UGC NET Social Work Solved Questions Paper -II June 2016

UGC NET Social Work Solved Questions Paper -II June 2016

Note- This paper contains fifty (50) objective type questions of two (2) marks each. All questions are compulsory.
1) The group is social group work iis-
1. Systematically formed
2. Contains specific objectives
3. Emphasis on individual
4. Spontaneously come to existence
(A) 1 only
(B) 1 and 2 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3 only
(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
Ans. (C)
2) ‘Conscentisation’ approach in community organization is-
(A) Providing services
(B) Praxis
(C) Organizing people at mass level
(D) Understanding community for research
Ans (C)
3) Which among the following is not correct with regard to counseling?
(A) In counseling, no concrete help is provided but only guidance is provided to solve his/her problem
(B) Counseling is a process
(C) Counseling aims at enabling individuals to solve present problems to prepare them for future tasks
(D) Counselor assists the counselee to make interpretations of facts relating to a choice, plan or adjustment.
Ans (A)
4) The sum of the deviations of all the values of X from their arithmetic mean is-
(A) Maximum
(B) Minimum
(C) Zero
(D) One
Ans (C)
5) Relationship between Mean, Median and Mode in a asymmetrical distribution is-
(A) Median=3 Mode- 2 Mean
(B) Mean= 2 Mode- 3 Median
(C) Mean= 3 Median – 2 Mode
(D) Mode= 3 Median – 2 Mean
Ans (D)
6) The household division of labour remains gendered which that-
(A) The distribution of household work between men and women is equal
(B) Women do the lion’s share of unpaid labour within households
(C) There is an increasing entry of women in labour force
(D) The lobour force comprises of equal number of both the sexes
Ans (B)
7) Probation of Offenders Act was  passed in India in the year-
(A) 1958
(B) 1960
(C) 1963
(D) 1986
Ans (A)
8) Which one of the following categories of Fundamental Rights incorporates ‘Abolition of Untouchability’?
(A) Right to Freedom of Religion
(B) Right to Equality
(C) Right to Freedom
(D) ‘Right against Exploitation
Ans (B)
9) Which of the following are the main processes of performance appraisal?
(A) Identification, Measurement, Management
(B) Assessment, Direction, Development
(C) Recruitment, Selection, On boarding
(D) Skill, Efforts, Responsibility
10) Grouping of similar type of work in an organization is known as-
(A) Job Classification
(B) Job Design
(C) Job Evaluation
(D) Job Description
Ans (A)
11) The theory of delinquent subculture was first articulated by-
(A) Albert Cohen
(B) Merton
(C) Wilson
(D) Jeffrey
Ans (B)
12) Blocking a wish or desire from expression is termed as-
(A) Denial
(B) Repression
(C) Projection
(D) Regression
Ans (B)
13) The sexual division of labour reappears in the labour market implying that-
1. Women are working in those very jobs they used to do at home
2. These jobs are low status and low paid with patriarchal relations intact
3. The shift iis from family-based to industrially-based patriarchy
(A) 1 only
(B) 1 and 2 only
(C) 1, 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 3 only
Ans (C)
14) Self-esteem is a-
(A) Personality
(B) Norm
(C) Trait
(D) Ritual
Ans (C)
15) Bhoodan took place fist in-
(A) Lingampalli
(B) Pochampalli
(C) Surat
(D) Ernakulam
Ans (B)
16) In case of negatively skewed distribution-
(A) Mean>Median>Mode
(B) Mean Median≥ Mode
(C) Mean < Median< Mode
(D) Mean = Median= Mode
Ans (C)
17) Biological school of thought on crime was proposed by-
(A) Dunhun
(B) Jock Young
(C) Lombroso
(D) Ferri
Ans (C)
18) Which among the following is associated with labeling theory in crime?
(A) Howard Becker
(B) Lombroso
(C) Sutherland
(D) Ferri
Ans (A)
19) What is the number of proposed indicators to compliance of Development Agenda title as transforming our World adopted in U.N. General Assembly?
(A) 310
(B) 315
(C) 290
(D) 304
Ans (D)
20) Effective time management is-
1. Plan long term
2. Plans short term
3. Make-to-do-list
4. Delegate tasks to other
(A) 3 and 4
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 2 and 4
(D) 1, 3 and 4
Ans (D)
21) Which of the following are methods of resolving disagreements?
1. Coercion
2. Altruistic concession
3. Mapping an issue
4. Avoidance
(A) 3 and 4
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Ans (D)
