3 Theories of Community development

3 Theories of Community development

Man has always lived in groups. It was not, however, until human groups began living a more or less sedentary life that settlements or communities, appeared. Different theories have been proposed on the development of communities. Prominent theories of the development of communities are given below:
1. Gras's Theory of Economic Change: The eminent economic historian N.S.B. Gras propounded the theory that the village community was preceded by a nomadic economy and the latter by a collectional economy, which was the most primitive. Villages developed into towns when a class of traders settled permanently in the villages and began trading from their homes. Finally, when conditions were favorable, the towns developed into metropolises, or large cities, which, according to Gras appeared with the rise of empires and nation-states. Gras contended that the following conditions must be present in order for a metropolis to arise : considerable natural resources, good for transportation conditions, i.e., land that lends itself to the construction of highways, with a location near navigation of water but at a considerable distance from other large cities, and a temperate climate.
2. Cooley's Theory of Transportation: Charles Horton Cooley put forth the theory that the development of large cities is primarily due to a "break in transportation" that is, an interruption in the movement of goods for the purpose of transferring them from one type of conveyance, say a wagon or railroad, to another, such as a mule or a boat. He distinguished two type of 'breaks', the physical and the commercial, both of which may be involved at one the same time. By the first he meant mere physical transfer or storage of goods, and by the second a change in ownership. Transfer necessitates various activities which bring people together. People co-operate to unload and store the commodities and to complete the financial transactions involved in the transfer of ownership. This procedure so requires warehouses and financial institutions, each with its personnel. The persons engaged in various tasks, the primary workers, attract other secondary workers who cater to their needs. Consequently, houses have to be built and hotels, lodging houses, and shops have to be established. Institutions and organizations of all types must be the founded to satisfy the need of the people. The more extensive the activities connected with the break in transportation, and the greater is the number of people involved. The concentration of people and activities stimulates production. As a a result, manufacturing also develops. Commercial development induces industrial activity. The modern metropolis video thus comes into existence.
Metropolitanism manifests itself in a remarkable development of subordinate communities around a central city place or their orientation towards it, so as to give the arrangement more or less of an integrated unity.
3. MacKenzie's Theory of Development of Transportation : R.D. McKenzie, in The Metropolitan Community, showed that the development of each of the three major types of transportation-water, rail, and motor-had a specific influence upon the course of city development in the United States. These three types of transportation played effective roles in certain periods, corresponding to phases of urban development. The water transportation period was important up to 1850 and marked the development of urban communities along the sea coasts, lakes, and navigable rivers. Rail transportation made possible the growth of towns and cities at junctions inland. Motor transportation, beginning early in the twentieth century, started the trend towards city regionalism.


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