Psychology MCQ questions with answers

Psychology MCQ questions with answers

Discover 50 essential MCQs on child development, psychology, and socialization with detailed answers and explanations. Ideal for students and educators preparing for exams or expanding their knowledge of these topics."

1)   What the aspect of child development has evolved, according to John Bowlby?

a)     the emotional bond between infant and caregiver

b)     the ability to move independently

c)     separation from caregivers

d)     the desire to be a mother

    Ans: a

2)     For Skinner, development is the result of:

a)     a continuous shaping process

b)     maturation

c)     recapitulation

d)     sudden qualitative reorganization of behavior


·         Ans: a


3)       What kind of ‘conditioning’ did Watson experiment with?

a)   classical conditioning

b)   operant conditioning

c)   air conditioning

d)   social conditioning

·         Ans: a

4)       Operant conditioning aims to condition what kind of behavior?

a)     reflexes

b)     emitted responses

c)     only thoughts and feelings

d)     respondents


·         Ans: b


5)       In general terms, what does a cognitive developmental psychologist try to reconstruct?

a)   a child’s underlying competence

b)   the child’s performance

c)   what the child actually does

d)   what the child says about what they do


·         Ans: a


6)         Which stage is profoundly different from the others in the character of its schemas?

a)     sensory-motor stage

b)     preoperational stage

c)     concrete operational stage 

d)     formal operational stage


·         Ans:  a


7)         What is the central outcome of sensory-motor intelligence?

a)       the construction of knowledge of reality

b)       the construction of material artifacts

c)       the construction of schemas

d)       the construction of equilibration


·         Ans: a


8)         At which age would a child be categorized as preoperational according to Piaget?

a)         2 – 7 years

b)         5 – 7 years

c)         7 – 11 years

d)         None of these


·         Ans: a


9)         According to Adler, which of the following is not one of the primary goals of children's misbehavior?

a)     Revenge

b)     Attention

c)     Affection

d)     Power


·         Ans: c


10)     A self-esteem curriculum, honor societies, free breakfasts and lunches, and cooperative learning groups are applications of:

a)     Roger’s humanistic classroom

b)     Freud's theory of psychosocial development

c)     Erikson's psychosocial grouping

d)     Maslow's hierarchy of needs


·         Ans: d


11)     ________ are the basic biological units that transmit characteristics from one generation to the next:

a)     Genes

b)     Neurons

c)     Glia

d)     Instincts


·            Ans: a


12)     Primary school children will learn most effectively in an atmosphere:

a)     where their emotional needs are met and they feel that they are valued

b)     where the teacher is authoritative and clearly dictates what should be done

c)     where the focus and stress are only on mastering primarily cognitive skills of reading, writing and mathematics

d)     where the teacher leads all the learning and expects students to play a passive role


·         Ans: a


13)   Which of the following is a sensitive period pertaining to language development?

a)   Prenatal period

b)   Middle childhood period

c)   Adulthood

d)   Early childhood period


·         Ans: d


14)     Which one of the following is best suited for emotional development of children?

a)     Democratic classroom environment

b)     No involvement of the teachers as it is the task of the parents

c)     Controlled classroom environment

d)     Authoritarian classroom environment


·         Ans: a


15) Giving punishment, verbal or non-verbal, to the children results in:

a)   motivating them to work

b)   protecting the child's image

c)   improving their scores

d)   damaging their self-concept


·         Ans: d


16) Which one out of the following provides information about the roles and behaviors which are acceptable in a group, during early childhood period?

a)   Siblings and Teachers

b)   Teachers and Peers

c)   Peers and Parents

d)   Parents and Siblings


·         Ans: d


17) Which of the following age groups falls under later childhood category?

a)   11 to 18 years

b)   18 to 24 years

c)   Birth to 6 years

d)   6 to 11 years


·         Ans: d


18) "Anyone can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not easy." This is related to:

a)     Emotional development

b)     Social development

c)     Cognitive development

d)     Physical development


·      Ans: a


19) Which of the following stages are involved when infants "THINK" with their eyes, ears and hands?

a)     Concrete operational stage

b)     Pre-operational stage

c)     Sensorimotor stage

d)     Formal operational stage


·      Ans: c


20) A child starts to cry when his grandmother takes him from his mother's lap. The child cries due to:

a)     emotional anxiety

b)     stranger anxiety

c)     separation anxiety

d)     social anxiety


·      Ans: a


21) “Self – based evaluation on reflection or social comparison” is:

a)   Self – help

b)   Self – confidence

c)   Self – esteem

d)   Self – awareness


·         Ans: c


22) Role recording is the refined version of:

a)   Summary recording

b)   Narrative recording

c)   Process recording

d)   Abstract


·         Ans: c


23) Who has given the ‘functional theory’ of social stratification?

