How to write an annual report

How to write an annual report

Annual reports are important documents of any organization. Very often this report considered to be the legal documents for the organization. It not only reflects the image of the organization but also presents the credibility and achievement of the organization. Knowing the art of drafting the annual report will always add an advantage in excelling career growth. Are you wondering about preparing an annual report for your department and you don't get any idea of how to go about? I tried to simplify the process of writing an annual report. You don't need to be savvy at writing but yes you are required to know the art of organizing information in the presentative format without losing its technicality. Follow the steps 

  • Step-1-Gather information from various department of your organization and people who are associated with the project or any program. 
  • Step-2-Outline it and make a checklist of the information.
  • Step-3- Make a draft and present it with your organizational head or show it in the group meeting.
  • Step-4-Carefully edit it after receiving feedback and suggestions from the people whom you have shown the drafted report.
  • Step- 5- Make a final draft. 
  • Step- 6- Check and ensure any enclosures are required for the report.
  • Step-7- Review your final draft. 
  • Step-8 -Go for final printing. 
You can also read:
Following content is meant for developing an idea only. I tried to facilitate the content of the report so that you can clearly identify what the report going to be like.
   A     Content of the annual report  
  • Message from Chairperson
  • Message from the director in charge
  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Action Plan 
  • Members profile   
  • Details profile of the organization.
  • Activities at a glance
  • Program and activities
  • Special Achievements  
  • Financial Transaction of the year including expenses, income,  and balance sheet.
  • Project Status 
  • Staff list of the organization  
  • Future Plan 
  • Information on Supporting Agencies 
  • Acknowledgment 
  • Conclusion 

Make sure to include that above information in your annual report. The Annual report is all about presenting the information about the organization and its activities including all the details, resources, event that took place during the proceeding year. You are advised to customize the content or edit them as per your requirement and information that you intend to include. Make it a comprehensive annual report by providing substantial information of year. It will be wise to organize your report into different section those sections should serve quality and quantitative information in a sequence way. Look at the synopsis of the annual report to picturise the entire body of the annual report.

    B    Synopsis of the annual report 

  1     Profile of the organization 
  • Brief History 
  • Legal Status 
  • Philosophy
  • Aims and Objectives 
  • Area of Operation 
  • Strategies 
  • Management      
   2     Introduction to paragraph 
  • Introduce the organization and its journey from inception. Briefly outline the progress and programs of the organization. 
   3     Aims and Objectives         
  • Clearly define what you wanted to achieve during the year.
   4     Action plans of the year   
  • The action plan that you have planned at the phase of planning state have to mention the details the strategies of your action plan.
   5   Member Profile 
  • List out the name of the members of your organization with their profile.
    6     Activities and achievement at a glance   
  • Provide details of each activity one by one mentioning the process of implementation and the participants in the activities. This narratives of the activities should be based on the principle of what, why, where, who, and how.
  7   Summarisation of impact and  special achievements 
  • Provide a summary of the impact of the activities implemented throughout the year.
    Project Status 
  • You can also add the current status of your ongoing project by providing its details account.
   9  List of the Staffs of the  Organization 
  • It is also advised to give the list and details of the existing human resources of your organization 
 10    List of the donor agencies.
  • You must include the list of the organizations which are supporting your project in terms of finance and technical services. you can add to the list of those organization who are associated with you in implementing the project. 
   11    Major problem faced      
  • Describe some of the major problems faced in the year while implementing the program and mention how you went about solving the problem.
  12     Future Plan 
  • You can also mention your future program and activities that you have planned out to implement in the new financial year. 
 13   Acknowledgment 
  • Acknowledge your gratitude and thanks to all those who supported you and contributed to the success of your organization in one year.
 14    Conclusion 
  • Conclude your report by summarizing the entire program of the year and the experience along with the organizational achievements.
 15  Annexures 
To make your report more transparent you can add the following materials for the reference purpose.
  • Audited Statement of the account.
  • Donnor agencies or supporting agencies list. 
  • List of the governing body members.
  • Maps of the operational areas.
  • Documents and photographs.
  • Any other necessary documents.

 Look at the annual report demo content


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