50 MCQ on Social Work With Disabilities

50 MCQ on Social Work With Disabilities


1.  Which of the following is an example of a Specific Learning Disability?

a)     Mental Retardation

b)     Dyslexia

c)     ADHD

d)     Autistic spectrum disorders

Answer -D

2. Which of the following is an example of an intellectual disability?

a)     Dyslexia

b)     ADHD

c)     Mental Retardation

d)     autistic spectrum disorders


3. An example of a Developmental Disorder is:

a)     ADHD

b)     Mental Retardation

c)     Autistic spectrum disorders

d)     Answer-D

4. What do you mean by disability?

a)     A physical disability is a physical condition that affects a person's mobility, physical capacity, stamina, or dexterity.

b)     A physical disability is physical weakness.

c)     A person who physically disable to perform certain tasks.

d)     All the above.

Answer -D

5. Which among the following is not the type of disability?

a)     Physical disability

b)     Mental disability

c)     Learning disability

d)     Climb disability

Answer -D

6. .The following is the characteristic of disability.

a)     Intellectual

b)     Physical

c)     sensory

d)     All the above


7. Which of the following criteria can be used to define Intellectual disabilities?

a)     Significantly below average intellectual functioning

b)     Impairments in adaptive functioning generally

c)     These deficits should be manifest before the age of 18-years

d)     All the above

Answer -D

8. Individuals with Down Syndrome often have moderate to severe intellectual impairment with a measurable IQ usually between:

a)     45-50

b)     55-60

c)     35-55.

d)     25-35

9. Answer -C

10. Intellectual disability characterized by

a)     Significant impairment in cognitive and adaptive behavior

b)     It describe this condition has gone under constant change over the years due to the social and political compulsion

c)     A and B Wrong

d)     A  and B Correct

Answer -D

11. What is intellectual disability?

a)     Intellectual disabilities are disorders that originate before 18 years of age

b)     possibly resulting from physical causes such as cerebral palsy, autism, or non-physical causes such as lack of stimulation

c)     Intellectual disorders are characterized by a limited mental capacity and difficulty with adaptive behaviors such as handling routines or social situations.

d)     ABC are correct

Answer -D

12. Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual disability when there is a significant period without oxygen occurring during or immediately after delivery?

a)     Anoxia

b)     Pronoxia

c)     Anaphylaxia

d)     Dysnoxia

Answer - A

13. .The quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities can be improved significantly with the help of basic training procedures that will equip them with a range of skills depending on their level of disability. The application of learning theory to training in these areas is also known as:

a)     a)Applied cognitive approaches

b)     b Applied treatment analysis

c)     C-Cognitive behavioral therapy

d)     D-Applied behavior analysis

Answer -D

14. . Which is not considered as a physical disability?

a)     Spinal cord injury

b)     Cerebral palsy

c)     Multiple sclerosis

d)     Toothache


15. What do you mean handicapped?

a)     Mike Oliver

b)     Aguest Compe

c)     Marry Richmond

d)     Non of the above

15. Answer -A

16. .What are the problem of disabled?

a)     Education

b)     Health

c)     Finance

d)     All the above

Answer -All the above

17.  What are the need of the diabled?

a)     Peer support

b)     Housing

c)     Transport

d)     All the abobe

Answer -D

18. Which of the following is a technique used to address stuttering?

a)     Purposeful speech

b)     Practical speech

c)     Delayed speech

d)     Prolonged speech

Answer -D

19. Which of the following criteria can be used to define Intellectual disabilities?

a)     Significantly be  low average intellectual functioning

b)     Impairments in adaptive functioning generally

c)     These deficits should be manifest before the age of 18-years

d)     All of the above


20.   What do you mean handicapped ?

a)     Physicla disability

b)     Mental disability

c)     loss of or failure to develop a specific bodily function or functions, whether of movement, sensation, coordination, or speech, but excluding mental impairments or disabilities

d)     All the above

Answer -C

21. .What are the problem of disabled ?

a)     Education

b)     Health

c)     Finance

d)     All the above

Answer -All the above

22. What are the need of the diabled?

a)     Peer support

b)     Housing

c)     Transport

d)     All the above

Answer -D

23.  What does SEN stadns for ?

a)     Special educational needs

b)     Special and exceptional needs

c)     Social education needs

d)     Spatial emotional negotiatio

Answer -A

24.  Which of the following is a technique used to address stuttering?

a)     Purposeful speech

b)     Practical speech

c)     Delayed speech

d)     Prolonged speech

Answer -D

25. .Which of the following criteria can be used to define Intellectual disabilities?

a)     Significantly below average intellectual functioning

b)     Impairments in adaptive functioning generally

c)     These deficits should be manifest before the age of 18-years

d)     All of the above


26. In DSM-IV-TR intellectual disabilities are divided into a number of degrees of severity, depending primarily on the range of IQ score provided by the sufferer. One of these is Mild Mental Retardation, corresponding to an IQ score between:

a)     60-65 to 80

b)     40-55 to 60

c)     50-55 to 70

d)     70-75 to 90


 27- Individuals with Down Syndrome often have moderate to severe intellectual impairment with a measurable IQ usually between:

a)     45-50

b)     55-60

c)     35-55.