a)   T. B. Bottomore

b)   K. Davis

c)   Karl Marx

d)   W.E. Moore


·         Ans: d


24) According to Freudian understanding, thoughts or motives that a person is currently aware of or is remembering is called as:

a)   Conscious

b)   Memory

c)   Sub – conscious

d)   Fixation


·         Ans: a



25) Change or stability in mental activities such as learning, attention, memory, language, thinking, reasoning and creativity is:

a)   Physical development

b)   Psychological development

c)   Cognitive development

d)   Social construction


·         Ans: c


26) “Degree of consciousness about thinking, feelings and actions” is:

a)   Self – awareness

b)   Self – esteem

c)   Self – respect

d)   Self – confidence

·         Ans: a


27) ‘Evaluation of self – based on reflection or social comparison’ is known as:

a)   Self – awareness

b)   Self – esteem

c)   Self – security

d)   Self – confidence


·         Ans: b


28) __________ propounds that childhood experiences influence the adult behavior

a)   Person Centered theory

b)   Psychoanalytical theory

c)   Behavior modification theory

d)   Existential theory


·         Ans: b


29) Maslow in his triangle of human needs showed that:

a)   Challenging new tasks is the basic human need

b)   Money always motivates workers

c)   Safety and security is a low order human need

d)   Workers will not give their best unless they have good social events provided


·         Ans: c


30) Psychoanalytic theory about human personality was proposed by:

a)   Carl Jung

b)   Skinner

c)   Sigmund Freud

d)   Alfred Adler


·         Ans: c


31) Which one refers to the actual behavior that the individual engages in while enacting the role?

a)   Role taking

b)   Role playing

c)   Playing at a role

d)   Role expectation


·         Ans: b


32) A woman executive presides over a management board meeting, picks up her daughter from her school, and goes to play a game of bridge in the ladies club. She is manifesting:

a)   Her role set

b)   Her status set

c)   Her style of life

d)   Her elite status


·         Ans: b


33) Ego experiences role conflict at two levels:

a)   Within his own body of roles and between his own roles and those of other actors

b)   Within his own group and with outside group

c)   Within himself and with outsiders

d)   Within the roles of his family and with roles outside his family


·         Ans: a


34) Behavioral changes which occur on the basis of physiological developments rather than learning and which appear in virtually all members of species are the result of:

a)   Socialization

b)   Rationalization

c)   Maturation

d)   Fermentation


·         Ans: d


35)  To trace the course of mental growth in an individual or the race is the problem of:

a)   Analytical psychology

b)   Synthetic psychology

c)   Genetic psychology

d)   Physiological psychology


·         Ans: a


36) There is an evidence of a hereditary component in development of the mental illness known as:

a)   Paranoia

b)   Psychoneurotic disorders

c)   Schizophrenia

d)   Paralysis


·         Ans: a


37) At what age a child takes his first step in walking?

a)   5 to 6 years

b)   10 to 12 years

c)   4 to 5 years

d)   None of these


·         Ans: d


38) Maturation changes occur in a fairly predictable sequence and continue until:

a)   Adolescence

b)   Adulthood

c)   Old age

d)   None of these


·         Ans: b


39) The concept of “a personality nucleus” was given by:

a)   Allport

b)   Stendler

c)   Shirley

d)   Skinner


·         Ans: c


40) A child is born with some:

a)   Qualities

b)   Ego

c)   Innate drives

d)   All of these


·         Ans: c


41) The child becomes socialized:

a)   Fast

b)   Gradually

c)   Slowly

d)   After ego


·         Ans: b


42) What is the determinant of the scope of socialization of a child?

a)   Environment

b)   Excitement

c)   Development of physique

d)   Language development


·         Ans: a


43) Individual differences are found in:

a)   Environmental situations

b)   Cognitive situations

c)   Perceptual situations

d)   Emotional situations


·         Ans: c


44) What is the result of emotional immaturity in the child?

a)   Struggle

b)   Pain

c)   Frustration

d)   Anger


·         Ans: c



45) What is the impact of other members of the family besides the parents, on the socialization of the child?

a)   External

b)   Intimate

c)   Good

d)   None of these


·         Ans: b


46) How do brothers and sisters affect the socialization of the child?

a)   Continuously

b)   Indirectly

c)   Greatly

d)   Commonly


·         Ans: c


47) What does the youngest child receive all from the parents?

a)   Drives

b)   Attention

c)   All requirements

d)   Affection


·         Ans: b


48) Applied aspects of social psychology include the development and perfection of techniques for measuring:

a)   Attitude

b)   Opinion

c)   Socialization

d)   Both a and b


·         Ans: d


49) The educational psychologist advises a school board on:

a)   Old curriculum

b)   Circulation of stimulus

c)   Knack

d)   New curriculum


·         Ans: d


50) In the school, the child faces:

a)   Struggle

b)   New society

c)   Group

d)   Resistance


·         Ans: b


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