Planning is the process of preparing a blueprint of actions to attain stated
objectives within a time frame. The determination of objectives, the specifications
of targets, the strategy for mobilization of resources, the allocation of outlays to
different development sectors, the blueprint of actions (including their operationalization in the shape of policies, programmes and their delivery
system) are aspects which have to be considered in any planning exercise.
What is Planning
M. Webber defines
Panning as the process of making rational decisions about
future goals and future courses of action, which relies upon explicit tracing of
repercussions and the value implications associated with alternative courses of
action and in turn requires explicit evaluation and choice among the alternative
matching goal- action sets.
Alfred J. Kahn defines
Planning is policy choice and programming in the light of facts, projections and
application of values.
Planning is essential because it enables us to formulate with some precision
what we intend to achieve within a given time frame. Prioritization among various
objectives enables us to demarcate the more important objectives from those,
which are less so. Once this is done one can decide what is feasible considering
the resources at hand and how additional resources can be mobilized. Therefore,
planning is a more scientific path towards achieving development objectives, and
for bringing about economic and social transformation in a systematic manner .
Perhaps, the most important reason, which comes to your mind, may be that you
are faced with a severe shortage of certain resources/factors. Given the fact that
each of these may also have different uses, you may be unable to decide how to
utilizes these resources. It is in such a situation that planning becomes extremely important.
Concept of Policy
Broadly speaking, the term ‘policy’ refers to the general guidelines or principles,
which give direction to a particular course of action by the government or by an
organization. It also refers to, in a very specific sense, an intended or executed
course of action.
Social policy can be referred to both in the plural and singular case.. When
referred to in the plural, it denotes comprehensive and integrated set of policies
in the social sectors such as health, social welfare, education, social security
etc., when used in singular the term social policy refers to a specific
governmental policy such as the policy towards the SCs and STs, the policy for
providing universal education etc.
An attempt to define social policy is beset with many practical difficulties. Is there
one social policy with capital S and P or are there multiple social policies with
small s and small p? This question is relevant because we have social policies
compartmentalized into a policy for scheduled castes, a policy for backward
classes, a policy for weaker sections, a policy for women, a policy for children
and so on.
Does an addition of these policies make up a “whole” social policy?
We have Directive Principles of State Policy, the Fundamental Rights and the
preamble to the constitution. Do these make up a social policy? In the light of the
above dilemmas, in the following section, we attempt to define social policy:
Definition of Social Policy
According to Kulkarni
“Social policy is the strategy of action indicating means and
methods to be followed in successive phases to achieve the declared social
Marshall states
Social policy refers to the policy of governments
with regard to action having a direct impact on the welfare of citizens, by
providing them with services or income.”
According to Prof.
Titmuss, social policy represents a summation of acts of
government, deliberately designed to improve the welfare of people.
Meaning of the definition
While summarizing the whole discussion, it can be said that social policy is a
deliberate action on the part of individuals, collectivities and governments,
undertaken to organize services, opportunities and social action so as to affect
the life styles of people and initiate a process to prevent, postpone, initiate and
manage change.
Objectives of Social Policy.
1-Social policies aim to bring about social change. In
the final analysis all social policies are government policies as stated by
Marshall and Boulding. As part of the operation of the government, social
policy cannot hope to introduce fundamental changes in society, which would
mean undermining the status quo on which government rests. Whether in the
socialist countries or in the capitalist countries, the social policy cannot usher
in the fundamental structural change.
2- Pinker has argued that objective of social policy is minimization of sufferings
and maximization of welfare.
3-Another objective of social policy is improvement of quality of life of people. It
is necessary to ask whose quality of life that we want to improve? This is a
pertinent question in developing countries like India where majority of the
population live in conditions of serious deprivation, without being able to get
even the basic necessities for survival.