


The study of Sanskritization affecting the study to show behavior patterns of lower castes and the evolution of their culture. Various case studies were also made regarding Sanskritization. When upper caste people want to dominate the lower caste people then lower caste people want to use the custom of upper caste people to get the reward, that is the place where Sanskritization comes.
The concept of ‘Sanskritization’ coined by Prof. M.N. Srinivas, one of the famous Indian sociologist. He explained the concept of Sanskritization in the book “Religion and Society”, it describes the cultural mobility in the traditional caste structure of Indian society. In his study, the Author came to knew that, the lower castes sometimes trying to raise their status and want to adopt in their caste hierarchy by adopting some rituals of the Brahmins. To explain this process of mobility, Srinivas used the term ‘Brahminization’. Later on, he called it ‘Sanskritization’ in a broad sense.
Sanskritization defines by M.N Srinivas, “Sanskritization is a process at where a lower caste or any other group of people changes its customs, rituals, ideology and way of life in the direction of a higher caste.” Is known as Sanskritization.
Characteristics of Sanskritization:
1. Sanskritization is a process of social change, which indicates the social status of a person is fixed on the basis of caste hierarchy. There are many lower castes who suffer from economic, religious, political, or social disabilities. In order to improve the status, the lower castes people adopt the lifestyle of the upper caste people and try to behave like them.
2. Sanskritization is a process of cultural change. And it is a process in which the lower castes adopt the cultural patterns of the higher castes, to raise their status in the caste hierarchical order. In some societies, the lower caste people followed not only the customs of the Brahmins but also the customs of the locally dominant castes like Kshatriyas and Vaisyas and jains to raise their status.
3. Sanskritization is helpful in the social mobility of lower caste:
In this process, a caste is only trying to change the status and not the social structure.
4. Sanskritization process also followed by the tribal. Sanskritization process is not only confined to the caste people of Hindu society, it is also found among the tribal society.
5. The concept of Sanskritization has also given rise to De-sanskritization. There are some instances in modern times, some of the higher castes are imitating the behaviour pattern of lower caste, and for example Brahmins have started taking meat and liquor. This process is called De-sanskritization.
Models of Sanskritization:
Sanskritization may follow any of the following models such as:
1. Cultural model,
2. Varna Model,
3. Local Model.
1. Cultural Model:
Castes have been assigned high or low status according to cultural characteristics of Hindus in India. The wearing of sacred thread, denying the use of meat and liquor, observing endogamy, prohibition of widow remarriage, child marriage observing the restriction in caste system, worship according to the modes and methods described in the religious text books, giving respect to the religious and mythological stories etc. have been given sanctity in traditional culture. They are considered to be the measuring standards of sacredness and purity. Accepting these behaviour and code of highness and purity as described in religious texts in a form of Sanskritization.
2. Varna Model:
In the Varna system the highest status is given to that of a Brahmin followed by Kshatriya, Vaishya . Antyaj(chandals) or the lowest is the fifth Varna that is the lowest and untouchable one in the Varna system as per history. The lower castes coping the ideas and life style of the superior castes. Where the Kshatriyas enjoy superiority, the lower castes followed their life style and ideas. Simultaneously where the vaishyas enjoy superiority, the lower castes followed their life style and ideas. Only the Antyaj or lower caste copy the Sudras. That is to say emulating the life style or ideals of a Varna on the basis of honour and superiority enjoyed by that class is called Varna model or sanskritization.
3. Local Model:
In every country, some castes are considered to be more superior or respectful than others on account of their economic power. This caste may be called the “master caste” or the “dominant caste”. So the lower caste always copies the life style of the local dominant caste in order to improve their status.
Impact of Sanskritization:
1)     Sanskritization in social field:
The social aspect of sanskritization is much more crucial from the view point of change. The low caste individuals are inclined towards sanskritization because in that way they can elevate their social status and get higher status in caste based hierarchy.
2)     Sanskritization in economic field:
Economic betterment and sanskritization is an another related issue discussed widely in sociology. The lower caste people have given up un-cleaned occupation to raise their economic status because clean trades are a symbol of social status.
3)     Sanskritization in religious field:
Sensitization also can be observed in the religious field. Like Brahmin, many of the lower castes people put on sacred thread as a symbol of there caste. They also go to their temple regularly and perform Arti and Bhajan and puja like other religions. They have prohibited food and un-cleaned occupation. Even they have specialised in performing ceremonies like Brahmins.
4)     Sanskritization in living patterns:
The living patterns of lower castes people have also Sensitized to change in social behavior accordingly. Like higher caste they also try to get Pucca houses built for them. Now they sit along with the higher caste  without any fear or hesitation. They also keep their houses clean and put on dresses like higher castes.
The living patterns,dresscode as well as behavior pattern of lower castes, have changed due to sanskritization. They compete with higher caste person in every aspect of life. They share same space in offices. They reside in the same areas of higher castes; they try to have some kind of food, wear similar clothes and do much more things like these in the race of being like upper caste people and being superior.
Many times they have emerged as superior than these so called higher caste.


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