How to write an application for Grant in Aid

How to write an application for Grant in Aid

You are a member or secretary of the School Management Committee(SMC) and you are told to write an application for a grant in aid for the management of your village school than how would you go about writing. You may refer to the following sample.



Sub-Application for grant in Aid

Dear Sir,

I the secretary on behalf of _______________________Upper Primary School would like to bring your kind notice to the following facts of consideration and sympathetic actions.

That the School is located in educationally backward area in the district of ____________________Which was established in the year________________. Total strength of the school is around 400 and six teachers with requisite qualification have been appointed and discharging their duty satisfactory.

That Sir, after functioning of the School we applied for the recognition and the government vide the letter No _____ Dt______ have been pleasured to grant recognition. That the tuition fee being charged from the students is not sufficient to meet the salary of the teachers and monthly expenses of the school.

In view of the above, it is requested and prayed that grant in aid please be accorded in the favour of this upper primary school as soon as possible for better management of the school.

Thanking You

Your Faithfully


Secretary of the Managing Committee

ABCD Upper Primary School


Thank You
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