15 Fields of Psychology

15 Fields of Psychology

Let's learn about the field of psychology-There are many distinct sub-fields of psychology to choose from. Psychology encompasses a vast range of studies, including those of the mind, behavior, perception, and learning, to name a few examples. To begin, let us make a distinction between the roles of a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and a psychiatric social worker before moving on to the sub-fields. A psychologist is someone who has earned a doctorate in psychology rather than a medical degree. Following academic training and specialization in a given area, the psychologist works in a specific vocational context or pursues a specific career path in psychology. A psychiatrist, on the other hand, is a medical doctor who specializes in psychiatry and who diagnoses and treats patients suffering from psychiatric illnesses through the use of medications. A similarly comparable field is that of psychiatric social worker, who has acquired a Master's degree in this discipline and is primarily concerned with working on the environmental variables that may have an impact on psychological disorders, as opposed to working on the disorders themselves. Psychologists investigate various patterns of behavior and the ways in which external and internal influences influence the mind and conduct of individuals. Different psychologists have a wide range of interests and specializations. While some students may be more interested in social psychology than others, others may be more interested in cognitive psychology, and yet others may be interested in both community psychology and developmental psychology.

The following are some of the key subfields of psychology, as well as some of the career options available in psychology:

15 Fields of Psychology 

1-Cognitive Psychology

In cognitive psychology, psychologists investigate how the human mind thinks, recalls events in the past, and learns new information. It is necessary to apply psychological principles in order to comprehend the decision-making process and how we see the outside world.

2-Clinical Psychology:

Clinical psychologists work with persons who are experiencing emotional or personal problems of a milder nature. Individuals who require assistance in making a career decision or choose which school program to pursue typically seek the assistance of a counseling psychologist. They may employ a range of assessments, such as exams or interviews, to determine a candidate's interest, aptitude, IQ, or personality characteristics. Some counselors may also be able to assist persons who are experiencing family or marital difficulties.

3-Environmental Psychology

Environmental Psychology is concerned with the link between humans and their environment. Psychological principles are utilized in order to improve inter-personal connection and to promote sustainable living practices.

4-School psychology

School psychology is a branch of psychology that is primarily concerned with the psychology of learning and the effectiveness of school programs. A school psychologist is a professional who works with students in elementary and secondary schools as well as with teachers, parents, and administrators. They provide counseling and assistance to children in schools and examine their interests, aptitude, adjustment, learning capacity, intellect, and other relevant criteria such as IQ and intelligence test scores. Testing also aids in the diagnosis of students who are experiencing behavioural challenges. The provision of counseling is made available to students who require additional assistance.

5-Educational Psychology

Educational Psychology: This field is concerned with the psychology of teaching and learning. Educational psychologists are interested with a variety of issues that are not directly related to their field of expertise or practice. They assist pupils in improving their efficiency in school learning by focusing on the school curriculum and motivational skills while working with them.

6-Experimental Psychology: 

Experimental psychology is concerned with the investigation of many aspects of behavior such as learning, memory, perception, and so on, through the use of controlled experiments in the laboratory or the field. They are attempting to understand the underlying causes of behaviour and mind, and on the basis of their study findings, they are attempting to build specific modification approaches. Their goal is to learn more about how mental processes or behaviours are experienced, as well as how behaviour might be manipulated.

7-Physiological Psychology

Physiological Psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the relationship between the brain and behaviour in people and animals. Physiological psychologists are concerned with the influence of the nerve system and the glandular system on behaviour. They investigate the biological foundation of behaviour through the use of invasive and non-invasive approaches.

8-Organizational Psychology

Organizational psychology is the application of psychological principles to work environments in order to improve the well-being and performance of employees. Employees are selected and placed in jobs that they are best suited for by organizational psychologists who administer various psychological exams. Organizational psychologists are employed by many businesses to help them hire and train employees, as well as manage their interpersonal skills and job satisfaction, as well as employee-employer communication, among other things. The goal of this field of study is to identify solutions to problems that arise in the organizational sector, whether they are related to employees, work output, or any other emotional problems that employees may be experiencing at any one time.

9-Social Psychology

In social psychology, people are studied in groups in terms of their relationship to one another, their qualities and attitudes, their beliefs, their decision-making process and communication with other members of their group, and their sense of belonging to the group, among other things.

10-Developmental Psychology

The emphasis is on comprehending an individual's conduct within a group setting.

Behavior across the life span, from infancy through adolescence and into maturity, is the focus of developmental psychology. It examines how individuals' behaviour changes as they progress through the phases of development. Individuals working in the field of developmental psychology are particularly interested in any behavioural problems that manifest themselves during childhood. The researchers also attempt to comprehend the cognitive, perceptual, social, moral, and language development that occurs in children.

11-Community Psychology: 

Community psychology is a relatively recent branch of psychology that works with problems, principles, social difficulties, and health issues that affect a community. Individuals living in a community are assisted by psychologists in coping with their difficulties, seeking out their conventional forms of psychotherapy, stress, child-rearing methods, and social systems, among other things.

12-Sports Psychology

The study of sports psychology is a relatively recent field that focuses on the psychological elements of athletic conduct. Working with professional teams at the school/college level, as well as at the national and international level, sports psychologists help athletes improve their performance in sports by focusing on exercise and teamwork.

13-Health Psychology

This is a new field that is concerned with the physiological processes, behavioral patterns (such as smoking), and social variables that influence health and illness. Psychologists working in the field of health practice in clinical settings, as well as in research and teaching in higher educational institutions.

14-Forensic Psychology

As a new branch of psychology, forensic psychology employs psychological concepts in the areas of criminal justice and legal investigations. A forensic psychologist is concerned with the rights of victims and the rights of the accused, as well as criminal profiling, public policy, and other relevant issues.

15-counseling Psychology

Mental problems are studied and treated in the subject of clinical psychology. Clinical psychology is concerned with the assessment, diagnosis, causation, and treatment of mental disorders. The majority of clinical psychologists work in state mental hospitals or community mental health centers, as well as in schools, private practice, research, and educational institutions.


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