Daily Social Work MCQ 7th December 2022

Daily Social Work MCQ 7th December 2022

 1. “Criminology deals with the making of Laws, breaking of Laws and reacting to breaking of Laws.”

Who made this statement?

(A) Cesare Beccaria

(B) E.H. Sutherland

(C) Cesare Lombroso

(D) Robert Merton

Answer: (B)

2. What type of crime is committed by a physician or a doctor who prescribes unnecessary diagnostic tests?

(A) Economic Offence

(B) Narcotic Crime

(C) White Collar Crime

(D) Fraud

Answer: (C)


3. Which of the following is an economic offence?

(A) Auto theft

(B) Pick pocketing

(C) Cattle theft

(D) Food adulteration

Answer: (D)


4. Which among the following is a property offence?

(A) Riot

(B) Grievous hurt

(C) Theft

(D) Rape

Answer: (C)


5. Which is the State in the Country that is oftenly identified with insurgency?

(A) Tamil Nadu

(B) Gujarat

(C) Karnataka

(D) Chhattisgarh

Answer: (D)

6. Which of the following is the ‘motivation factor’ in ‘Two Factor’ theory of Herzberg?

(A) Working condition

(B) Work itself

(C) Policy and Administration

(D) Interpersonal Relations

Answer: (B)


7. Who defined bureaucracy as “Organisation that cannot correct its behaviour by learning from its errors”?

(A) Karl Marx

(B) Robert Merton

(C) Max Weber

(D) M. Crozier

Answer: (D)

 8. “Loss of freedom and humanity necessarily leads to loss of morality.” Who among the following held this view?

(A) Hegel

(B) Karl Marx

(C) V.I. Lenin

(D) Mao-Tse-Tung

Answer: (B)

 9. Which of the following is not an approach of decentralization according to James W. Fester?

(A) Dual Role Approach

(B) Administrative Approach

(C) Productive or Business Approach

(D) Doctrinal Approach

Answer: (C)

10. Who of the following developed the concept of ‘Knowledge Worker’?

(A) F.J. Roethlisberger

(B) Rosamery O’Leary

(C) Peter Drucker

(D) Anne Osborn Krueger

Answer: (C)

11. Organization economic theory strives to ensure that worker interest coincides with organization’s interest which are embodied in organization’s owner. This idea is a part of which of following theory?

(A) Principal-agent Theory

(B) Maturity-Immaturity Theory

(C) Herzberg’s Two-factor Theory

(D) Contribution-Satisfaction Equilibrium Theory

Answer: (A)

12. Among the following who has contributed to the concept of Phrenology?

(A) Hooton

(B) Gall

(C) Goddard

(D) Mendel

Answer: (B)

13. What are misdirected psychological drives causing antisocial behaviour called?

(A) Illusion

(B) Fetish

(C) Perversion

(D) Delusion

Answer: (C)

14. Among the following, who has studied ‘Intelligence Quotient’ as a cause of criminal behaviour?

(A) Eyesenck

(B) Freud

(C) Young

(D) Cattel

Answer: (A)

15. What does the term ‘Dipsomania’ mean?

(A) Compulsive physical beating

(B) Compulsive alcohol drinking

(C) Compulsive gender offence

(D) Compulsive pool diving

Answer: (B)

16. What is the legal status of the findings obtained through brain mapping technique during interrogation of suspects?

(A) An aid in the investigation.

(B) Admissible in the court.

(C) Partial admissible in the court.

(D) None of the above.

Answer: (A)

17. What is the main feature of a probability sample in criminological research?

(A) It includes all the main units in the sample.

(B) It includes all the important study units.

(C) It ensures a chance for each study unit to be selected.

(D) None of the above.

Answer: (C)

18. Which of the following combinations represent renewable natural resources?

(A) Oil, forests and tides

(B) Fertile soil, fresh water and natural gas

(C) Clean air, phosphates and biological diversity

(D) Fishes, fertile soil and fresh water

Answer: (D)

19. Which of the following factors does not impact teaching?

(A) Learning through experience

(B) Teacher's knowledge

(C) Class room activities that encourage learning

(D) Socio-economic background of teachers and students

Answer: (D)

20. Which of the following steps are required to design a questionnaire?

(a) Writing primary and secondary aims of the study.

(b) Review of the current literature.

(c) Prepare a draft of questionnaire.

(d) Revision of the draft.

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(A) (a), (b), (c) and (d)

(B) (a), (b) and (c)

(C) (a), (c) and (d)

(D) (b), (c) and (d)

Answer: (A)


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