What is community? Primary concept

What is community? Primary concept

Man has lived in communities since the

The word 'community' has been derived from two Latin words: namely, 'Com' and 'munis. In English, 'com means together and 'munis' means to serve. Thus, community means to serve together. It means, the 'community is an organization of human beings framed for the purposes of serving together. A community is a collection of interdependent people with residential ties to a particular locality. The territorial boundaries differentiate it from other groups, because most other groups are not tied to specific localities.
Communities are spatially specific but, otherwise, are unrestricted. They are unlike groups and organizations that have special interests and touch only a narrow part of their participants' levels. Communities encompass major portions of the lives and roles of their members. The term 'community' denotes almost uniformly and permanently shared lives of people over definite region. It may be considered as a permanent local aggregation of people having
The term 'community' has been defined in various ways. Some of the definitions are as follows:
According to MacIver :
According to Kingsley Davis :
According to Robert E. Park and Ernest W. Burgess :
According to M.C. Manzer :
According to C.F. Childe:
According to Lumbi :
According to Dawson and Gettys:
According to Lundberg:
According to Ferdinand Tonnies:
According to Talcott Parsons,
The definitions quoted above, emphasize the structural and sociological aspects of the community. But it is no less important to note that community is but a separated part of society viewed in its ecologically permanent state wherein the impulses, precisely spoken of as community sentiments play their diverse but at the same time unifying role.
The mark of a community is that one's life may be lived wholly within it. One cannot live wholly within a business organization or a church, but one can live wholly within a tribe or a city. The basic criterion of community then is that all of one's social relationships may be found within it.

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