Concept of Human Values

Concept of Human Values


  1. Introduction 
  2. Nature of human values
  3. Prominent human values 
  4. Functions of human values 
  5. Importance of human values in business organization


Like all other living things on this planet, humans have some sort of values that they aspire to. The persistent difference in this case is the nomenclature used to refer to these values. Human ethical and moral values are just one possible example. Human values are the most crucial of these three. These values are ingrained in every person, and each person's character reflects these values. These are formalized in a number of laws, declarations, discussions, meetings, conventions, etc. Consequently, human rights are supported and protected. The universal recognition of these human values and the encouragement of their practical application have been the first and most significant steps taken by many nations around the world. The immediate goal of all these initiatives is the psychological and physical integration of every person, and the long-term objective is the inculcation of positive attitudes, ways of thinking, and behaviors. These efforts also use these universal human values as the cornerstone for the establishment of friendly human relationships, with an emphasis on mutual respect for those values. Human values are therefore that motivating force that pushes us to act morally, especially in times of conflict, so that we can avoid having a bad attitude when dealing with confrontational situations.

Meaning of Human Values

Human values can be characterized as the convictions, standards, and rules that a person adheres to as a guide for their daily activities. These human values are a crucial aspect of what makes people human. Humans are like flowers without fragrance when these values are absent. These fundamental human values form the foundation of most professional ethics. These values are a set of behavioral norms that people choose to follow in order to uphold interpersonal relationships, seen from a societal perspective. Human values are essential for preserving peace and safeguarding society in the modern era. The practical application of human values helps society maintain morality. Human beings can coexist peacefully with others by connecting personal relationships and human values.

Nature of human values

I. Human values are universal:

The nature of human values is universal. Every human being shares these values, regardless of their religion, caste, creed, culture, nationality, or history. Here are some examples of the most important human values:
  • Imbibe civility in nature. 
  • Giving respect to others. 
  • Having honesty in behavior. 
  • Developing a habit of sharing among individuals. 
  • Develop loyalty, solidarity and fairness in behavior. 
  • Establish a feeling of brotherhood, friendship, empathy, love and compassion for others. 
  • Inculcating openness, listening, welcoming, acceptance, recognition and appreciation in nature

II. Human values and culture:

Culture is specifically affected by human values. Each culture that has survived has developed its own set of morals, ethics, and ethos. In nations like India and Japan, value systems take center stage in all activities, even those carried out by commercial enterprises. Having a good relationship with other people and acting empathetically toward them are highly regarded behaviors. Contrarily, socially unacceptable behavior is always frowned upon and penalized by society. As a result, culture encourages the development of moral principles in people.

III. Implantation of Human values:

The first stages of instilling human values start in a person's childhood. Parents impart these values to their children, and these values are further ingrained throughout the child's upbringing. As the child develops through the stages of development, they gain more knowledge of these values from their peer groups, teachers, elders, leaders, and society as a whole. Honesty, self-control, love, peace, justice, civility, loyalty, appreciation of and openness to the environment are among the values that are taught. Additionally, it is better for human values to prioritize individual interests over collective ones. People who uphold exceptional human values are frequently regarded and admired. It is typically evident in society for those who are supported in their professions, such as teachers, doctors, and lawyers, who are seen as having high moral and ethical standards for their line of work. Positive values are discouraged in society while these kinds of noble human values are strongly encouraged.

IV. Peace is promoted by human values.

By instilling higher human values, it is possible to create an environment that promotes peace and prosperity. People can better appreciate and show respect for the peaceful relationship among individuals by ingraining such finer human values. In the end, prosperity is brought about by putting human values into practice. These principles can therefore serve as a motivating force for peace. Additionally, by incorporating these values into interpersonal interactions, people will be able to communicate with one another more effectively. If these values are better cultivated by leaders into the organizational culture, it will undoubtedly strengthen the basis of the workplace as far as business organizations are concerned. e. The organization would experience peace and prosperity thanks to a solid integration of its human resources.

V. Human values promote personal development:.

Human values are very significant from the perspective of promoting personal development. The most important thing is to concentrate on developing your own personality. The first and most important thing to take care of is having a thorough understanding of oneself. For the simple reason that we all have role models who influence our thinking, there are many situations in today where many people depend on others to follow their ideas in order to be successful. However, there is still a slight difference in how different people approach problems. The fundamental principles of Indian education place a strong emphasis on the development and advancement of the individual. Since it is the oldest system in the world, the Indian education system possesses unique characteristics that are unmatched anywhere else.

VI. Human values, ethical values, and moral values are distinct from one another.

Even though three of them belong to the same broad category of value system, they do differ on a very slight level. While moral values are actually the same, moralizing rhetoric is not well received today, while ethical values can be categorized as respectful behavior toward other human beings, plants, and animals without harming them. Human values, on the other hand, are seen more as fostering a positive outlook that is directly related to behavior.

