10 MCQ on Components of Administration
Here are 10 multiple-choice questions on the components of administration, with answers:
Which of the following is not a component of administration? (a) Planning (b) Organizing (c) Leading (d) Controlling (e) Evaluating
- Answer: (e) Evaluating
Planning is the process of: (a) Setting goals and objectives (b) Developing a strategy to achieve those goals (c) Executing the strategy (d) Evaluating the results (e) All of the above
- Answer: (e) All of the above
Organizing is the process of: (a) Grouping tasks and activities into departments or units (b) Assigning tasks and responsibilities to individuals (c) Providing resources to individuals and departments (d) All of the above
- Answer: (d) All of the above
Leading is the process of: (a) Motivating and inspiring individuals and groups (b) Communicating effectively with individuals and groups (c) Building relationships with individuals and groups (d) All of the above
- Answer: (d) All of the above
Controlling is the process of: (a) Setting standards of performance (b) Measuring actual performance against standards (c) Taking corrective action when necessary (d) All of the above
- Answer: (d) All of the above
Which of the following is not a function of management? (a) Planning (b) Organizing (c) Leading (d) Controlling (e) Budgeting
- Answer: (e) Budgeting
Which of the following is not a principle of management? (a) Unity of command (b) Span of control (c) Decentralization (d) Delegation (e) Scalar principle
- Answer: (e) Scalar principle
Which of the following is not a type of organization? (a) Line organization (b) Functional organization (c) Divisional organization (d) Matrix organization (e) Project organization
- Answer: (a) Line organization
Which of the following is not a management style? (a) Autocratic (b) Democratic (c) Participative (d) Laissez-faire (e) Bureaucratic
- Answer: (e) Bureaucratic
Which of the following is not a management tool? (a) Budget (b) Chart (c) Graph (d) Report (e) Policy
- Answer: (e) Policy