50 Social Policy MCQ With Answer

50 Social Policy MCQ With Answer

1. Social welfare administration  is coming under  the

a)      Direct method of social work

b)      Indirect method of social welfare

c)      Not coming under any method

d)      All the above


2.Welfare administration is referrer to

a)      Translating social policies into welfare program

b)      Method of policies governance

c)      System of administration for social welfare

d)      all the option

Answer -D


3.The nature of social welfare administration are

a)      It can be acquired

b)      It is objective in nature

c)      Practical application of knowledge

d)      All the option are correct

Answer -D

4. Which is not the category of administration according to Henry Fayol

a)      Organization

b)      Command

c)      Coordination

d)      Supervision

Answer - A

5.Who advocated POSDCORB view ?

a)      Henry Fayol

b)      Luther Gulick

c)      L.Urwick

d)      M.ovean

Answer -B

6.Who said study of administration deals with  Men, Materials and Method ?

a)      Luther Gulick

b)      Henery Fayol

c)      P.M Queen

d)      M.ovean

Answer -B

7.What is not the steps of planning in welfare administration

a)      Formulate appropriate objective

b)      Identify the problem

c)      Collect and understand existing fact

d)      Drafting the report


8.Organization is the part of

a)      Administration Process

b)      Welfare administration Method

c)      Integral View

d)      POSDCORB View

Answer -D


9.When was the five year plan initiated ?

a)      1949

b)      1951

c)      1990

d)      1950

Answer -B

10.Who was the first professor of social administration appointed in the Landon school of Economics?

a)      Richard Titmus

b)      Alcock

c)      Miller

d)      George


11.Who among the following has given the structural view of the society ?

a)      Durkheim

b)      Gidding

c)      Maclever

d)      Cooley

Answer -A


12. Who among the following said “Man is a social animal “

a)      Maclever

b)      Freud

c)      Aristotle

d)      Rousseau

Answer -c

13.Abbreviation  of CAPART

a)      Council for advance for people actions and rural technology

b)      Council for advance for people association and rural technology

c)      Advancement of people association and rural transformation

d)      Council of additional people association and rural technology

Answer -A

14..Which of the following is not the component of agency administration

a)The chief executive

b)The staff

c)The donor agencies

d)The beneficiaries

Answer -D

15.Distributive justice combination of __________

a)Right and duties

b)Constitutional remedies and  social system

c)Social and community justice

d)Community and Society

Answer -A

16.the existence of opportunity for meaningful work  and employment is called  as

a)Social security

b)Social equity

c)Economic and social equity

d)Economic Justice

Answer -C

17.In the abbreviation POSDCORB-CO stands for

a)      Communication

b)      Coordination

c)      Counselling

d)      Corporation

Answer- B


18.Social work administration is coming under

a)      Primay method of social work

b)      Secondary method of social wokr

c)      Method of public administration

d)      All the option

Answer -B

19. Individual abilities can be expanded by enrolling for:-

a) Training programmes

b) Acquiring additional degree

c)Seeking new work assignments

d) All of the above

Answer -D


20. The concept of “felt needs” is related to:

(A) Social group work

(B) Social case work

(C) Social action

(D) Community organization

Ans. (D)

21. ‘Evaluation of self-based on reflection or social comparison’ is known as:

(A) Self-esteem

(B) Self-awareness

(C) Self-security

(D) Self-confidence

Ans. (A)

22. The process of mutual influence between worker and client is called:

(A) Relationship

(B) Understanding

(C) Reflexiveness

(D) Rapport

Ans. (C)

23. Which one of the following is a part of Human Development Index?

(A) More gross national product

(B) More industrialization

(C) Life expectancy

(D) Fighting against social exclusion

Ans. (C)

24. Which one of the following is the type of dream mechanism?

(A) Sublimation

(B) Symbolization

(C) Rationalization

(D) Repression

Ans. (A)

25.  Schedules V and VI of the Indian Constitution are related to ;

(A) Decides state boundaries between the states

(B) Decides the powers and responsibilities of Panchayat Raj

(C) Protection of rights  of tribal

(D) Protections of minorities in the country

Ans. C

26. Institutional Redistribution Model of Social Policy is associated with-

(A) Welfare state

(B) Capital state

(C) Communist state

(D) Police state

Ans. (A)

27. Which act requires employers in industrial establishments to define the conditions of employment?

(A) The Factories Act, 1948

(B) The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947

(C) The Industrial Employment (Standing orders) Act, 1946

(D) The Trade Union Act, 1946

Ans. (C)

