40 MCQ on Correctional Social Work

40 MCQ on Correctional Social Work


1. Which age group is defined as juvenile delinquency?

a)     Above 18

b)     Below 18

c)     None of these

d)     All of the above

Answer -B

2. The term ‘juvenile has been defined in which clause?

a)     Clause (h) Sec.2 , 1986

b)     Clause (f) Sec. 8, 1986

c)     Clause (e) Sec.2 , 1986

d)     None of these


3. The cause of JD would be-

a)     Physical disorder

b)     Theoretical cause

c)     Both A and B

d)     Only B


4. Social disorganization defined to-

a)     the joint family system is coming to an end a, a new trend has evolved wherein both the parents are working and as a result, children are left neglected and such isolation leads to the child’s involvement in wrongful acts.

b) the behavioral study was done on delinquent children by the psychologists,

c)     the major reasons as to why children are entering into the worlds of crime are because of their bad company.

d)     Only C


5. How many theories are there in Juvenile Justice?

a)     1

b)     3

c)     8

d)     4


6. What is a psychogenic theory?

a)     the genetic factors, substance balances within the organism, and undoubtedly the impact of physical illness on his behavior,

b)     there must be something in the child himself which environment changes his behavior towards delinquency,

c)     the the conception that the natural body structure of criminals is generally different from normal human beings,

d)     the emotional physiology of the delinquent. Hirschi stated that all theories are based on these aspects

Answer -A

7. Which of the following constitutes a type of juvenile delinquency?

a)     a. status offense

b)     b. civil offense

c)     c. criminal offense

d)     d. a and c only

Answer -A, C AND D


8.   In 1999, what was the percentage, of all juvenile delinquency cases, which had been disposed by the courts?

 a. 12%

 b. 29%

 c. 41%

 d. 57%


9. A child below the age of ______, who commits a crime, is not held morally or criminally responsible for that act.

a)     5

b)     7

c)     10

d)     12


10. The theory that states that “the family is the major socializing agent that influences and helps shape the child's attitude, values, behavior, and personality” is the

a)     a. Effective Parenting Theory

b)     b. Family Circle Theory

c)     c. Family Systems Theory

d)     d. Meta-analysis Theory

Answer -B

11. BSFT stands for

a)  Best Sessions of Family Therapy

b)  Brief Session For Therapy

c)    Brief Strategic Family Therapy

d)  Best System for Family Therapy

Answer -C

12. Total  how many crimes were committed by the juvenile offenders during 1978?

a)     87322

b)     28902

c)     44289

d)     44284

Answer -C

13. The behavioral study done on delinquent children by the _____.

a)     Neglected

b)     Isolated

c)     Psychologist

d)     Social

Ansewr -C

14. A youth is considered a juvenile delinquent:?

 a-As soon as they break the law.

 b. When they are apprehended by the police.

 c. When they are processed through the court and adjudicated.

 d. All of the above

Answer --C

15. What is the goal of the Juvenile Justice System?

a)     To maintaining public safety,

b)     skill development,

c)     Habilitation,

d)     All of the above

Answer -D


16. The term ‘delinquency’ has been defined

a)     Clause (e) of section 2 of the Juvenile Justice Act, 1986,

b)     Clause (q) of section 4 of the Juvenile Justice Act, 1832,

c)     Only A

d)     None of the above

Answer -C

17. Biogenic theory is based upon___.

Environment changes

a)     Natural body

b)     Emotional physiology

c)     Physical illness

Answer -B


18. Delinquents behave in a way as they want to do because they are __________.

a)     Criminal person

b)     Normal  person

c)     Psycho person

d)     Abnormal person

Answer -B


19.  Who is the founder of biogenic theory?

a)     Hirschi Johny

b)     Airchorn

c)     Lombroso

d)     None of these

Answer -D


20.What Airchorn said “____”

a)     “There must be something in the child himself which environment changes his behavior towards delinquency”

