Social Policy meaning and definition
This subject, formerly known as Social Administration (now
changed to Social Policy), has its origins in nineteenth-century Britain. The
name change from social administration to social policy was intended to
represent a dramatic shift, as administration was thought to focus too closely
on the analysis of how welfare services operated, whereas policy would
encompass a more broad understanding and holistic analysis of the political and
ideological bases of welfare provisions. The history of social policy is closely
related to Fabian Politics, in which a critical analysis of existing
socioeconomic problems in Britain resulted in the introduction of social
protection through the state.
An attempt to define social policy is fraught with practical
difficulties. Is there a single social policy with capital S and P, or are
there multiple social policies with small s and small p? This question is
important because our social policies are divided into policies for scheduled
castes, policies for backward classes, policies for weaker sections, policies
for women, policies for children, and so on. Is it possible to combine these
policies to form a "whole" social policy? We have Directive
Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Rights, and the Preamble to the Constitution.
Do these constitute a social policy? In light of the preceding quandaries, the
following section attempts to define social policy:
The term 'policy' refers to the principles that govern
action directed toward any given goal, and can thus imply change. As a result,
policy can be described as action-oriented.
As a result, social policy can be viewed as a positive tool
for change and as part of a political process. However, it is important to
recognize that social policies are not always associated with altruism and are
not always positive, because a social policy that benefits one group may
actually harm another. As a result, a critical approach to social policy is
Some define social policy as "action taken to ensure
that every member of society is provided with a certain minimum standard of
living as well as opportunities."
Social policy can be used in both the plural and singular
form. When used in the plural, it refers to a comprehensive and integrated set
of policies in the social sectors such as health, social welfare, education,
social security, and so on. When used in the singular, it refers to a specific
governmental policy such as the policy towards SCs and STs, the policy for
providing universal education, and so on.
Here are some definitions of social policy:
- David Gill asserts that social policies are principles or courses of action intended to affect:
- The general standard of living in a society;
- The conditions under which individuals and groups in that society live, and
- The character of intra-societal connections between people, groups, and society at large.
"Social policy is the strategy of action indicating
means and methods to be followed in successive phases to achieve the declared
social objectives," claims Kulkarni
According to Marshall, the term "social policy"
refers to a government's strategy for taking actions that directly affect
citizens' welfare by giving them access to resources like services or income.
Prof. Titmuss claims that social policy is the culmination
of governmental actions that are specifically intended to increase human
In summarizing the entire discussion, it can be said that
social policy is a deliberate action taken by people, groups, and governments
to organise services, opportunities, and social action in order to influence
people's lifestyles and start a process to prevent, delay, initiate, and manage
So, it can be said that social policy has three main
It aims to be beneficial by directing welfare
for its citizens.
includes both economic and non-economic goals.
It entails a certain amount of progressive
redistribution in the control of resources from the wealthy to the less
Objectives of Social policy
Social policies are frequently said to be intended to affect
social change. According to Marshall and Boulding, all social policies are
ultimately government policies. Social policy cannot hope to change society
fundamentally as part of governmental operations because doing so would mean undermining
the foundation upon which governmental authority is based. Social policy cannot
bring about a fundamental structural change, whether in socialist or capitalist
It can only produce a moderate level of social
change, reducing social tension by addressing some undesirable conditions in a
section or sections of society.
to Pinker, the goal of social policy should be to minimise suffering and
maximise welfare.
Improving people's quality of life is another
goal of social policy. It is important to consider whose quality of life we are
trying to improve. This is a relevant question in developing nations like India
where the majority of the populace lives in extreme poverty and cannot access
even the most basic necessities for survival. It is claimed that they are
living in utter poverty or at or below the poverty line.
Models of Social Policy
Residual Welfare Model of Social Policy
The laissez-faire position is closely associated with this
formulation. With the concurrent social changes brought about by
industrialization and urbanisation, there has been a grudging acceptance that,
in rare instances, family or market malfunctions may call for a temporary
supplement to social provisions. However, this approach views the family and the
market as the only mechanisms for addressing human needs from the perspective
of policy. Less emphasis is placed on eligibility and more on
Such a policy framework is inherently selective, and only
the poor who meet the means test are chosen to receive benefits. This is based
on the idea that there are only two ways for an individual's needs to be met:
through the private market and through their family. Social welfare should only
be offered, and then only temporarily, when both of these systems fail.
Some people defend this by claiming that the Welfare State's
true goal is to teach people how to survive without it. This model's
theoretical underpinnings date back to the era of English Poor Law.
Industrial Achievement- Performance Model of Social
This includes a significant part for organizations that
provide social welfare. According to this viewpoint, social needs should be met
in accordance with merit, productivity, and work performance. It is derived
from various economic and psychological theories that address rewards for
effort, the formation of class and group loyalties, and incentives. According
to this model, social welfare occupies a significant role and serves as an
economic supplement. The underlying principle is still that social needs must
be satisfied based on merit, performance at work, and productivity. Its
theoretical foundations are found in theories that examined rewards for effort,
incentives, and class loyalty formation. It is additionally called the
"Handmaiden Model."
Institutional Redistributive Model of Social Policy
In order to cope with the stresses of contemporary complex
industrial-urban life, this envisions built-in institutional social provision.
According to this theory, social welfare is a significant institution that
provides Universalist services outside of the market based on need. It is
essentially a command-over-resources-through-time model that incorporates
systems of redistribution. According to this theory, social welfare is a
crucial social institution that offers universalist services outside of the
market based on need. It is intended to include systems of resource
redistribution over time and is partially based on the principle of social
Modern concept of social policy is inextricably bound with social justice. Mere equalization of opportunities in an inequalitarian socio-economic system reduces social justice just to absurdity. Thus in the modern concept of social policy, concepts of positive discrimination and equity find prominent place. India follows this model while envisaging social policies. These three models are, of course, only very broad approximations to the theories and ideas of economists, philosophers, political scientists and sociologists. Many variants could be developed of a more sophisticated kind.