22) The term ‘half-widows’ is understood as-
(A) Woman whose husbands have disappeared but not declared dead
(B) Woman who have been victims of child marriage
(C) Women whose husbands are dead but their bodies not traced
(D) Women availing pension on behalf of their husbands
Ans (A)
23) Project proposal includes-
1. Challenges faced by the organization
2. Objective of the project
3. Budget
4. Liabilities
(A) 1 and 2 only
(B) 2 and 3 only
(C) 1, 3 and 4 only
(D) 1, 2 and 3 only
Ans (B)
24) Special homes as per the J.J. Act, 2016 are meant for-
(A) Street children
(B) Orphaned children
(C) Children in conflict with law
(D) Neglected children
Ans (C)
25) Metacommunication relates to –
(A) Verbal behavior
(B) Non-verbal cues
(C) Verbal and non-verbal behavior
(D) Para language
Ans (B)
26) When synergy takes place and develops-
(A) Team members adopt conservative ideas
(B) Team members take up tasks passionately
(C) Team members introspect themselves
(D) Team members reallocate their jobs roles
Ans (B)
27) Which are the elements that decide whether a person or an action is abnormal?
1. Suffering
2. Violation of standards
3. Loss of control
4. Insecurity
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(B) 1, 2 and 3 only
(C) 1 and 2 only
(D) 1 only
Ans (A)
28) Disorders of Traits are known as-
(A) Personality disorders
(B) Anxiety disorders
(C) Sexual disorders
(D) Obsessive-compulsive disorders
Ans (A)
29) Which scale is used to determine the relative intensity of different items?
(A) Thustron scale
(B) Likert scale
(C) Guttman scale
(D) Bogardus scale
Ans. (B)
30) Who is responsible for programme planning in the practice of social group work?
(A) Group worker
(B) Agency officials
(C) Members of the group with the guidance from the group worker
(D) Group leader
Ans. (C)
31) What is the relationship between community organization and community development?
(A) The two have nothing in common
(B) Community development is currently used mainly in relation to rural areas of less developed countries whereas community organization is used in areas in which levels of living are relatively high with well developed social service
(C) Both terms are often used interchangeably
(D) Community development is a field in which community organization is practiced by professionally trained community organizers
Ans (D)
32) Which of the following is not a skill needed for social group worker in the practice  of social group work?
(A) Skill in dealing with group feelings
(B) Skill in programme development
(C) Skill in participation
(D) Skill in evaluation
Ans (C)
33) Direct physical action model of social action is a form of –
(A) Elitist form of social action
(B) Popular form of social action
(C) Conscientization form of social action
(D) Legislative form of social action
Ans (A)
34) Thomas A. Harris describes the four possible life positions in transactional analysis that one takes about oneself and others. Arrange these positions in the sequence as described by him-
1. I am not OK-You are OK
2. I am OK – You are OK
3. I am not OK – You are not OK
4. I am OK – You are not OK
(A) 1, 3, 4, 2
(B) 1, 2, 3, 4
(C) 4, 3, 2, 1
(D) 2, 1, 3, 4
Ans (A)
35) The proper sequence of the steps in the Contact Phase of the Compton and Galaway’s Problem Solving Model is-
(A) Problem identification, Exploration, Contract, Goal identification
(B) Problem identification, Goal identification, Contract, Exploration
(C) Exploration, Contract, Problem identification, Goal identification
(D) Goal identification, Problem identification, Contract, Exploration
Ans (B)
36) Arrange the following commissions in sequence as per the year of establishment starting from the earliest to the later-
1. Central Information Commission
2. Central Commission for Safai Karamacharis
3. National Commission for Women
4. National Commission for Backward Classes
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4
(B) 3, 4, 2, 1
(C) 2, 4, 3, 1
(D) 4, 3, 1, 2
Ans (B)
37) Match the List-I with List-Ii and select the correct answer with the help of codes given below-
List-I (Characteristics)
(a) Uniqueness
(b) Subjectivity
(c) No prejudice
(d) Rationality
List-II (Principle of social case work)
1. Acceptance
2. Individualization
3. Non-judgmental attitude
4. Purposeful expression of feeling