Prominent human values

The following categories can be used to group some of the most important human values: 
  • 1. Genuine: One should feel genuine compassion for others. For those around you, behavior should be sincere, friendly, and heartfelt. A person's feelings should be such that others can truly feel them. 
  • 2. Modesty: One must be modest in their behavior. A sense of superiority shouldn't exist within anyone. Nature's modesty and humanity have a much longer-lasting effect on people. 
  • 3. Self-Respect: A person should strive to be someone who others respect and turn to for advice. one who never prioritizes material success over their own moral principles. Never let anyone dissuade you from acting in a morally and socially appropriate manner. 
  • 4. Reasonability: Thinking must be rational. Your core beliefs should be such that they cannot be easily swayed by the opinions of others. Be logical in your comparisons of events, behaviors, people, etc. Avoid letting bias or emotion cloud your judgment. 
  • 5. Being courteous means acting with others with consideration at all times. Even if those around you don't, always act politely. 
  • 6. Corrupt: One should choose a firm strategy for hiding their personal values. Don't allow external forces to corrupt you. The outside world must be made aware that you are not someone whose moral principles and actions can be sold. 
  • 7. Civility: Being polite requires a strong sense of civic duty. Understanding appropriate social behavior and showing consideration for others is crucial. 8. Wisdom: Knowledge is important, but wisdom is even more crucial. One should make an effort to comprehend people's true natures and use wisdom for the benefit of humanity as a whole.
  • 9. Wholesome: One should be conducive of not only physical wellbeing but also psychological as well as spiritual wellbeing also. One must be completely attentive and active while interacting with others. 
  • 10. Charity: Establishing a feeling of empathetic and compassionate behavior towards others helps the individual to grow his/her personality. Learn to extend a helping hand towards other even though they themselves are not able to help you.

Functions of human values 

Different characteristics make up values. The majority of the values we acquire early in life come from family, friends, relatives, schools, the media, and other social institutions. These values later become ingrained in our personalities. Most of the people we interact with uphold and share these values. It may be general or specific to a particular person. It might vary from one culture to another. One person might value aggression, another might feel the opposite, and a third might pay little attention to this aspect overall, leading to divergent opinions on a single issue of concern. One society might value personal success the way the USA does, while another might place more of an emphasis on family support and unity the way India does. While holistic and spiritual development may be the aim of some societies, the values of hard work and individual achievement are frequently associated with individual capitalist societies. Human values therefore perform a variety of tasks. Following are the key responsibilities:
  • (i) Values mend various prospects of individual’s personality and also influence the socio-cultural aspects of the individual. 
  • (ii) Values build up different pillars supporting the society and integrate social relations. 
  • (iii) Values play an important role in the integration and fulfillment of man’s basic desires in a stable and consistent manner which is necessary for his living. 
  • (iv) Values influence individual’s attitude and serves as the basis for evaluating the behavior of others. 
  • (v) They have an important role to play in the conduct of one’s social life. 
  • (vi) They facilitate to create norms for day to day behavior. (vii) Values are mainly originated from experiences of various social actions made up of both individual and social responses and attitudes.

Importance of human values in business organization

The process of using organizational physical and human resources to their fullest potential in order to accomplish goals and benefit society as a whole is known as management. In order to maintain friendly human interactions while the business entity is operating, human value must also be taken into account here. As a result, the management process addresses three crucial factors:
  • Optimum utilization of physical as well as human resources.
  • Attainment of organizational objectives.
  • Serving the society at the end.
As a result, it can be very beneficial for the business organization to integrate both ethical and human values into its daily operations. This can offer the business units a wealth of chances and knowledge for development in the contemporary business world.

The business organization must give high priority to fostering ethical and human values within the organization in light of the rapidly changing business environment. People are bound together by human values, which foster a common organizational culture and ultimately increase effectiveness. When the people's vision and mission are combined for the benefit of the organization as a whole, it helps to bind the people collectively and will ultimately contribute to organizational performance. Each organization has its own set of organizational values, and the culture it adheres to represents each business entity. In order to effectively plan for the future, an organization must first consider its organizational culture. Consequently, the following are the main advantages of values in an organization:
  • Human values help to contribute towards organizations performance and productivity. 
  • It directs the behavior of human being for achieving organization vision. 
  • Binds people together creating a sharing culture. 
  • Helps people to develop common vision. 
  • Enhance communication and teamwork. 
  • Develop strong organizational culture with better understanding of business goals.
  • Encourage innovation to support organization competitiveness. 
  • Improvement in serving customer real needs. 
  • Provides necessary information for the management for better business decisions.


Every living thing on this planet, including humans, has some sort of values attached to them that they all strive to uphold. The persistent difference in this case is the nomenclature used to refer to these values. Human values are the beliefs, standards, followings, and rules that people use as their guidelines for their daily activities. These values are fundamental components of what makes people human. Humans are like a flower without fragrance without these values. These fundamental human values form the foundation of professional ethics in large part. Incorporating human values into daily life helps to keep morality in society. Different characteristics make up values. Most of the values we acquire early in life come from family, friends, relatives, schools, the media, and other different social influences; these values later become a part of who we are. Human values have taken on significant importance in our socioeconomic environment in the modern era as the corporate sector continues to grow and business firms become more competitive in nature. This is necessary for the system to be able to handle complexity with peace and harmony.


  • Pramod Sharma, “Business Ethics and Corporate Values: An Indian Perspective” Ravitanaya Publications, Shimla, 2017 
  • S.K Bhatia, “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance” Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi, 2004 
  • A.C. Fernando, “Business Ethics and Corporate Governance” Pearson Publication, 2013 
  • Harris & Hartman, “Organizational Behavior” Jaico Publication House, 2002 
  • French, Bell & Vohra, “Organization Development” Pearson Prentice Hall Publication, 2009 
  • S B Gogate, “Human Values & Professional Ethics” Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2011


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