50 MCQ on rural development

50 MCQ on rural development


1) Which of the following is not one of the features of urban community?

a)   Face to face relationships

b)   complex life

c)   Materialistic

d)   Glamour in life


·         Ans: a


2) Which among the following is not a cause of growth of cities?

a) Trade & commerce

b) Industrialism

c) Development of transport

d) Hygienic outlook of people


·         Ans: d


3) The spatial feature of urbanization in India has been:

a) localized in nature

b) balanced

c) both a & b

d) none of the above


·         Ans: a


4) Which is not a feature of urban life?

a) Loss of humanistic value

b) Impersonal relationship

c) Informal ties

d) Competition


·         Ans: c


5) _________ refers the refurbishing or replacement of old buildings & new use of previously developed land in urban areas.

a) Urban planning

b) Urban recycling

c) Urbanism

d) None of these


·         Ans: b



6) Which among the following statements is not correct?

a) In past communities used to be self - sufficient, politically, socially or economically.

b) No community can be self - sufficient these days

c) Every community is self - sufficient these days

d) The term community denotes almost uniformly and permanently shared lives of people over a definite range


·         Ans: c


7) A scientific distinction between rural and urban community can be made on the basis of:

a) density of population

b) area covered

c) occupation followed by people.

d) None of the above


·         Ans: a


8) In traditional societies city and countryside were clearly differentiated. ____

a) True

b) False

c) Partially true

d) None of the above


·         Ans: a


9) The movement of people from central cities to smaller communities in the surrounding area is known as:

a) Reverse migration

b) Under urbanization

c) Suburbanization

d) Over- urbanization


·         Ans: c


10) Which among the following meaning is closest to the term ‘over urbanization’

a) Urbanization at the cost of village development

b) Urbanization without the essential infrastructure

c) Rapid urbanization

d) Emergence of megalopolis


·         Ans: b


11) Industrialization weakens the:

a) Role of religion in social life

b) Father’s authority in the family

c) Caste system

d) All of the above


·         Ans: d


12) _____________ refers to the practice of treating reason as the basis of belief and knowledge

a) Secularism

b) Social deviance

c) Moral density

d) Rationality


·         Ans: c


13) Unlike village community, urban society lacks in:

a) Secondary social control

b) Social tolerance

c) Self - sufficiency

d) All of the above


·         Ans: c


14) ___________ is a self - contained unit where members share a sense of belonging and a common territorial base

a) Society

b) Community

c) Association

d) None of these


·         Ans: b


15) __________ is the term used to refer the relationship between human beings and their physical environment

a) Human physiology

b) Human ecology

c) Human environment

d) None of these


·         Ans: b


16) The change in village community may be seen in different spheres:

a) Caste system

b) Jajmani system

c) Family system

d) All of the above


·         Ans: d


17) Which one of the following characteristics is NOT considered a part of the village community?

a) Large extended families living together

b) People finding identity through position within the community

c) Working independently on private farms

d) Sharing meals and other activities


·         Ans: c

18) Why did villages in India tend to have more autonomy than villages in surrounding countries?

a) Villages in India were recognized as independent social units, each with their own council of leaders

b) Each village in India had its own army, which meant that villages had more political autonomy

c) Villages in India had higher income which meant that villages had more economic autonomy

d) None of these


·         Ans: a

19) Why are the villages in India witnessing a change in their overall economic activities?

a) Bigger families and less sources of income

b) Small agricultural lands with less productivity

c) After getting educated, the younger generation does not want to stay in the villages

d) All of these


·         Ans: d


20) Which of the following is not identified as a new form of community?

a)   ethnic communities, based on shared identity and experiences of discrimination

b)   gay villages, which are formed in certain parts of large cities

c)   sociological communities, formed by unpopular lecturers

d)   virtual communities that exist only in cyberspace


·         Ans: c


21) In India, the Department of Ministry for Women and Child development was formed in the year:

  1. a)   1983
  2. b)   1985
  3. c)   1987
  4. d)   1991


·         Ans: b


22) In Community Development, the word ‘jack-of-all-trades and master of none’ the title is given to:

a) Village-level Workers

b) Supervisors

c) Politicians

d) Officers


·         Ans: a


23) The term ____________ has a general meaning when it is used to refer to the well-being of the member of the community, state or nation

a)   Social Welfare

b)   Public Welfare

c)   Economic Welfare

d)   Scientific program


·         Ans: b


24) The process of translating social policy into social service is:

a)   Social Welfare

b)   Social Action

c)   Social Service Administration

d)   Public Administration


·         Ans: a



25) The main factors of social changes are:

a)   Cultural pluralism

b)   Outstanding leadership

c)   Technological development

d)   All the above


·         Ans: d


26) Which one of the pioneering institute in the country in the sphere of rural education?

