10 Social Work MCQ 1st December 2022

10 Social Work MCQ 1st December 2022

1. Which of the following does not threaten internal validity?

(A) Maturation of passage of time

(B) History

(C) Instrumentation

(D) Randomization

Answer: (D)

 2. The hypothesis by which the researcher not only asserts that the variables will be found to be related but also predicts the direction of their relationship is called

(A) one-tailed

(B) two-tailed

(C) null hypothesis

(D) none of the above

Answer: (A)

3.The National Commission for Women was established in the year

(A) 1957

(B) 1986

(C) 2001

(D) 1992

Answer: (D)

 4.Kaka Kalelkar was associated withwww.netugc.com

(A) Scheduled Caste Commission

(B) Scheduled Tribe Commission

(C) Backward Classes Commission

(D) Minorities Commission

Answer: (C)


5. The method by which the relative worth of Jobs in an organisation is determined is called as

(A) Job Description

(B) Job Evaluation

(C) Job Specification

(D) Job Analysis

Answer: (D)

 6. Arrange the following Acts in order in which they were enacted. Use the code given below:

(i) The ESI Act

(ii) The Provident Fund Act

(iii) The Maternity Benefit Act

(iv) Workmen’s Compensation Act


(A) ii i iv iii

(B) i iv ii iii

(C) iv i ii iii

(D) iv i iii ii

Answer: (C)

7.Cognitive needs’ of human beings are the needs

(A) to develop abilities

(B) for symmetry, order and beauty

(C) for security and freedom from attack

(D) to know, to understand and to explore

Answer: (D)


8. ‘Learned helplessness’ is a concept based on

(A) Unconditional positive learning

(B) Social learning theory

(C) Hypothetical constructs

(D) Psychoanalytic approach

Answer: (B)

9.Which one of the following is not necessary for project formulation?

(A) Setting objectives and targets

(B) Design of strategies

(C) Identification of potential obstacles

(D) Documentation

Answer: (D)


10. FCRA stands for

(A) Foreign Contribution (Rules) Act

(B) Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act

(C) Federal Contribution (Regulation) Act.

(D) None of the above

Answer: (B)


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