7 Fun activities for Senior Citizen During Quarantine

7 Fun activities for Senior Citizen During Quarantine

The Covid-19 virus has become one of the worst pandemics in recent history. The vaccine is a distant dream; the only way to avoid contracting this virus is by maintaining social distancing and staying at home. Although this whole “home quarantine” concept was an entirely new one, most people were able to adjust to it quickly. Most people love this home quarantine because they could spend time with their family. Many spend time on the Internet and watching internet videos. But our elders are not that interested in the world of Whatsapp or Amazon prime or Facebook. 

Since senior citizens are at higher risk of contraction, they have been advised to stay at home and follow strict lockdown. This has severely affected that mental state as they are no longer allowed to do their regular activities. Elders can no longer meet their friends and family friends who again affect their mental health and they tend to feel lonely or stressed. Thus, it becomes extremely important that we take proper care of them during this period of uncertainty.

Keeping that in mind, we bring to you a list of fun activities for seniors during this quarantine.

 Call your Loved One Virtually

 Sometimes a simple Video call to your elder gives them enough satisfaction then your real presence. We need to understand this before it is too late. We are attending countless webinars, phone calls, Conference calls but we forget to call them. So just have a video call with your grad parents and make them happy. In fact, you could arrange one family group calling to make them more engaged. 

 Reading Books

Elders love to read so the most important thing is to know their interest. So buy some good books for them and help them to engage. You can read with them also to make them more inclined. Reading makes them think and with this, they engaged with multi dynamism which again makes them busy in their own world.

 Board Games

 Yes, that’s right. Those board games that you take out only during a family outing can come in handy during this lockdown. Chess, Uno and Ludo are just some of the quarantine. Apart from elders, the children will also have a fun time playing these simple games. This will allow the elders to feel more involved and will help them relax as well.

 Learning Arts & Crafts

Internet is now free and the amount of art and craft creativity present in this is really awesome. Everyone could learn this so why not your elder parents. Just make them comfortable to use this content and see the changes they could deliver. YouTube and similar apps are enough for them to learn new Arts. 

Virtual Travel

Yeah.You heard it right, who does not want to travel but in this COVID time this is restricted so why not we show them their dream place via Google art and culture. 


 Gardening is a relaxing activity. It gives them time to think and care. They will love this if we will plan this according to their choice. Beautiful pot and some indoor plants make this perfect for them.

 Exercise and Yoga

Yoga. This ancient age-old practice keeps you active throughout your life. Don’t keep this hard to them instead teach them easy, make them feel the power of yoga by simple practicing of Pranayam.

 So, these were some fun activities that can help seniors stay active during this quarantine. It is important that we take care of the elders so that they do not feel lonely or isolated.

 While these activities can help them stay busy, constant communication is the key for you to know about any specific issues that they might be facing.



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