d)     25-35

Answer -D

28.Which of the following procedures can be used to identify Down Syndrome pre-natally?

a)     Amniocentesis

b)     Amnioprolaxis

c)     Amniophalaxi

d)     Amniocalesis


29.Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual disability when there is a significant period without oxygen occurring during or immediately after delivery?

a)     Anoxia

b)     Pronoxia

c)     Anaphylaxis

d)     Dyslexia

Answer -A

30.Which of the following is a form of child abuse that is known to cause intellectual disability?

a)     Shaken baby syndrome

b)     Abused child syndrome

c)     Battered baby syndrome

d)     Damaged infant syndrome

Answer -A

31. Stigamtize means

a)     Identify is spoiled

b)     They are labeled as a different

c)     Discriminated against

d)     D  All the above


32.  According to the World Report on Disability, how many people have a disability?

a)     1 million

b)     10 million

c)     100 million

d)     1 billion

Answer - D

33.According to the WHO, disability is:

a)     A health issue, to which medical solutions should be applied when possible.

b)     A socially and environmentally defined issue, rather than a purely biological issue.

c)     Neither purely biological nor social, but instead the interaction between health conditions and environmental and personal factors

d)     disability is the interaction between health conditions and environmental and personal factors.

Answer -D

34. According to the World Report on Disability, what is the percentage of children with disabilities living in developing countries?

a)     20%

b)     40%

c)     60%

d)     80%

Answer -D

35. 34. Which of the the following should include data regarding children with disabilities:

a)     National census and household surveys

b)     Situations Analysis

c)     Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS)

d)     All of the above

Answer -D

36. According to the social and human rights model of disability, if a person in a wheelchair is unable to reach a ballot box and exercise the right to vote, it is because…

a)     The person’s physical abilities prevent her/him from accessing the ballot box.

b)     Environmental barriers prevent them from reaching the ballot box.

c)     That person does not have the right to vote.

Answer -B

37. Equity and inclusion for children with disabilities means equal…

a)     Opportunities

b)     Treatment

c)     Rights

d)     Participation

e)     All of the Above


38.  According to the person-first terminology, which expression is appropriate?

a)     Child with disabilities

b)     Disabled child

c)     Child with a handicap

d)     Handicapped Child

Answer -A

39. When asking a person with disabilities a question, you should:

a)     Address the question to the person’s assistant

b)     Ask someone for help

c)     Speak to the person with disabilities directly

d)     All the above


40. Person with low vision means

a)     Legal blind with residual visionb.

b)     b. refractive error

c)     impairment of visual functioning even after treatment or standard refractive correction

d)     d.functional vision loss

Anwer -C

41. 40.Visual Field of low vision as per WHO 1992 definition is

a)     90 degreeb.

b)     < 30 degreec.

c)     20 degree or lessd.

d)     10 degree or less

Answer d

42. What are the requrement and needs of the disbled.

a)     Peer support

b)     Housing

c)     Transport

d)     All the above

Answer -D

43. Why is the peer important ?

a)     As disabled people experience barriers in society,

b)     it is important that we are able to support each other and come together as a group of marginalised people to share information,

c)     This enables both individual support

d)     All the above

Answer -D

44.  Housing is the primary requirent for the disabled. Ture or false

a)     Ture

b)     False

c)     Non of the above

d)     All the above

Answer -A

45. What is the advantage of housing need for the disabled?

a)     live in society, and

b)     be able to live an inclusive life as part of their local community. It is also important to note that as people become older,

c)     they can often experience changes which limit their mobility, which causes their homes to become inaccessible to them.

d)     All the above

Answer -D

46. How does equipment help disabled people?

a)     Equipment, aids and adaptations can enable us to do things without assistance.

b)     easy access to both home and work environments

c)     Some of these adaptations also make everyday life much safer for disabled people.

d)     D All the above

Answer -D

47. 46.What are the means of transports includes for the disabled people?

a)     buses,

b)     trains,

c)     taxis

d)     All the above

Answer -D

48. Why does accessible transport desirable for the disabled?

a)     disabled people to be able to leave their homes and lead a full, inclusive life as part of their community, and society as a whole

b)     Without accessible transport, disabled people become isolated, segregated, and limited by society’s barrier

c)     Participating in education, leisure activities, living an independent life (carrying out our own shopping,

d)     All the above

Answer - D

49. Which among the following is not the problem of the disabled?

a)     Transportation

b)     Social Stigma

c)     Day care center

d)     Financial crisis

Answer - C

50. According to the data from The Census and Statistics Department (2009) what percentage of disabled people never received an education?

a)     32.3%

b)     56%

c)     34&

d)     None of the above

Answer -A

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