10 Social Work MCQ 9th December 2022

10 Social Work MCQ 9th December 2022

 1. Which of the following attributes of the innovation has a close relationship with adoption?

(A) Observability

(B) Trialability

(C) Compatibility

(D) Complexity

Answer: (D)

2. Which of the following is the characteristic of an Adult Learner?

(A) Category

(B) Aptitude

(C) Experience

(D) Skill

Answer: (C)

3. In which equipment a principle of direct projection works?

(A) Overhead projector

(B) Opaque projector

(C) Slide projector

(D) None of the above

Answer: (C)

4. The term ‘management’ is derived from French word ‘manage’ meaning

(A) Shopkeeping

(B) House keeping

(C) Store keeping

(D) None

Answer: (B)

5. Curriculum designing for adult learners should not be based on

(A) Learning needs

(B) Lifelong learning

(C) Improving living standard

(D) Venue of learning

Answer: (D)

6. The book Politics of Untouchability was written by:

(A) B.R. Ambedkar

(B) M.N. Srinivas

(C) Owen Lynch

(D) Marvin Harris

Answer: (C)

7. Who among the following describes religion as social behaviour and magic as individual behaviour?

(A) E. Durkheim

(B) E.R. Leach

(C) B.R. Malinowski

(D) James Frazer

Answer: (A)

8. Unilinear evolution of culture propounded by:

(A) B. Malinowski

(B) Jullian Steward

(C) L.H. Morgan

(D) Leslie White

Answer: (C)

9. Who among the following was/were associated with the British School of Diffusion?

(A) G.E. Smith

(B) W.J. Perry

(C) W.H.R. Rivers

(D) All the above

Answer: (D)

10. Who among the following anthropologists explained the bipolar model of “Great and Little Tradition”?

(A) Robert Redfield

(B) Mckim Marriott

(C) M.N. Srinivas

(D) S.C. Dube

Answer: (D)


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