10 MCQs on the Emergence of Freudian Theory (1895)
10 MCQs on the Emergence of Freudian Theory (1895)
Learn about the key concepts of Freudian theory, such as the unconscious, the id, the ego, the superego, free association, dream interpretation, transference, resistance, and the psychosexual stages of development. Test your knowledge with these 10 MCQs, and learn more about the history and development of one of the most influential psychological theories of all time.
Here are 10 MCQs with answers on the emergence of Freudian theory (1895):
- Which of the following books was published in 1895 by Sigmund Freud and Josef Breuer?
- A. The Interpretation of Dreams
- B. Studies in Hysteria
- C. The Psychopathology of Everyday Life
- D. Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality
- Correct Answer: B. Studies in Hysteria
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the part of the mind that is aware of thoughts, feelings, and sensations?
- A. The unconscious
- B. The conscious
- C. The id
- D. The ego
- Correct Answer: B. The conscious
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the part of the mind that is responsible for reality testing and mediating between the id and the superego?
- A. The unconscious
- B. The conscious
- C. The id
- D. The ego
- Correct Answer: D. The ego
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the part of the mind that is the repository of our basic instincts and drives?
- A. The unconscious
- B. The conscious
- C. The id
- D. The superego
- Correct Answer: C. The id
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the process by which repressed memories and emotions are brought into consciousness?
- A. Free association
- B. Dream interpretation
- C. Transference
- D. Resistance
- Correct Answer: A. Free association
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the process by which the therapist helps the patient to understand and interpret their dreams?
- A. Free association
- B. Dream interpretation
- C. Transference
- D. Resistance
- Correct Answer: B. Dream interpretation
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the process by which the patient transfers their feelings and emotions onto the therapist?
- A. Free association
- B. Dream interpretation
- C. Transference
- D. Resistance
- Correct Answer: C. Transference
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the patient's unconscious resistance to the therapeutic process?
- A. Free association
- B. Dream interpretation
- C. Transference
- D. Resistance
- Correct Answer: D. Resistance
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the psychosexual stages of development?
- A. The oral stage
- B. The anal stage
- C. The phallic stage
- D. All of the above
- Correct Answer: D. All of the above
- What is the term used by Freud to describe the Oedipus complex, which is the child's sexual desire for the opposite-sex parent?
- A. The oral stage
- B. The anal stage
- C. The phallic stage
- D. The Oedipus complex
- Correct Answer: D. The Oedipus complex
I hope these MCQs help you to learn more about the emergence of Freudian theory in 1895.