Mother Teresa Memorial Awards for Social Justice 2020

Mother Teresa Memorial Awards for Social Justice 2020


Mother Teresa Memorial Awards for Social Justice 2020 

About The AWARD 

Harmony Foundation hosted the Mother Teresa Memorial Awards for Social Justice. The Awards in its 16th year is the only award endorsed by Sister Prema, the Superior General of the Missionaries of Charity, the organization started by Mother Teresa. The theme for this year‟s awards was, Celebrating Compassion In Times Of Covid.

The following people have received  Mother Teresa Memorial Awards For Social Justice.

  1. Dr Anthony Fauci (USA) 
  2. Father Fabio Stevenazzi (Milan, Italy)
  3. Dr Pradeep Kumar (Chennai)
  4.  IPS Sanjay Pandey 
  5.  Vikas Khanna (Manhattan, USA)
  6.  KK Shailaja (Minister of Health, Kerala)

  1. Dr Anthony Fauci (USA) is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, USA. He and his task force were among the first ones to realize the seriousness of this pandemic. 
  2.  Father Fabio Stevenazzi (Milan, Italy), decided to return to medical practice in order to help those infected with COVID 19 has thrust him to be the modern-day example of St Charles Borromeo who in 1576 during the Great Plague that hit the city of Milan and cut the population by half, stayed behind to nurse the sick and renovate hospitals. 
  3.  Dr Pradeep Kumar (Chennai) took it upon himself to give a befitting burial to his colleague with the help of two ward boys, at a cemetery in the city in the middle of the night.
  4.  IPS Sanjay Pandey (DG Home Guards, Maharashtra) went beyond the call of duty as a police officer to open the first relief camp in the Mumbai city suburbs for migrant workers whose livelihood was disrupted by the lockdown to contain the pandemic. 
  5. Vikas Khanna (Manhattan, USA) heart still moves to serve the lonely and underprivileged here in India.
  6.  KK Shailaja (Minister of Health, Kerala), her extraordinary efforts and pro-activeness in dealing with the pandemic by following experts and scientific advice helped countless Keralites survive the terrors of this pandemic, serving as an example for governments of other states countries to follow. 
About The Foundation
The Harmony Foundation was founded in October 2005 by Dr. Abraham Mathai to establish social cohesion between various communities, castes and work towards the benefit of all the communities without any discrimination as to religion, caste, creed, gender or region. The raison d’etre of this foundation was necessitated by the fact that we are presently living in a very turbulent period in the history of mankind wherein many wicked acts are being perpetrated under the guise of political, economic, religious reasons which have long-term implications on the peaceful co-existence of human society


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