Cover Letter for-an-Internship Example Guide

Cover Letter for-an-Internship Example Guide

Very often a fresh graduate finds difficulties in drafting a cover letter. Although he/she managed to develop a candidature by looking at a  format and somebody else resume, however, they find writing a cover letter very difficult..It may not always easy to draft immediately the cover letter whenever apply for new opportunities. A cover letter truly demands constructive elements that represent the candidate. Look at the Do and Don't factor before drafting a cover letter for you.

 A  Dos: 
    • Do read and recognize your set of conventional and functional skills specifically. 
    • Do think carefully what information you are going to mention in the cover letter.
    • Do draft again and again unless you describe best of yourself. 
    • Do very formal, communicative, and should sound practical.
     B   Dont's:

    1. Do not make use of the same cover letter for every application. 
    2. Do not make an unnecessary claim of having so many skills.
    3. Do not write the information which is not relevant to the post. 
    4. Do not make use of the complex word, phrases, jargon, unfamiliar idioms.
    5. Do not make more pages of the cover letter.
    Look at the demo cover letter writing and the highlighted numbers, accordingly, you can customize your letter looking into your requirement and information. This is just a fictional demonstrative cover letter.
    You can also read :

    1. Give your details address and contact number.
    2. Mention details whom you are addressing the letter.
    3. Mention your subject of cover letter.
    4. Address the objective of your letter. 
    5. I've qualification details if completed or mentioned continuing
    6.  Provide hints of any experience if have. 
    7. Show your interest and passion. 
    8. Convince and demonstrate your skills and efficiencies. 
    9. Write properly closing paragraph by conveying you can. 
    10. give details if any document you send along with resume.


     1 Plot Not-121, Barseba
    Samarisa SN2 
     To   2  
    The Senior HR Manager 
    Abcd Foundation 
    Park Street Banglore 

     3  Sub- Applying for Internship  Program 

    Dear Sir,
     4  I am writing in responding to your advertisement appeared in leading job portal for the internship program on 10 April 2019, herewith enclosing my CV for your attention and consideration.
     5 I have currently completed my post graduation in Master in Rural Development (MRD) from Utkal University. Along with my qualification,  I carry 2 years of fieldwork experiences during my academic tenure.  I am very much enthusiastic to work with urban and  Rural communities as I am specialized in community organization and community program designing. My learning and experience will greatly applicable to your organization for the ongoing project.  I am well aware and good at conducting participatory rural appraisal(PRA)  Focused group discussion( FGD) and community visioning. I have also learned to prepare case studies and various short term research project reports. In addition. I have been good at computer and different applications such as MS Office, SPSS, 
    I feel that my experience and learning can make a real difference in your work process. I am also flexible to travel across the filed and your operational area. I can work every changing environment be it office or field. I may invite you to go through my cv  for more information about my candidature 

    Looking forward to hearing from you 

    With regards

    10 Enclosures:
    1.  Master Degree Certificates
    2. College recomendation 
    3. CV

    Cover letter demo format 


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