Social Case Work MCQ

Social Case Work MCQ


1 What are the 4 Ps stand for-

a)        Person, profession, people, progress

b)        Person, problem, place, process

c)        Priority, plan, profound, potential

d)        Only A

Answer -B

2. Place It is ________that renders professional help/service to the client.

a)        Park

b)        Office

c)        Club

d)        Organization

Answer -D

3. Which one is the main phases of the social case work process.

a)        Assessment

b)        Interview

c)        Explanation

d)        Annalysis

Answer A

4. Who is the author of social case work/

a)        Gordon  Singh

b)        Halminton johny

c)        Marry Richmond

d)        Gordon Hamilton

Answer -C

5. Effective Casework Practice: An Eclectic Approach is written by-

a)        Mary Richmond

b)        Florence Hollis

c)        H. H. Perlman

d)        Joel Fisher

Answer -D

6. Which of the following is the first step in Social Case Work-

a)        Treatment

b)        Psycho- social  study

c)        Evolution

d)        Diagnosis

Answer -D

7.  In Social Case Work, interview is important:

a)        Tool                         

b)        Method

c)        Technique                

d)        All the above


8. While working with an individual client on a one – to – one basis, the relationship is-

a)        A friendly association

b)        A contract

c)        Purposeful to meet the psycho – social needs of the client

d)        A sympathetic understanding of the client

Answer -C


9. Identify the correct items The tool of the social case work are

a)        Home visit               

b)        Summarization

c)        Recording                

d)        Interviewee

Answer D

10. Match items

                   List 1                             List 2

     a)  Social case work                     1)  Social planning model

     b) Social group work                    2)  Behavior modification model

     c)  Community organization        3)  Reciprocal model

     d) Social action                           4)  Conscientization model

Answer -D

11. Social investigation is a ______process.

a)        Physical process

b)        Psychological process

c)        Psycho-social process

d)        None of the above

Answer -A

12.  Which one refer to the behavior that an individual engages in while enacting the role?
     a) Role taking             
     b) Role playing
     c)  Playing at a role
     d) Role expectation

 Answer - B

13. Mary Richmond’s ‘Social Diagnosis’ can be considered as first book of
     Answer - C

14. Case study involves
     a) Careful observation of a person
     b) Complete observation of a person
     c)  Very careful observation of a person
     d) Very careful and complete observation of a person

Answer -D

15. Case study aims to
     a) Established statistical correlation
     b) Bring out the structure of the unit as a whole
     c)  Expose person’s danger to society
     d) Treats cases requiring self help


16.  According to P.V. Young which one of the following is essentially needed for the objective of fact finding
     a) In consistent thinking
     b) Rigid pursuit for accurate data
     c)  Thinking nothing for granted
     d) Scientific attitudes

Answer -A

17. Which one may be defined as a method of measuring individuals social behavior?
     a) Sociometry             
     b) Sample method
     c) Verstehen method  
     d) Interview method

Answer -A

18. Which technique is most suitable to study in depth?
     a) mailed questionnaire
     b) interview guide
     c) interview schedule
     d) structured interview


19. The process of treatment passes through many phases

a)        3

b)        6

c)        8

d)        4

Answer -B

20. The case work diagnosis fall into the _____pattern.

a)        Singular

b)        Double

c)        Plural

d)        Tricolar

Answer -A

21.Negative reinforcement leads to _________

a)        Extinguish a behavio

b)        Increase in desired response

c)        Eliminate desirable responses

d)        Learn helplessness

Answer -A

22.Which word among the following refers to physical and psychological exhaustion caused by an inability to cope?

a)        Frustration            

b)        Crisis

c)        Burnout                 

d)        Insomnia

Answer -C    

23. which one may be defined as a method of measuring individuals social behavior?

a)        Sociometry            

b)        Sample method

c)        erstehen method 

d)        Interview method

Answer -A

24. In HIV Counseling VCTC refers to:

     a)  Voluntary Condom use Training Centre

     b) Voluntary Counseling and Testing Centre

     c)  Voluntary Centre for Training and Care

     d) Voluntary Care and Treatment Centre

Answer -B

25.While working with an individual client on a one – to – one basis, the relationship is:

     a)  A friendly association

     b) A contract

     c)  Purposeful to meet the psycho – social needs of the client

     d) A sympathetic understanding of the client

26. Putting oneself in the shoe of another person and understanding his/her perceptual world is

     a)  Empathy

     b) Positive regards

     c)  Genuineness

     d) None of the above



27.Case study aims to

     a)  Established statistical correlation

     b) Bring out the structure of the unit as a whole

     c)  Expose person's danger to society

     d) Treats cases requiring self help

Answer - A

28. Programme in social group work is based  on ———?

     a). Interest and resources     

     b). Interests and resources of the worker

     c). Interests and resources of the group   

     d). None of the above.

