Writing a minute for a meeting

Writing a minute for a meeting

The soul purpose of writing minute is to have a written record of proceeding meeting it may be a meeting of a any kind. It is important to remember that Minutes have great legal value, in case of disputes or disturbance arises the minute may be required to support the organization claim in the court or other office, that is why it has to be carefully drafted and recorded.

What minute is all about ?

A minutes are the officials written record of meetings of an organization and company . It can be understood as the brief record of the proceeding of an  officials discussion in order to document it. The written document describes the event,list of participants, and decision and resolutions.
Significance of minutes

  • Minutes are the recorded written documents of the meetings and acts as review documents in order to measures the progress.

  •  It also helps as accountability tools,

  • It intensify the actions of the organizations. It reminds what action is to be taken who is to be responsible for it and all the discussion of meetings updated in the next meeting.
If you are writing a minute for an Voluntary organization the following content can be adopted

  • Name of the organization 

  • Serial number, date and place as well as time of the meeting

  • Name of the participants and the absent as well

  • Name of the chair person

  • Important points of discussion 

  • List out important recommendation ,suggestion, and task to be done,

  • Signature of the secretary or the chair persons  
Sample of Minute writing

 Minute of the general body meeting 
The first meeting of the ABCD organization was held at 10 am Saturday ,July 12,2018, at the (Name of the place with address) participated by the following members.

  1. ___________

  2. ___________

  3. ___________

  4. ____________

  5. ____________
After warm welcome introduction by Sri XYZ,The meeting unanimously elected Dr MNP to chair the proceeding.The agenda for the meeting was as follows:

  1. Discussion and proposal for the formation of the society.

  2. Discussion Regarding the registration of the society.
Members expressed their desire to form a society and proposed name for the society. And Mr. SYS proposed the name of the society "JANA KALYAN" members of the meeting appreciated and welcomed it passed the resolutions for the approval of the name" JANA KALYAN" was collectively passed.

Resolution No 1
 It is decided that the Society be formed to carry out the objective that has been cited in the memorandum and that the Society name shall be JANA KALANA.
Then the meeting took up for discussion ,the memorandum  of association and bylaws of the society  prepared by Mr.MNO, the meeting finalize the draft and unanimously approved the memorandum of association and bye-laws of the  society by passing a resolution.

Resolution No-2

It has been resolved that the society under the name JANA KALYANA be officially registered under the society registration act of 1860.The meeting authorised the secretary to peruse the matter and take necessary action and do the needful to get registration done.

The meeting ended with the vote of thanks

Sample copy of minute writing.


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