4 Component of Planning

4 Component of Planning

 Planning is the process of preparing a blueprint of actions to attain stated objectives within a time frame. The determination of objectives, the specifications of targets, the strategy for mobilization of resources, the allocation of outlays to different development sectors, the blueprint of actions (including their operationalization in the shape of policies, programmes and their delivery system) are aspects which have to be considered in any planning exercise.

4 Component of Planning 

1-Spatial Component- Spatial plan would need to consider the physical resources, land use and all human settlements in a region right from smallest settlement to the city. The spatial component would be such as to guide the development programmes through a location blue print, ensure distributive justice and bring about rural-urban integration and continuity. 
2-Economic Component- Economic planning has traditionally been the case of core of planning, since a principle aim of development planning has been to increase employment and income. Essential prerequisites of economic planning are knowledge about the state of following in the district: ¾ Resources;, Demographic features, Agro economic feature, Socio-economic features, Infrastructural factor , Sectoral profiles 
3-Social Component- The task of a plan is also to reduce social inequalities, provide social services and ensure public participation. For any plan, public participation is both an important tool and a goal for development since planning is the medium of social transformation and means to bridge the gap between government and the people.  
  1. Administrative Component- success or failure of social planning is ultimately influenced by the political and administrative set up of planning machinery. Administrative arrangements of development  were discussed in a number of workshops and committees in India. The working group on district planning in its 1984 report, considered the following administrative aspects for smooth functioning of planning process-  
  2. Establishing mechanisms for coordination and implementation of plan;
  3. Introducing procedural innovations for release of funds and procedures for effecting inter-sectoral and intra-sectoral transfers; ¾ Establishing procedures for monitoring and review of schemes. 


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