Answer- C

 29 No compromise on law is characteristic of ——leadership?

a). Democratic

b). Autocratic


d). Laissz Faire

Ans- C


30.  Which one is the main phases of the social case work process?

a)        Assessment

b)        Interview

c)        Explanation

d)        Analysis

Answer -A

31. Who is the author of social case work/

a)        Gordon  Singh

b)        Halminton johny

c)        Gordon  Siddhique

d)        Gordon Hamilton



32.In Social Case Work, interview is an important:
     a) Tool                   
     b) Method
     c)  Technique          
     d) All the above
Answer :- D

33.Which one of the following is not a technique of case work?
     a) Interviewing      
     b) Observation
     c)   Counseling             
     d) Lobbying
Answer :- D

34.Which one refer to the behavior that an individual engages in while enacting the role?
     a) Role taking             
     b) Role playing
     c)  Playing at a role
     d) Role expectation
Answer :- B

35. Identify the correct answer:
     Recording in social case work can be classified as
     a) Narrative recording, process recording, evaluative 

         recording and summary recording
     b) Problem oriented, field oriented, process oriented, 
         individual centered
     c) Referral summaries, diagnostic summaries, narrative
         records and problem oriented records.
     d) Process oriented narrative situational and analytical
Answer C

36.Putting oneself in the shoe of another person and understanding his/her perceptual world is
     a) Empathy
     b) Positive regards
     c)  Genuineness
     d) None of the above
Answer :- A

37. Role of the group worker can be best understood through the term——?

a). Indirect leader

b). Enabler

c). Resource person

d). Programme planner

Answer- D


38. 'Wilson & Ryland' is the author of the book —?

     a).  Social group work         

     b). Social work with groups

     c). Group work practice

d)Social group work practice

Answer- A


39. The interview guide will be used during interview by
     a) Interviewee
     b) Interviewer
     c)  Different people
     d) Both interviewer and interviewee
Answer :- B

40. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of secondary group?

     a). Large size                 

     b). Personal orientation

     c). Secondary relations            

     d). Formal communication

Answe- B


41.How many component in social case work?

a)        5

b)        4

c)        3

d)        7

Answer- B

42. Effective Casework Practice: An Eclectic Approach is written by-

a)        Mary Richmond

b)        Florence Hollis

c)        H. H. Perlman

d)        Joel Fisher

Answer -B

43.While working with an individual client on a one – to – one basis, the relationship is-

a)        A friendly association

b)        A contract

c)        Purposeful to meet the psycho – social needs of the client

d)        All the above

Answer -All the above

44. -___is the most frequently used skill in social work

a)        Needs asessment.

b)        The interview

c)        Goal setting

d)        The determination of eligibility.

Answer- B


45.While working with an individual client on a one – to – one basis, the relationship is:

a)        A friendly association

b)        A contract

c)        Purposeful to meet the psycho – social needs of the client

d)        A sympathetic understanding of the client

Answer -C

46.Whci is the characteristics of social case work?

a)        Case work is an art of delaing with clients problem

b)        Case work is disciples of social work profession

c)        case work is the method of socal work research

d)        All the above

Answer- A

47. Which of the following is not the case work process.

a)        Assessment

b)        Intervention

c)        Termination

d)        Rejection

Answer -D

48. Who is the founding father of social case work?

a)        Marry Richmond

b)        Hamilton

c)        H.H Perlman

d)        Non of the above

Answer -A

49. Which among the following is not the component of social  case work?

a)        Person

b)        Problem

c)        Palace

d)        Process

Answer- C

50. The scope and prevalence of social problems (population needs) are determined by:

 a. Case conferences

 b. Team meetings

 c. Worker-client sessions

 d. Student-instructor supervisory sessions

 e. All of the above

Answer -E




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