Ans (A)
38) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer with the help of codes given below-
(a) Theory X
(b) Theory X
(c) Theory Z
(d) Two factor Theory
1. Control systems that are less formal
2. Motivation and Hygiene
3. Prefers to be directed
4. Self direction and self control

Ans (C)

39) Match List-I with List-I and select the correct answer with the help of codes given below-
List-I (Feeling Attitude)
(a) Developing feeling/attitude opposite to anxiety
(b) Avoiding anxiety
(c) Questioned to explain attitudes, beliefs or behavior
(d) Logic and reasoning for avoiding conflict
List-II (Defence Mechanism)
1. Intellectualization
2. Rationalization
3. Isolation
4. Reaction formation

Ans (D)
40) Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer with the help of codes given below-
List-I (Therapies/theories)
(a) Client-centered Therapy
(b) Cognitive Therapy
(c) Gestalt Therapy
(d) Functional Theory
List-II (Pioneers)
1. Aaron Beck
2. Otto Rank
3. Fritz Perls
4. Carl Rogers

Ans (C)
41) Assertion (A): The divorce rate in India is lesser than the Western Countries.
Reason (R): The rate of divorce will remain lesser in India due to socio-cultural ethos prevalent.
(A) (A) is correct and (R) is false
(B) Both (A) and (R) are false
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(D) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
Ans (C)
42) Assertion (A): when people are disabled by disease, stress s placed, in turn, on family members and others who support and sustain them.
Reason (R): Social workers address all relevant systems- biological, social and psychological that influences a person’s situation.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(D) (A) s false, but (R) is true
Ans (B)
43) Assertion (A): In India, people with mental disorders suffer from stigma
Reason (R): Many Indiana is conservative and orthodox.
(A) (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(B) (A) is correct and (R) is not correct
(C) Both (A) and (R) are not perfect
(D) (A) is not correct and (R) is correct
Ans (A)
44) Assertion (A): Working with families helps in social work practice.
Reason (R): Social workers must understand family background of client.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(C) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(D) (A) is incorrect but (R) is correct
Ans (C)
45) Assertion (A): For changing a system, the group must have access to strategic people or sub-groups within  the system
Reason (R): Group leadership must have competence to handle opinion makers.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are not correct
(B) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct
(C) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct
(D) Both (A) and (R) are correct
Ans (D)
Directions- (Q. 46 to 50) Read the passage given below and answer the following question as per understanding of the passage.
Extreme poverty is the result of permanent or long lasting forms of precariousness that undermine the capacity of individuals, families, communities and population groups. Extreme poverty cannot be overcome by material aid and capacity building alone, nor can poverty reduction initiatives be successful unless they are based on the recognition of the inherent dignity and on the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family.
In practice all over the world, social workers concern about poverty has increased because of their long history n working with the marginalized, or excluded, those lacking resources, scenarios which push them to poverty situations. There dimensions of extreme poverty namely: income poverty, human development poverty and social exclusion have been central concepts in the development of social work over the past century. At the micro level of daily practice, social workers are used to deal with poverty and also with the risk assessment, working creatively and innovatively to help people (individuals and communities) to understand their situation and to change their behavior and their environment, where possible.
One role that derives increased attention s community development, which requires skill in community analysis social planning, community organizing and social action. Community development requires the ability to foster economic opportunities for area residents through work on industrial retention, local business development, job training, and placement. Another role is community practice which calls for social workers to help people to discover their own resources and their own ability to create influence and positive change. The importance of this has been underscored by realizing that poverty involves a complex set of interactions between personal characteristics and a community’s resources and opportunities.
At times the role of social workers involves making though judgments about risk to individuals and at times they have to use their ability and influence to protect the victims of poverty from themselves or from others. Examples include situations of domestic violence, child abuse or mental health. Social worker’s long history of working with people in poverty situations and witnessing their changing behavior illustrates the importance of integrating theory about professional values that respect people, their choices and decisions.
In this approach, community practice combines work with individuals and families with community work, focusing on enhancing resources and opportunities along with personal capacities and as individuals develop out of their poverty situations,  so do communities, and the two become mutually reinforcing, creating a comprehensive and integrated model that addresses social and economic exclusion and social disintegration which is necessary for effective poverty eradication.

46) What can be best way of reducing poverty?
(A) Providing material aid and capacity building of poor
(B) Initiating more and more poverty reduction initiatives
(C) Recognizing the inherent dignity and rights of each member of the society
(D) Increasing the capacity of individuals, families, communities and population groups.
Ans (c)
47) At micro level, the social workers deal with poverty issues by-
(A) Helping people understand their situations and change their behavior and environment to the extent possible.
(B) Being creative and innovative in helping people.
(C) Increased attention to community development
(D) Developing skills in community analysis, social, social, community organization and social action
Ans (A)
48) What is the central idea emphasized in poverty reduction?
(A) Community development along with fostering economic opportunities
(B) Community practice and help people to discover resources
(C) Emphasis to use the ability of people and protect them from being victims of poverty.
(D) Community practice combined with individuals and families with community work, focusing on enhancing resources and opportunities.
Ans (D)
49) In community practice role, the social workers lay emphasis on-
(A) Viewing poverty as complex set of interactions between personal characteristics and community’s resources and opportunities
(B) Help people discover their own resources
(C) Help people discover their own ability to create influence and possible change
(D) Importance on personal characteristics of individuals and community resources and opportunities
Ans (A)
50) In the context of this paragraph, which of the following cannot be a role of social workers in poverty reduction?
(A) Provisioning materials aid to the victims of poverty
(B) Community development
(C) Community practice
(D) Tackling issues of domestic violence, child abuse or mental health
Ans (A)


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