. What is anomie?

    • A. A state of normlessness
    • B. A state of social disorganization
    • C. A state of social conflict
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: A. A state of normlessness
  5. Which of the following is an example of anomic suicide?

    • A. A soldier who commits suicide during wartime
    • B. A farmer who commits suicide due to crop failure
    • C. A student who commits suicide due to academic failure
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: D. All of the above
  6. Which of the following is NOT an example of mechanical solidarity?

    • A. A small, tightly-knit community
    • B. A society with a strong sense of shared values
    • C. A society with a high degree of social inequality
    • D. A society with a strong sense of collective conscience
    • Answer: C. A society with a high degree of social inequality
  7. Which of the following is NOT an example of organic solidarity?

    • A. A large, complex society
    • B. A society with a high degree of specialization
    • C. A society with a strong sense of interdependence
    • D. A society with a weak sense of collective conscience
    • Answer: D. A society with a weak sense of collective conscience
  8. What is the relationship between social facts and individual actions, according to Émile Durkheim?

    • A. Social facts are the product of individual actions
    • B. Individual actions are the product of social facts
    • C. Social facts and individual actions are mutually exclusive
    • D. Social facts and individual actions are interrelated
    • Answer: D. Social facts and individual actions are interrelated
  9. What is the main purpose of sociology, according to Émile Durkheim?

    • A. To understand the nature of social facts
    • B. To explain the causes of social problems
    • C. To develop solutions to social problems
    • D. All of the above
    • Answer: D. All of the above
  10. What is the most famous work of Émile Durkheim?

    • A. The Division of Labor in Society
    • B. Suicide
    • C. The Rules of Sociological Method
    • D. The Elementary Forms of Religious Life
    • Answer: B. Suicide

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