Douglas and Friedlander's principles of social group work

Douglas and Friedlander's principles of social group work

  • Principles of Social Group Work by Douglas
  • Principles of Social Group Work by Friedlander 
Principles of Social Group Work by Douglas 
  1.  Recognition and subsequent action in relation to the unique difference of each Individual.
  2.  Recognition and subsequent action in relation to the wide variety of groups as groups.
  3. Acceptance of each individual with his/her unique strengths and weakness.  
  4. Establishment of the purposeful relationships between group work and group members.
  5. Encouragement and enabling to help and cooperative relationship between members.
  6. Adequate and appropriate modification of the group process.
  7. Encouragement of each member to participate according to the stage of his/her capacity and enabling them to become more capable.
  8. Enabling group members to participate in the problem-solving process.
  9. Enabling group members to experience satisfactory forms of working through the conflict.
  10. Provides of opportunity for a new and different experience in relation and accomplishment.
  11. The judicious use of limitation is related to the diagnostic assessment of each individual and total situation.
  12. Purposeful and differential use of the programs according to the diagnostic evaluation of the individual member, group purpose and appropriate social goals.
  13. Ongoing evaluation of individuals and group process.
  14. Warm human and disciplined use of self on part of the group worker.
Principles of social group work by Friedlander
  1. The work or functions of group work is helping and enabling. The prime goals of the worker are to help the group to move towards the greatest self-independence and capacity for self-help.
  2. It uses the scientific method for fact-finding, analyzing, and diagnosis of individuals and, the group and social environment.
  3. The group work method requires to form a purposeful relationship with the group members and with the group.
  4. The worker must be able to consciously use of self. It is about self-knowledge and self-discipline.
  5. Respect and acceptance of the group members without considering their behavior.
  6. Should develop the capacity to let the group develop from their own point.
  7. The constructive use of limitation. They must be used judiciously in relation to individuals and groups.
  8. Individualization.
  9. Use of the interacting process.
  10. Understanding and conscious use of the non-verbal program as well as verbal material 
  1. Mishra, P.D. Social Work Philosophy and methods.Inter-India Publication New Delhi.
  2. Konopka.G, Social Group Work a helping process. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs.


  1. Thank you so much, you are helping a lot to the students, I request you to provide the theories of group work soon

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