Daily Social Work MCQ 30th November 2022

Daily Social Work MCQ 30th November 2022

 1. Which one of the following is not an indicator of the social development of a country?

(A) Infant mortality rate

(B) Average life span

(C) Incidence of litigation in the courts

(D) Literacy rate

Answer: (C)

2. The Child Marriage Restrain Act was enacted in the year

(A) 1929

(B) 1930

(C) 1931

(D) 1932

Answer: (A)


3. The best example of verbal communication skill is

(A) Good vocabulary

(B) Competence in oral presentations

(C) Fluent speech

(D) Participate in training and research

Answer: (B)


4. Acceptance is a principle of social work which implies

(A) Accepting the client in his/her appearance.

(B) Extending warm welcome to the client.

(C) Accepting the client as he/she is.

(D) Accepting the client’s version as it is.

Answer: (C)


5. ‘Mongolism’ is the type of

(A) Geographical division of land

(B) Topographical structure

(C) Mental retardation

(D) A religious sect

Answer: (C)


6. What is Anuloma marriage?

(A) Higher caste man marrying lower caste woman

(B) Higher caste woman marrying lower caste man

(C) Lower caste man marrying higher caste woman

(D) Lower caste woman marrying higher caste man

Answer: (A)


7. Identity V/S role confusion is the task of

(A) Adulthoodwww.netugc.com

(B) Oral stage

(C) Old age

(D) Adolescence

Answer: (D)


8. The Rio Earth Summit of 1992 dealt with the theme

(A) Sustainable development

(B) Climate change

(C) Poverty reduction

(D) Agricultural development

Answer: (A)


9.Mandatory testing for HIV/AIDS can be done when

(i) Government wants it.

(ii) One wants to know about HIV/AIDS patients in the population.

(iii) Regular medical checkups are held.

(iv) During blood donation


(A) (i) and (ii) are correct.

(B) (ii) and (iii) are correct.

(C) (iii) and (iv) are correct.

(D) Only (iv) is correct.

Answer: (D)

10. Assertion (A): Sigmund Freud claims that sex instinct is the source of all human endeavours.

Reason (R): Social psychologists have tried to explain human behaviour in terms of instincts.


(A) Both (A) and (R) are true.

(B) Both (A) and (R) are not true.

(C) (A) is true, but (R) is not true.

(D) (A) is not true, but (R) is true.

Answer: (A)


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