How to write a letter of notice for general body meeting
An Overview- You are working in state level organization and you are the person who is entrusted with the responsibility of official correspondence and communication and you are asked by your supervisor to draft a letter of notice for the general body meeting of your organization. How will you draft? Take a look at the following it may give you an idea. Lets get started.
How to Draft a notice for general body meeting
Header and logo of the organization
Ref.No________ Date______
The Members of Change India
Dear Members,
This is for your kind information that the ‘Annual General Body meeting' of the Change India organization will be held on 20thDecember 2018 from awards in the regional office of Bhubaneswar kindly confirm your participation either though mail or telephone. Following are the agenda for the meeting.
1. Roll Call
2. Welcome note and address by the secretary of the organization
3. Introductory speech by the President
4. Reading and review of the Annual report and statement of the account by the secretary
5. Discussion and suggestion on the report and the account.
6. Presentation of the budget and action plan and budget for the upcoming year
7. Discussion on the feasibility study of the proposed project.
8. Resolution
9. Vote of thanks
With Best Regard
Yours secretary
(Name and Designation)
Refer to the demo format

Basic Info
1. You can look at the top of the left side of the letter there is an abbreviation Ref it stand for the word reference. Every official correspondences have unique code or internal file number of the organization. The name of the organization mentioned in the demo letter is purely fictional.