Basic Information for Formulating Project Proposal

Basic Information for Formulating Project Proposal

Following description is an attempt to provide a simple understanding of project formulation. There is another technical factor associate in formulating a project, despite its complexity and technicality I have tried to simplify it only to have an idea of formulating a project.   We developed an idea of conceptualizing a project for a welfare program. Now let us look at some important factor that is indeed important for formulating a comprehensive project. Project Formulation depends on two sets of information.
  1    Information regarding the organization.
  2    Information regarding the project.         

A project proposal must contain information regarding the implementing agency. A complete profile of the organization. The following information regarding the organization may be considered.

     1  Information regarding the organization.
  • Name of the organization - This information required of your organization name, address, contact details, and bank account information.   
  • Mission and Vision - The mission and vision of the organization should be clearly stated in the proposal.
  • Aims and Objectives- Organization's aims and objectives.
  • Legal Status of the organization - Proposal should contain information about the legal status of the organization. Whether the organization registered or not, hence the proposal should enclose a  copy of registration certificate.
  • Previous work details or experience of the organization- A details account of past work and expertise as well as the achievement of the organization should be mentioned.
  • Main activities of the organization- Provide the details of soul activities that the organization is undertaking since the beginning.
  • List of the governing body - A details list of governing body members of the organization and their roles should be mentioned. Name of the president and the secretary of the organization .
  • Decision-making process and structure- You can provide information on the process of decision making and how the decision is taken. Also, provide the organizational structure and department details with how those departments are functioning.
  • List of the resources of the organization - list out your existing resources including your manpower to technology, show you are credible enough to implement the project in terms of your resources
  • 10-Financial status of the organization- Give an account of the financial involvement of the organization.  Who are the existing project partners or the donor agencies which are in association with the organization?
Apart from the above if any information related to implementing agency you feel important should be mentioned in the proposal. This is about a set of information regarding the implementing agency. Now let us talk about the second set of information that is related to the project .

  2  Information regarding the project.

  • Project Title - Give Name and convey the purpose of the project. The title should be short and most refer to what the project is all about.
  • Problem Statement-Describe the problem its causes, its nature and how it affects the people. Discuss the details of how the problem is identified.
  • The project area of Operation- Provide information about the project implementation area where the project will be implemented. 
  • Problems aim and objectives- Clearly state that what the project intends to achieve or solve.
  • Action Plan- Define elaborately what is the plan to be undertaken to achieve objectives. 
  • Methodology - State what strategies you adopt to implement the Action Plan.
  • Time Frame - Frame out time to solve the identified problem, it means the duration of your project.
  • Budget estimation-Give financial details estimation of your project how much will it cost to implement the project.
  • Evaluation and Follow up - Describe the provision and mechanism to assess and know the result that you wanted to achieve.
  • Reference and Recommendation - Mention the name of person and institution that you know and they know you.

You can also look at the following explanation  


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