28. As per global definition of 2014, social work is not concerned with the promotion of which one of the following?

(A) Social change

(B) Social cohesion

(C) Social choices

(D) Liberation of people

Ans. (C)

29. As per global definition of 2014, social work is not concerned with the promotion of which one of the following?

(A) Social change

(B) Social cohesion

(C) Social choices

(D) Liberation of people

Ans. (C)

30. Who among the following is associated with the concept of ‘Social Fact’?

(A) Emile Durkheim

(B) Karl Marx

(C) M. Mauss

(D) Max Weber

31. Locality Development Model of community development was propounded by whom?

(A) Saul David Alinsky

(B) Gordon Hamilton

(C) Jack Rothman

(D) M.G. Ross

Ans. (C)

32.Asymmetrical distribution indicates-

(A) Range

(B) Standard Deviation

(C) Skewness

(D) Kurtosis

Ans. ©

33. Which among the following department was created under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment in May 2012?

(A) Department of AYUSH

(B) Department of Disability Affairs

(C) Department of Youth Affairs

(D) Department of Refugee Rehabilitation

Ans. (B)

34. Social Distance Scale was developed by-

(A) Likert

(B) Thorndike

(C) Bogardus

(D) Thurston

Ans. (C)

35. Who is the Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog?

(A) Narendra Modi

(B) Bibek Debroy

(C) Arvind Panagariya

(D) Nitin Gadkari

Ans. (C)

36. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of collective bargaining?

(A) It is a collective process

(B) It is a flexible process

(C) It is not a bipartite process

(D) It is interdisciplinary system

Ans. (C)


37. .Belief in the worth of the individual is related to __

(A) Social work values

(B) Social work techniques

(C) Social work principles

(D) Social work methods

Ans. (A)

38..‘Something given or demanded as repayment for wrong doing’ refers to ___

(A) Rehabilitation

(B) Correction

(C) Retribution

(D) Reformation

Ans (C

38. The PC PNDT Act primarily addresses to

(A) Legal Abortion

(B) Sex selective abortion

(C) Abortion care to unwed mothers

(D) Abortion care to rape victims

Ans. (B)

39. Which article of Indian Constitution lays down the provision of free and compulsory education for children?

.40. Institutional Redistributive Model of Social Policy is associated with

     (a) Capitalist State

     (b) Communist State

     (c) Totalitarian State

     (d) Welfare State


41.Which was not the core instrument of the economic policy?

     a)  Monetary policy

     b)  Fiscal policy

     c)  Regulation and other direct controls

     d)  Youth policy

Answer -D

42. Which of the following correctly lists the stages of the policymaking process in chronological

     a.  Policy evaluation; issue identi-fication and agenda setting; policy adoption; policy
          formulation; policy implementation

     b.  Issue identification and agenda setting; policy formulation; policy adoption; policy
          implementation; policy evaluation

     c.  Policy formulation; issue identi-fication and agenda setting; policy evaluation; policy
          implementation; policy adoption

   d.  Policy implementation; policy evaluation; issue identification and agenda setting; policy  formulation; policy adoption


43. Who evaluates public policies?

     a.  The media

     b.  Academics

     c.  Government officials

     d.  All of the political actors listed above may evaluate public policies.


44. Which of the following is not generally considered social-welfare policy?

a)      Health care  

b)      Interest rate

c)       Food stamps   

d)      Education

Answer C

45. Which of the following countries, typically provides the least extensive welfare benefits?

     a.  The United States

     b.  Sweden

     c.  Germany

     d.  India

Answer -A

46. National Policy on Education was approved by the parliament in the year

a)      1985

b)      1986

c)      1990 

d)      1984

Answer -B

47. Education was included in the concurrent list in the year

a)      1976  

b)      1968

c)      1964

d)      1990

Answer -A

48. Article 45 under the Directive Principles of State policy in the Indian Constitution, provides for

     a.  Rights of minorities to establish educational institutions

     b.  Free and compulsory primary education

     c.  Education for weaker sections of the country

     d.  Giving financial assistance to less advanced states

Answer - B


49. Welfare administraoin refers to the following .

a)      Translating social policy into social welfare program

b)      Art of getting the things done

c)      Process of social welfare

d)      Non of the above

Answer -A

50.  Which  of the following is not the principles of social welfare administration.

a)      The principles of social work values

b)      Principles of agencies purpose

c)      Principles of cultural setting

d)      Principles of social worker selection

Answer -D



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