b)     A

c)     None of the above

d)     B

Answer -A


21.The first juvenile court law in the United States was enacted in the state of:

 a. Massachusetts

 b. Illinois

 c. New York

 d. Connecticut

 Answer -

22. the maximum tenure of the punishment which can be given to the juvenile offenders is ___years and this punishment is valid for the heinous crime

a)     10

b)     2

c)     3

d)     7

Answer -D

23.. The rehabilitative process includes:

a)     Therapeutic guidance, skill development

b)     Improve mental health and substance abuse Yoga and mind developing activities

c)     Both  A and C

d)     Only B


25.. correctional institution" means-

a)     An adult correctional center;

b)     juvenile correctional center;

c)     A remand center;

d)     A juvenile remand centre;

Answer- B


26. Existing studies of juvenile delinquents have shown that

a)     children who have been abused are more likely to become involved in delinquent behavior

b)     children who have been abused are equally as likely to become involved in delinquent behavior as children that were not abused

c)     children who have been abused are less likely to become involved in delinquent behavior

d)      there are no correlations between juvenile delinquency and children who have been abused.




27. A home where a small number of individuals in need of care or supervision live together.

a)  Intake

b)  Detention Facility

c)   Group Home

d)  Gao

Answer -C

28. Residential placements that provide participants with a series of physically challenging outdoor activities designed to prevent or reduce delinquent behavior and recidivism.

a)  Juvenile Detention Center

b)  Residential Treatment Center

c)   Training School

d)  Wilderness Camp


29. A somewhat dated label for juvenile correctional institutions.

a)  Training School

b)  Corporal Punishment

c)   Residential Treatment Center

d)  Detention Facility\

Answer -D

30. Having physical control over and legal responsibility for a prisoner or juvenile.

a)  Corporal Punishment

b)  Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)

c)   Diagnostic Center

d)  Custody

Answer -D

31. A center where all juveniles are sent for psychological, educational, and security evaluations before being sent to a long-term placement facility.

a)  Penitence

b)  Diagnostic Center

c)   Detention Facility

d)  Group Home

Answer -B

32. Provides national leadership, coordination, and resources to stop and respond to juvenile misbehavior and victimization.

a)  Detention Facility

b)  Juvenile Detention Center

c)   Group Home

d)  Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)


33. Physical punishments such as flogging.

a)  Gaol

b)  Wilderness Camp

c)   Corporal Punishment

d)  Detention Centers

Answer -C


34. A prison facility that houses only female inmates; there are far fewer of these than male prisons.

a)  Custody Level

b)  Special Populations

c)   Women’s Prisons

d)  American Correctional Association

Answer -C


35. Under the Juvenile Justice Act, 2015 a child below the age of 18 years is defined as

(a)   Immature

(b)   Young

(c)   Adolescent

(d)   Juvenile

Answer - D

36.Dowry’ is defined under which section of the Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961?

(a)   Section 3

(b)   Section 5

(c)   Section 2

(d)   Section 4

Answer -C

37.The philosophical approach to corrections that focuses on the identification, prevention, and elimination of the underlying causes of crime.

a)  Prison Overcrowding

b)  Prison Programs

c)   Medical Model

d)  Minimum-security Prison

Answer -C

38. Early family treatment approaches for juvenile delinquents include

a)     family systems approach

b)     short-term crisis intervention

c)     multi-systemic therapy

d)     d. A and B only

Ansewer - All of the above

39.  ……are distinct forms of ‘Justice’ in the Indian constitution.
    a)    Justice, empowerment, well being 
    b)    Social, economical, political
    c)    Social, Psychological, emotional
    d)    Social, educational, judicial
Ans :- B

40. The First Amendment guarantees the right of the people to gather together, so long as they do so peacefully.

a)     Right to the Free Exercise of Religion

b)     Johnson v. Avery (1969)

c)     Right to Assemble

d)     Hudson v. Palmer (1984)

Answer -C

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