Difference between community and Society

Difference between community and Society

Difference between community and Society

The fundamental difference between community and the society is the difference between the part and whole. As such it is rather difficult to make clear distinction between them. To arrive at a distinction between two things, we have first to place them apart from each other, but to take away community from the whole, from the society, is to destroy the completeness of society. The only other way of doing this, that is making distinction between community and society is to compare them in reference to men. The distinguishing features between society and community may be summed up in the following way:

1. Population: It is one of the most essential and indispensable characteristics of a community irrespective of the consideration whether people have or do not have conscious relations.
2. Nature: A community by nature is discrete as compared with society.
3. Area: For a community area or locality is very essential and that perhaps is the reason that the community has a definite shape.
4. Heterogeneity: A community has comparatively narrow scope of community sentiments and as such it cannot have wide heterogeneity.
5. Social Relationship: It consists of group of individuals who may not have close social relationship.
6. Scope: The scope of community is narrow than that of society because community came much later than the society. Though the primitive people might not have understood the importance of community but they realised that of the society and lived in it. In a society there can be many communities.
7. Objectivity: In a community one finds that common objectives are less extensive and loosely coordinated.
8. Development of Individuality: For a developed community it is essential that the individuals should obey the commands of community with the result · that an individual cannot have fullest expression of his personal self.
9. Likeness and Difference: In a community every effort is made to avoid differences or conflicts and to bring likeness as nearly as possible because cooperation and conflicts cannot exist in a community.
10. Self-sufficiency: A community cannot be self- sufficient because of its limited scope, nature and it is more or less impossible in our modern omplex society.

1. Population is of course important but here the population is conditioned by a feeling of oneness. Thus conscious relations are more important than the mere population for a society.
2. By nature and character society is abstract and we can only feel about society.
3. Society is arealess and shapeless and for a society area is no consideration. That perhaps is the reason that the people living in distant areas and working in different fields can form society.
4. A society has heterogeneity and because of its wide scope and field can embrace people having different conflicts.
5. A society is wet of social relationships which is the very basis of a good society.
6. The society has much wider scope as compared with
the community. In a community there cannot be societies but in a society there can be many communities.
7. On the other hand in a developed society common objectives are more extensive and closely coordinated.
8. In a society the people have wider scope to develop themselves and giving expression to their personality. In fact society is essential for human personality.
9. In a society likeness and conflict can exist side by side and in fact the scope of society is so vast that there is every possibility of adjustment. In the words of Maclver, "In society each member seeks something. This is fundamentally the case however, the exploitative or parasitical or unjust the social system may be".
10. It is possible for a society to become self-sufficient. In fact every society tries to throw bonds of dependency to the extent possible.


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