10 Daily MCQ 26th January 2023

10 Daily MCQ 26th January 2023

 1. Androgogy means

(A) Arts and Science of helping adults to learn

(B) Teaching 3Rs

(C) Teaching Adult Education to school drop-outs

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

2. Population Education deals with

(A) Population Dynamics

(B) Population Explosion

(C) Population Growth &Development

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)


3. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan was launched during the year

(A) 2010

(B) 2001

(C) 2011

(D) 2007

Answer: (B)


4. The target group for Non-formal Education is

(A) 6 – 14 Age group

(B) 10 – 14 Age group

(C) 7 – 14 Age group

(D) None of the above

Answer: (A)

 5. Who among the following feminist anthropologists gave the concept of “muted group” referring to women?

(A) H.L. Moore

(B) Sherry Ortner

(C) Edwin Ardener

(D) Eleanor Leacock

Answer: (C)

6. In her book “Pattern of Culture” Ruth Benedict discusses the cultures of:

(A) Zuni, Greek, Dobu

(B) Zuni, Omaha, Dobu

(C) Kwakintl, Dobu, Hopi

(D) Zuni, Kwakintl, Dobu

Answer: (D)


7. First hand personal study of local settings is referred to as

(A) Ethnology

(B) Ethno-science

(C) Ethnography

(D) Ethno-history

Answer: (C)


8. Unilineal Kin group is characterized by

(A) Their size

(B) Their corporate character

(C) Their utility in emergency situation

(D) Their amorphous character


9. Who among the following is a consanguineal kin?

(A) Father’s young brother

(B) Wife’s sister

(C) Wife’s brother

(D) Sister’s husband

Answer: (A)

10. Who among the following advocated a ‘four-fold approach’ that divided anthropology into cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, archaeology and linguistics?

(A) Bronislaw Malinowski

(B) Franz Boas

(C) A.R. Radcliffe Brown

(D) Marcel Mauss

Answer: (B)


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