a)   National Council for Rural high Education

b)   Gandhigram Rural institute

c)   Central Braille Press

d)   Indian Institute of Management


·         Ans: b


27) The Social Security Measures, first of all was adopted in Ancient India by:

a)   Kautilya

b)   Shuklacharya

c)   King Ashoka

d)   Harshavardhana


·         Ans: c


28) There were several evil social practices like sati, child marriage, ban on widow remarriage, practice of polygamy, etc. which wes a matter of debate during:

a)   17th Century

b)   18th Century

c)   19th Century

d)   20th Century


·         Ans: c


29) This term refers to the idea that one is a member of a particular cultural, national or racial group that shares or has similarities such as a common language, history, society, culture and/or religion

a)   Ethnicity

b)   Race

c)   Cultural Identity

d)   Cultural diversity


·         Ans: a


30) Schedule V and VI of the Indian constitution are related to:

a)   Decide state boundaries between the states

b)   Decide the powers and responsibilities of Panchayati Raj

c)   Protection of rights of tribals

d)   Protection of minorities in the country

·         Ans: c


31) According to 2011 census of India the total Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe population is:

a)   16.6% and 8.6% respectively

b)   18.5% and 7.6% respectively

c)   19.5% and 9.6% respectively

d)   21% and 8% respectively


·         Ans: a


32) “Cultural Differences” are emphasized in which year’s Human Development Report?

a)   Human Development Report - 2002

b)   Human Development Report – 2003

c)   Human Development Report – 2004

d)   Human Development Report - 2006 :


·         Ans: c


33) Which of the following approach makes a shift towards channelizing social services to needy people?

a)   Basic needs approach

b)   Unified approach

c)   Equalitarian approach

d)   Holistic approach


·         Ans: a


34) Which one of the following is not the basis of community?

a)   Common locality

b)   Community sentiment

c)   Common political ideology

d)   Common way of life


·         Ans: c


35) Social change as a socio – cultural concept implies:

a)   Little structural continuity

b)   Absoluteness rather than relativity

c)   Abrupt change

d)   Sufficient continuity in the structure of a society


·         Ans: d


36) Panchayati Raj Institution in India have brought about one of the following:

a)   Eradication of untouchability

b)   Spread of land ownership to the depressed classes

c)   A formal representation of the weaker sections in village governance

d)   Spread of education to the masses


·         Ans: c


37) Which among the following is the distinctive characteristic of human society?

a)   Capacity to propagate offspring’s

b)   Aggressive behavior

c)   Culture

d)   Self or We feeling


·         Ans: c


38) A situation where a student is expected by his parents to study his lessons and is expected by his roommates to visit a movie house portrays:

a)   Status conflict

b)   Group conflict

c)   Role conflict

d)   Culture area


·         Ans: c


39) In all societies, the ___________ sanction are more definite

a)   Positive

b)   Negative

c)   Economic

d)   Socio – psychological


·         Ans: b


40) The ____________ method consists in the collection of data concerning the living, the working conditions of people in a given area with a view to formulate practical social measures for their betterment and welfare

a)   Ideal types

b)   Social survey

c)   Sociometry

d)   Statistics


·         Ans: b


41) ___________ is a socially defined position in a group or society.

a)   Role

b)   Interaction

c)   Status

d)   Deviance


·         Ans: c


42) Political system in simple societies is generally:

a)   Absent

b)   Present

c)   Takes a democratic form

d)   Autocratic


·         Ans: b


43) Farming is the chief occupation of the people belonging to:

a)   The pastoral classes

b)   The agricultural classes

c)   The commercial classes

d)   None of the above


·         Ans: b


44) For which community does the land become more valuable?

a)   The agricultural community

b)   The commercial community

c)   The pastoral community

d)   The hunting community


·         Ans: a


45) In an agrarian society, who are living by tilling the lands of others on a crop sharing basis?

a)   Cultivators

b)   Share croppers

c)   Overseers

d)   Seasonal peasants


·         Ans: b


46) In primitive ages, religious institutions endeavored to:

a)   Supplement human needs

b)   Regulate human conduct

c)   Offer courses to the people in yoga

d)   Build temples


·         Ans: b


47) Which one of the following is the best criterion of contrast between a rural and urban community?

a)   Geographic location

b)   Specific size of population

c)   Specific density of population

d)   Diversification of occupations


·         Ans: b


48) Modern society is governed by:

a)   Conventions

b)   Rule of law

c)   Divine law

d)   Physical force


·         Ans: b


49) The fundamental characteristic of an industrial society is:

a)   Mechanized means of production

b)   Break up of joint families

c)   Poverty

d)   Lack of faith in religion


·         Ans: a


50) The famous book, “The Culture of Cities” is written by:

a)   Kingsley Davis

b)   Lewis Mumford

c)   M.R. Davie

d)   None


·         Ans: b




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